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Abonner CA Immo International AG

CA Immo International AG

EANS-Adhoc: CA Immo International AG
Increase of rental income in challenging environment - further market induced revaluations

  ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
  distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
6-month report
Interim report as of 30 June 2009
. Rental income increased by 5 %
    . Reduction of indirect expenses by 30 %
    . Reduction of EBITDA as a consequence of lower result from sales of
    . Non-cash effective revaluation result of EUR -102.9m
    . Increase of operating cash flow by 10%
    . Management optimistic regarding business outlook
Vienna, August 27 2009. The rental income of the CA Immo 
International Group increased by 5 % compared to the first half of 
the previous year and reached EUR 19.9 m. The implementation of cost 
cutting measures lead to a significant reduction of indirect 
expenditures, which decreased by 30 % to EUR 5.0 m. There were no 
sales of properties in H1 2009, while in the previous year property 
sales had contributed EUR 7.0 m to the result. Consequently EBITDA 
decreased (H1 2009: EUR 13.5 m vs. EUR 19.5 m in H1 2008). The 
revaluation result amounted to EUR -102.9 m. The changes in value 
reflect the increase in real estate yields that was noticeable in all
markets of CA Immo International until the end of the second quarter.
In addition to the financing costs of EUR -8.4 m, the financial 
result was also negatively impacted by non- cash negative effects 
from valuation changes of interest rate hedges and impairments of 
affiliated companies and therefore amounted EUR -13.6 m for the first
six months of 2009 (H1 2008: EUR -0.3 m). Net income after minorities
was EUR -80.8 m (H1 2008: EUR 9.6 m). The operating cash flow, 
however, showed a significantly positive development and reached EUR 
12.7 m, an increase of 10 % compared to the first half of 2008. The 
equity ratio of CA Immo International at the balance sheet date 
reached 51.1 %. Net debt as of 30 June 2009 was EUR 202.5 m compared 
to a real estate portfolio of EUR 700.5 m. Net asset value (NAV) per 
share as of  30 June 2009 was EUR 10.34 (Dec 31 2008: EUR 12.20).
As it was the case in the previous quarters, the result was mainly 
influenced by the development of the property values. Following the 
revaluations of the first half of 2009 the average gross-rental yield
(actual rents / real estate values excluding new completions) of the 
property assets let amounted to 8.3 % (7.9 % in CEE und 9.0 % in 
SEE), a significant increase compared to the end of 2008 (7.3 %). CA 
Immo International is confident that in an unchanged market 
environment these revaluations sufficiently provide for the further 
development of real estate values in East- and Southeast Europe. 
Therefore an improvement in the earnings situation can be expected 
for the second half of 2009.
The financial report for the first six months 2009 of CA Immo 
International AG is available on
Key financial figures
|                                         |            |           |         |
|in EUR million                             |H1 2009     |H1 2008    |change   |
|Rental income                            |19.9        |18.9       |5.2%     |
|Net operating income                     |17.4        |18.3       |-5.1%    |
|Result from the sale of investment       |0.0         |7.0        |n.a.     |
|properties                               |            |           |         |
|Indirect expenditure                     |-5.0        |-7.1       |-30.2%   |
|EBITDA                                   |13.5        |19.5       |-30.5%   |
|Revaluation result                       |-102.9      |-0.6       |n.a.     |
|EBIT                                     |-89.5       |17.8       |n.a.     |
|Financing costs                          |-8.4        |-7.1       |19.2%    |
|Other financial result                   |-5.2        |6.8        |n.a.     |
|Net income before taxes (EBT)            |-103.0      |17.6       |n.a.     |
|Consolidated net income                  |-86.0       |7.8        |n.a.     |
|Consolidated net income, parent company  |-80.8       |9.6        |n.a.     |
|Result per share (in EUR)                  |-1.86       |0.22       |n.a.     |
|Operating cash flow                      |12.7        |11.6       |9.5%     |
|                                         |            |           |         |
|                                         |30 June 2009|30 June    |         |
|                                         |            |2008       |         |
|Property assets                          |700.5       |751.7      |-6.8%    |
|Total assets                             |936.9       |996.2      |-6.0%    |
|Lt. financial liabilities                |272.8       |287.2      |-5.0%    |
|St. financial liabilities                |66.3        |28.4       |133.5%   |
|Cash and cash equivalents                |136.6       |148.8      |-8.2%    |
|Equity                                   |478.6       |558.5      |-14.3%   |
|Equity ratio                             |51.1%       |56.1%      |         |
|NAV per share (in EUR)                     |10.34       |12.20      |-15.2%   |
|NNNAV per share (in EUR)                   |10.59       |12.65      |-16.3%   |
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

CA Immo International AG
Florian Nowotny (Investor Relations)
Claudia Hainz (Investor Relations)
Tel.: +43 (0)1 532 59 07
Fax: +43 (0)1 532 59 07-595

Mag. Claudia Hainz
Tel.: 01/532 59 07-502

Mag. Florian Nowotny
Tel.: 01/532 59 07-518

Branche: Real Estate
Index: WBI, ATX Prime
Börsen: Wien / official market

Plus de actualités: CA Immo International AG
Plus de actualités: CA Immo International AG