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Abonner ComBOTS AG


euro adhoc: ComBOTS AG
quarterly or semiannual financial statement
ComBOTS AG's first half-year 2006 characterized by preparation for the successful product launch on July 13, 2006

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc.
  The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
Karlsruhe/Germany, July 27, 2006 --- ComBOTS AG (FSE: CMBT) today
announced  its half year results for fiscal 2006. H1/06 and
especially the second quarter  were characterized by intensive
product development, setup of the organisation  and infrastructure,
successful presentation of its new   personal digital communication
service on July 13, and  the start of the step-by-step market
As part of investments across all functional areas, second quarter
research  and development expenses increased to EUR 8.9 million
(Q1/06: EUR 6.3 million). The efforts focused on the completion of
the ComBOTS communication service launched on schedule as well as on
the built-up of an extremely powerful data  center in order to
provide users with an entirely new communication experience.
The company was able to hire 54 new employees during the  second
quarter,  thus staffing most of the open positions planned for 2006.
This was a  prerequisite in order to provide a solid and scalable
organization, which is  prepared  for worldwide success.
Consequently, the headcount increased to  153 by June 30, 2006.
Based on the investments into the new service as well as into the
organization and infrastructure, the consolidated pre-tax result
(EBT) in Q2/06 summed up  to EUR -8.3 million (Q1/06:  EUR -6.8
million). The EBT for H1/06 came out  at  EUR -15.1 million resulting
in a net loss for the period of EUR  -13.9  million.  As of June 30,
2006, the net liquid assets of ComBOTS AG of EUR 450 million
(Year-end 2005: EUR 439 million) break down into EUR 190 million in
cash and  EUR 260 million for the 9.31 percent stake in United
Internet AG. The increased value of the United Internet investment
since the beginning of the fiscal year, amounting to EUR 72 million,
has not been recognized as income in the profit and loss statement.
Appendix: Table financial figures
|In EUR Million           |Q2/06  |Q2/05  |Q1-Q2/06  |Q1-Q2/05  |
|Revenues                 |0      |0.2    |0         |0.4       |
|Research and development |-8.9   |-2.9   |-15.3     |-5.6      |
|Operating result         |-12.4  |-3.4   |-20.9     |-6.1      |
|Financial income         |3.3    |0.7    |4.9       |1.7       |
|Net result for the period|-9.3   |1.8    |-13.9     |3.4       |
|Net result per share (in |- 0.26 |0.05   |-0.39     |0.09      |
|Euro)                    |       |       |          |          |
|Cash and marketable      |450.0  |105.3  |450.0     |105.3     |
|securities               |       |       |          |          |
|Balance sheet total      |501.2  |164.0  |501.2     |164.0     |
Additional information:
Following the product premiere on July 13, the step-by-step market launch  of
the ComBOTS communication service started. Thousands of initial users are  now
being invited to test  the  product. Starting on the opening day of the
International Consumer Electronics  Show  (IFA) in Berlin,  from September 1,
ComBOTS will be available to the general public at
Trading still close to the value of its liquid assets, the management of ComBOTS
is convinced, that the current share price does not reflect the potential of the
company, i.e. the product, the three years of heavy investments, the
intellectual property, the worldwide markets, the experience of the team, the
fast distribution concept and the attractive business model.
For further information please visit where the detailed
quarterly and half year report is available, too, including a letter to the
shareholders from Chairman and Founder Michael Greve.
Contact at ComBOTS:
Achim Schneider
Investor Relations
Tel. +49 721 5160 2700
Oliver Schwartz
Public Relations
Tel. +49 721 5160 2221
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 27.07.2006 08:21:29

Further inquiry note:

Silvia Teschner
Investor Relations
Tel.: +49 (0)721 5160 0

Branche: Online
Index: TecDAX, Midcap Market Index, HDAX, Prime All Share, CDAX
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing/prime
Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade

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Plus de actualités: ComBOTS AG