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Abonner Lycos Europe N.V.

Lycos Europe N.V.

euro adhoc: Annual Reports
Lycos Europe N.V. closes the financial year 2007 with a EUR (18.2) mln EBITDA loss and due to special items with a net profit of EUR 40.1 mln

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
annual report
Haarlem / Netherlands, February 26, 2008 - LYCOS Europe N.V. 
("LYCOS"),  one  of the leading European portal providers and online 
advertisers,  today  published its consolidated financial statements 
for the year ended December 31, 2007.
The EBITDA for the year ended December 31, 2007 amounted to EUR  
(18.2)  million compared to EUR (4.6) million in the reference period
in 2006. The main  reasons are the negative advertising revenue 
development of own  products,  which  could not be  compensated  by  
the  growing  third  party  advertising  revenues,  the increase in 
paid service and shopping revenues together with  a  reduced  margin 
due to the change in  the  revenues  mix,  a  general  margin  
decrease  in  the Shopping business, an increase in cost of revenues 
partly related  to  the  move to a new data center and additional 
marketing initiatives for LYCOS iQ.
The net profit increased to EUR 40.1 million for 2007 compared to 
2006 (EUR  1.7 million). This strong increase in profit is mainly 
driven  by  the  disposal  of several investments and the disposal of
the Swedish Access business.
Cash, cash equivalents and other investments increased to EUR 157.2  
million  as at December 31, 2007 compared to EUR 93.3 million as at 
December 31, 2006.  This
leads to a cash ratio of 4.1  (cash,  cash  equivalents  and  other  investments
divided by total liabilities), which shows  the  strong  financial  position  of
LYCOS Europe.
|                      |            |Year ended |Year ended |Change   |
|                      |            |December   |December   |         |
|                      |            |31, 2007   |31, 2006   |         |
|                      |            |           |           |         |
|Revenues              |in mln EUR  |76.7       |82.4       |(7)%     |
|                      |            |           |           |         |
|EBITDA                |in mln EUR  |(18.2)     |(4.6)      |>(100)%  |
|                      |            |           |           |         |
|EBIT                  |in mln EUR  |(44.0)     |(13.1)     |>(100)%  |
|                      |            |           |           |         |
|Net profit            |in mln EUR  |40.1       |1.7        |>100%    |
|                      |            |           |           |         |
|                      |            |           |           |         |
|Earnings per share    |in EUR      |0.13       |0.01       |>100%    |
|(diluted and          |            |           |           |         |
|undiluted)            |            |           |           |         |
In 2008 the goal is to continue our focus on growth  areas  consistently.  LYCOS
Europe will focus on and accentuate the areas of advertising and  shopping.  The
Company believes that the combination of creative product  development  and  the
capability  for  technological  innovation   will   enable   LYCOS   Europe   to
differentiate itself from other participants in the market  and  to  generate  a
sustained competitive advantage.
About Lycos Europe
Lycos  Europe  (ISIN  NL0000233195)  is  one  of  the  leading  European  portal
providers and online advertisers  operating  a  network  of  websites  in  seven
languages  in  Europe  and  the  USA.  The  company's  combination  of   search,
communication  services,  online  communities,   content   channels,   shopping,
homepage building and domain  names  registration  addresses  a  wide  range  of
target groups.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

|LYCOS Europe |LYCOS Europe |
|Investor Relations |Public Relations |
|Sebastian Giese |Frauke Riva |
|T: +49-(0)5241-80-71135 |T: +49-(0)5241-80-71050 |
|F: +49-(0)5241-80-671135 |F: +49-(0)5241-80-671050 |
|E: |E: |

Branche: Software
ISIN: NL0000233195
WKN: 932728
Index: Prime All Share, Technologie All Share
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Börse Berlin / free trade
Börse Hamburg / free trade
Börse Stuttgart / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Börse Hannover / free trade
Euronext - Paris / free trade
Börse München / free trade

Plus de actualités: Lycos Europe N.V.
Plus de actualités: Lycos Europe N.V.