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Abonner ItN Nanovation AG

ItN Nanovation AG

euro adhoc: ItN Nanovation AG
Half-yearly Report
Announcement according to articles 37v ff. WpHG [Securities Trading Act] with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution

  Tip announcement for financial statements transmitted by euro adhoc. The
  issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
The financial statement is available:
in the internet at:
in the internet on:    31.08.2007
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 29.08.2007 09:59:55

Further inquiry note:

Branche: Technology
ISIN: DE000A0JL461
Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technologie All Share
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Börse Berlin / free trade
Börse Stuttgart / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Börse München / free trade

Plus de actualités: ItN Nanovation AG
Plus de actualités: ItN Nanovation AG