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A-TEC Industries AG

euro adhoc: A-TEC Industries AG
A-TEC Industries appoints Christian Schrötter as Chief Financial Officer

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Company Information
Vienna, 13 November 2007 - A-TEC Industries AG (ISIN AT00000ATEC9) 
has appointed Christian Schrötter, at present CFO of ATB Austria 
Antriebstechnik AG, as Chief Financial Officer of A-TEC Industries 
Group with effect from 1 January 2008. Mr. Schrötter will continue to
act as ATB Group´s CFO until a suitable successor can be appointed.
"The rate at which we are growing, and the increasing number of 
subsidiaries involved, has meant that we have been looking for an 
experienced board-level financial officer for the whole A-TEC Group. 
Christian Schrötter is a manager from our own ranks with outstanding 
experience, and I am very pleased that he has accepted the position. 
Part of his job will be to strengthen strategic financial planning at
the holding company level," explains Christian Schmidt, A-TEC 
Industries AG´s Chief Operating Officer.
Christian Schrötter, 44, studied business informatics and has an 
international MBA. His first job was as an auditor with Price 
Waterhouse in Vienna. While working there, he was seconded to Miami 
in the USA, and was subsequently employed by US company Alamo. In 
2001 he moved to mobile telephone operator ONE as Chief Financial 
Officer. From July 2005 he worked for Siemens Elin Group, where as 
chief financial officer he was responsible for holding company 
functions and restructuring activities. He has been CFO of ATB Group 
since April 2007.
About A-TEC Industries Vienna Stock Exchange listed A-TEC Industries 
AG is an international industrial group headquartered in Vienna, with
flourishing Drive Technologies, Plant Construction, Mechanical 
Engineering and Metals Industry divisions. The group currently 
employs around 13,500 people, and in 2006 posted revenue of EUR 1.6 
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 13.11.2007 07:35:57

Further inquiry note:

Gerald Wechselauer
Head of Investor Relations

A-TEC Industries AG
Wächtergasse 1, A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 (1) 22760 130
Mobile: +43 (0) 664 6104475

Branche: Holding companies
Index: ATX Prime
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / Regulated free trade

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Plus de actualités: A-TEC Industries AG