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Abonner ComBOTS AG


euro adhoc: ComBOTS AG
quarterly or semiannual financial statement
Ad-hoc disclosure according to §15 WpHG (German Securities Trading Act): ComBOTS AG - Q1 Report for Financial Year 2007

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
3-month report
Karlsruhe/Germany, April 19, 2007. ComBOTS AG (ISIN: DE000CMBT111) 
today announced its Q1 results for fiscal year 2007. In Q1 the EBITDA
loss decreased quarter-to-quarter from -7.1 million Euro in Q4/2006 
by 16.9 % to -5.9 million Euro (Q1/2006: -7.5 million Euro). 
Accordingly, earnings before tax improved on a quarterly basis from 
-7.9 million Euro to -7.2 million Euro in the first quarter 2007. The
first quarter 2007 closed with a net result of -7.2 million Euro.
The value of our 9.3% shareholding in United Internet rose by 47.3 
million Euro or 16.3 % during Q1. Hence, liquid assets (including 
tradable securities) for the quarter ended March 31, 2007, amounted 
to 496.2 million Euro (Year-end 2006: 462.7 million Euro). See the 
table below for further details on the key financial figures for 
|in million Euro                              | Q1/2007|Q4/2006|Q1/2006|
|Revenues                                     |   0.0  | 0.0   |   0.0 |
|Marketing and advertising                    |  (1.2) |(1.9)  |  (0.7)|
|General administration costs                 |  (0.9) |(0.3)  |  (1.5)|
|Research and development                     |  (6.1) |(6.7)  |  (6.3)|
|Operating result (EBIT)                      |  (8.2) |(8.8)  |  (8.5)|
|Amortization of intangible and tangible      |   2.3  | 1.7   |   1.0 |
|assets                                       |        |       |       |
|EBITDA                                       |  (5.9) |(7.1)  |  (7.5)|
|Financial income and income from associated  |   1.0  | 0.9   |   1.7 |
|companies                                    |        |       |       |
|Earnings before tax                          |  (7.2) |(7.9)  |  (6.8)|
|Tax income                                   |   0.0  | 1.0   |   2.2 |
|Net result for the period                    |  (7.2) |(6.9)  |  (4.6)|
|Net result for the period per share (in Euro)|  (0.20)|(0.19) | (0.13)|
|Liquid funds and other securities            |  496.2 |462.7  | 516.2 |
|Shareholders' equity                         |  523.1 |488.5  | 539.4 |
|Balance sheet total                          |  539.8 |562.5  | 559.5 |
For further information, please visit where the detailed Report
for the first quarter of 2007 is available including a letter to the
shareholders from chairman and founder Michael Greve.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 19.04.2007 07:41:15

Further inquiry note:

Contacts @ ComBOTS:

For Analysts and Investors:

Silvia Teschner
Investor Relations
Tel. +49 721 5160 2701

For Press and Media:

Oliver Schwartz
Corporate Communications
Tel. +49 721 5160 2222

Branche: Online
Index: Prime All Share, CDAX, Technologie All Share
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing/prime
Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade

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