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Abonner Eybl International AG

Eybl International AG

euro adhoc: Eybl International AG
Eybl International AG releases key figures for the first quarter of trading year 2008/09

Eybl International AG (ISIN: AT0000908157) -

  Ad-hoc-Mitteilung übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel einer
  europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent verantwortlich.
- Sales as anticipated during reporting period - First restructuring 
measures already implemented - Significant productivity increases in 
selected areas already achieved - Profits below budget, but improved 
against fiscal year 2007/08
Krems, 18 August 2008.
an internationally
respected manufacturer of components for automotive interiors, 
specialising in the production of car textiles and the manufacture of
seat upholstery in fabric and leather, with around 4,100 employees at
nine production locations in Austria, Hungary, Romania, Germany and 
Slovakia - has released its key accounting figures for the first 
quarter of the 2008/09 trading year.
During the first quarter of 2008/09, Eybl reported sales of EUR 82.4 
million, equating to an increase of around 8% against the comparable 
value for the previous year (EUR 76.6 million). Customer demand 
relating to the new Passat CC project exceeded expectations and was 
instrumental in effecting this rise in sales.
Financial growth
EBIT to the value of EUR -1.4 million comprises operating profits of 
EUR -3.8 million and extraordinary influences of EUR 2.4 million.
Operating profits are below budget, and were affected by special 
costs resulting from project launches and restructuring expenses to 
the value of some EUR 1.0 million, but are nevertheless markedly 
higher than profits for trading year 2007/08.
The extraordinary influences essentially comprise positive currency 
differences based on the strong Forint exchange rate.
Owing to the net loss for the period as at 30 June 2008 to the amount
of EUR 3.9, equity as at 30 June 2008 fell to EUR 3.6 million (31 
March 2008: EUR 6.2 million).
At EUR 228.1 million, total assets remain unchanged against 31 March 
Liquid assets have achieved a satisfactory level of EUR 8.5 million 
(31 March 2008: EUR 14.2 million) prior to implementation of the 
measures provided for in the debt-burden agreement dated 25 June 2008
such as an increase in capital and the disposal of assets not 
operationally necessary.
Key operating figures:
Amounts in MEUR 1 April - 30 June   1 April - 30 June   1 April - 30 June
                2008                2007                2006
Revenue         82.4                76.6                79.6
EBIT            -1.4                1.3                 1.1
Earnings from   -3.8                -0.5                -2.0
normal operations
Net loss for    -3.9                -0.4                -1.9
the period
30 June 2008    31 March 2008    30 June 2007
Fixed assets           113.5           112.0            119.3
Liquid assets          8.5             14.2             12.4
Other assets           106.1           101.9            97.3
ASSETS                 228.1           228.1            229.0
Equity                 3.6             6.2              55.5
Financial liabilities  134.6           134.1            98.9
Other liabilities      89.9            87.8             74.6
LIABILITIES            228.1           228.1            229.0
It is anticipated that the measures defined in the debt-burden agreement, such
as the disposal of non operating assets and the redemption of corporate bonds
held by institutional major investors approached directly, will have been
implemented to a large extent by the end of the second quarter.
On the basis of the measures defined in the debt-burden agreement 
dated 25 June 2008, Eybl is anticipated to report an equity ratio of 
approximately 40% on 30 September 2008.
Following the implementation of the initial measures, the management 
team is anticipating a stable quality and productivity situation from
the third quarter of trading year 2008/09 onwards. The management 
team is subsequently planning to advise  key customers during regular
top-level customer visits with respect to progress in the 
restructuring of the company.
Balance sheet date amendment
In contrast to the Austrian legal situation, which applies to the 
individual accounts of Eybl International AG, in the group accounts, 
in accordance with the IFRS, the increase in capital may only be 
reported following a resolution and entry in the Commercial Register.
So that the restructured group accounts may be documented as quickly 
as possible, it is necessary to prepare the next annual report with 
minimal delay and thus to move the balance sheet date from 31 March 
to 30 September.


Eybl International AG
Investor Relations
Robert Gabriel
Tel.: +43 (0) 2732 881-300
Fax: +43 (0) 2732 881-79

Branche: Fachhandel
ISIN: AT0000908157
WKN: 914117
Index: WBI, Standard Market Auction
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / Amtlicher Handel

Plus de actualités: Eybl International AG
Plus de actualités: Eybl International AG