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A-TEC Industries AG

euro adhoc: A-TEC Industries AG
Government Contracts
A-TEC Industries in consortium wins major order for hard-coal-fired power station in Germany

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Company Information/Major order
Vienna, 20 September 2007 - A-TEC Industries AG (ISIN AT00000ATEC9) 
announces that its wholly owned subsidiary Austrian Energy & 
Environment (AE&E), has been awarded a major contract for the 
hard-coal-fired power station in Lünen, Germany. AE&E´s share of the 
total value of the project is about EUR 280m.
The consortium - consisting of Siemens Power Generation, AE&E Group 
and Japanese power station constructor IHI - has received an order 
for the construction of an 800 MW turnkey power station from Trianel 
Power-Projektgesellschaft Kohlekraftwerk mbH & Co. KG (TPK). The 
facility is scheduled for completion and handover in 2012.
AE&E´s contribution covers engineering services, supplying the 
components for the entire flue gas desulphurisation system and major 
steam generation components, fitting all the systems for the boiler 
island and bringing the latter online. The order marks AE&E's entry 
into the large-scale coal-fired power station market.
An EPC agreement (engineering, procurement and commissioning) between
the three consortium partners bringing together their joint expertise
in environmental technology and guaranteeing optimal interaction was 
instrumental in winning the order for the consortium.
AE&E Group and leading Japanese power station constructor IHI agreed 
on strategic cooperation in November 2006. The international energy 
specialists´ partnership focuses on the fast-growing German 
coal-fired power station market.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 20.09.2007 11:10:37

Further inquiry note:

Investor Relations Contact:
Gerald Wechselauer
Head of Investor Relations
Phone: +43 1 22760 - 130
Mobile: +43 (0)664 6104475

Press Contact:
Claudia Müller-Stralz
Pleon Publico Public Relations & Lobbying
Phone: +43-1-71786-107

Branche: Holding companies
Index: ATX Prime
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / Regulated free trade

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Plus de actualités: A-TEC Industries AG