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Abonner CA Immo International AG

CA Immo International AG

euro adhoc: CA Immo International AG
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
INTERIM RESULT FOR CA IMMO INTERNATIONAL AG AS OF 30 juni 2008 . Rental income comparable to that of previous year . Sharp rise in EBITDA; consolidated net income down ...

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  for the content of this announcement.
6-month report
Vienna, August 29, 2008. The result for this year's first half is 
characterised by largely stable operative business development, but 
also by the absence of revaluation profit compared to the previous 
year. The rental income in the first half of 2008 was EUR 18.9 m, 
slightly less than the previous year's figure (EUR 19.1 m), the net 
operating income increased by 11% to EUR 18.3 m. Despite the 
difficult market environment, CA Immo International AG successfully 
sold the Renaissance Tower in Warsaw at a price that was 10% above 
the latest valuation as of December 31. This gain of EUR 7.0 m made a
decisive contribution to the increase in EBITDA, which increased by 
22% from EUR 16.0 m to EUR 19.5 m. The result from revaluation was 
EUR -0.6 m after EUR 29.4 m in the first half year 2007. As a result 
the EBIT decreased from EUR 44.6 m to EUR 17.8 m in the first half of
2008. In particular, a non-cash tax effect in the second quarter led 
to an increase in tax expense of EUR -7.6 m E in the first half of 
2007 to EUR -9.8 m in the first half of 2008. Overall, this led to a 
decline in consolidated net income from EUR 36.8 m to EUR 7.8 m. Net 
asset value (NAV) per share amounted to EUR 14.85 as of 30 June 2008 
(31.12.2007: EUR 14.93), NNNAV per share was EUR 15.54, thus being 
unchanged from 31 December 2007 despite the payment of a dividend in 
the second quarter of 2008. For the year's second half, the company 
expects to see a largely unchanged operative environment, whereas the
overall result will depend on how the real estate market develops.
Key financial figures
|                                  |           |           |         |
|in million EUR                    |1st HY 2008|1st HY 2007|Change   |
|Rental income                     |18.9       |19.1       |-1 %     |
|Net operating income              |18.3       |16.5       |+11 %    |
|Result from the sale of properties|7.0        |3.9        |+78 %    |
|EBITDA                            |19.5       |16.0       |+22 %    |
|Change from revaluation           |(0.6)      |29.4       |n.m.     |
|Operating result (EBIT)           |17.8       |44.6       |- 60 %   |
|Financial result                  |(0.3)      |(0.2)      |n.m.     |
|Net income before taxes (EBT)     |17.6       |44.4       |- 60 %   |
|Consolidated net income           |7.8        |36.8       |- 79 %   |
|Consolidated net income after     |           |           |         |
|minority interest                 |9.6        |37.7       |- 75 %   |
|Earnings per share (in EUR)       |0.22       |0.87       |- 75 %   |
|Operating cash-flow               |11.6       |11.2       |- 4 %    |
|Rental income per share (in EUR)  |0.43       |0.44       |- 1 %    |
|                                  |           |           |         |
|                                  |30-6-08    |31-12-07   |Change   |
|Property assets (EUR m)           |736.5      |708.4      |+4 %     |
|NAV per share (in EUR)            |14.85      |14.93      |-1 %     |
|NNNAV per share (in EUR)          |15.54      |15.54      |+0 %     |
Further inquiries:
CA Immo International AG
Bruno Ettenauer
Wolfhard Fromwald
Susanne Steinböck (Corporate Communication)
Claudia Hainz (Investor Relations)
T: 01/532 59 07
F: 01/532 59 07-510
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

CA Immo International AG
Mechelgasse 1, 1010 Wien
Tel. +43/1/532 59 07
Fax +43/1/532 59 07-510

Branche: Real Estate
Index: WBI, ATX Prime
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

Plus de actualités: CA Immo International AG
Plus de actualités: CA Immo International AG