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Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG

euro adhoc: Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG
Annual & Special Corporate Meetings
Warimpex AGM approves issue of convertible bonds and expands Supervisory Board

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Warimpex AGM approves issue of convertible bonds and expands 
Supervisory Board . Issue of convertible bonds within 5 years . Four 
new members appointed to Supervisory Board . Alarich Fenyves new 
Chairman of Supervisory Board
Today's Annual General Meeting  of  Warimpex  Finanz-  und  
Beteiligungs  AG  in Vienna established  the  prerequisites  for  a  
convertible  bond  offering  and expanded the  group's  Supervisory  
Board.  Alarich  Fenyves  will  be  the  new chairman of the 
Supervisory Board, with former chairman Heinrich  Geyer  as  his 
At today's AGM the shareholders authorised the Management Board to 
issue  within the next five years convertible bonds  granting  a  
conversion  or  subscription right to up to 9 million shares, 
representing up to  EUR  9m  of  the  company's paid-up share 
capital. All further conditions together with the details  of  the 
issue and conversion procedure will be defined by the Management 
Board with  the Supervisory Board's consent. The subscription right 
of shareholders  was  waived in order to keep the company's financing
costs down and allow it to  target  the offering  at  the  group  of 
institutional  investors  in  the  capital  market specialising in 
convertible bonds.
Changes in the Supervisory Board
Gert Hoppe, a member of the Supervisory Board since 2003, stepped 
down from  his mandate, which will be taken over by Friedrich Grassi 
for the remaining term  of one year. A business associate of Warimpex
since as early as  1989,  Grassi  was the company's partner in the 
development of the Hotel  Diplomat  in  Prague  and numerous other 
joint venture projects.
In addition, four further new members were elected to the Supervisory
. Alicja Kornasiewicz, member of  the  Management  Board  of  CA  IB 
Corporate   Finance GmbH in Vienna and CEO of UniCredit CA IB Polska 
S.A., . Alarich Fenyves, former deputy CEO of Creditanstalt  AG,  
partner  at  Roland   Berger  Strategy  Consultants  in  Vienna  
since  2001  and  member  of   the   Supervisory Board of CA Immo 
International AG, . William Henry Marie de Gelsey, Senior Advisor at 
CA IB Corporate Finance Ltd.   since 2007, .  Wolfgang  Mitterberger,
member  of  the  Management  Board  of   Raiffeisen   Wohnbaubank AG 
since 2000.
The mandates of the newly elected members of the  Supervisory  Board 
run  until the close of the Annual  General  Meeting  for  the  
financial  year  2011.  The Warimpex Supervisory Board now numbers 
eight members.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 31.05.2007 15:30:00

Further inquiry note:

Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG
Phone: +43 1 310 55 00-0
Christoph Salzer
Daniel Folian,

Branche: Real Estate
ISIN: AT0000827209
Index: ATX Prime
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

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Plus de actualités: Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG