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Abonner Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG

Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG

EANS-Adhoc: Financial year 2008: Warimpex boosts sales - difficult conditions dampen profit

  ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
  distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
annual report
Financial year 2008: Warimpex boosts sales - difficult conditions 
dampen profit
. Revenues up by 16 per cent to EUR 94.4 million
    . Higher interest rates, non-scheduled  write-downs  and  value  adjustments
      cause loss for the year
    . Hotel portfolio expanded by three hotels and 382  rooms  for  a  total  of
      eighteen hotels with 2,699 rooms
    . Development potential still strong in the hotel sector in secondary cities
      in CEE, SEE and Russia
|Key figures in EUR millions                       |2008     |2007 |Change
|Total revenues                                    |94.4     |81.2 |+16%
|Gains from the sale of project companies          |13.9     |31.5 |-56%
|EBITDA                                            |29.4     |57.0 |-48%
|EBIT                                              |-3.4     |47.2 |-
|Profit for the year                               |-29.4    |33.7  -
|Earnings/loss per share in EUR                    |-0.81    |0.95 |-
|Number of hotels                                  |18       |15   |+3
|Number of rooms (adjusted for proportionate share |2.699    |2.317|+382
|of ownership)                                              |
|Number of office and commercial properties        |6        |7    |-1
|Number of hotel development projects              |7        |12   |-5
|                                                 |31.12.2008|31.12.2007
|Gross asset value (GAV)                           |666.7    |614.8|+8%
|Triple net asset value (NNNAV)                    |301.9    |387.4|-22%
|NNNAV per share in EUR                            |8.4      |10.8 |-22%
Vienna, 27 April 2009 - Even under the turbulent conditions  in  
2008,  Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG was able to boost its 
revenue by 16 per cent to  EUR 94.4 million in year-on-year 
comparison. Despite this  growth,  the  profit  for the year fell 
considerably compared to 2007. The construction of the four  hotel 
projects that are currently under development (the andel's in Berlin 
opened  in March 2009) is proceeding according to schedule.
Revenues from the operation of hotels increased by 21 per  cent  from
EUR  71.6 million to EUR 86.7 million in 2008 due to the higher  
average  weighted  number of hotel rooms. The  hotel  portfolio  grew
by  three  hotels  to  a  total  of eighteen, and the average number 
of available rooms increased by 34 per cent.
EBITDA from the operation of hotels remained essentially  unchanged  
from  2007. The primary reasons for the narrower margin  were  the  
lower  occupancy  rates, especially in Prague, and changed exchange 
rates.  In  2008,  the  Polish  zloty appreciated by over 20 per  
cent  against  the  euro,  for  example.  All  hotel operating costs 
are incurred in the local currency, while the  room  prices  are 
usually set in euro. The  Development  &  Asset  Management  segment,
which  is responsible for property development and sale, is subject 
to greater  variations because its results are dependent on the sale 
of properties.  In  spite  of  the generally difficult conditions for
real estate  transactions  in  the  reporting period, we were able to
sell three properties at very good terms: a 10 per  cent share  in  
the  Airport  City  development  project  in  St.  Petersburg,  Villa
Margareta in Karlovy Vary, and the Pauler office building in  
Budapest.  All  in all, sales proceeds were lower than in  2007,  and
the  segment's  EBITDA  fell significantly. Consolidated EBITDA fell 
by 48 per cent from EUR 57.0 million  to EUR 29.4 million.
The values of properties  fell  considerably  because  of  
significantly  higher yields and lower estimated free cash flows from
hotel operations. As  a  result, non-scheduled write-downs were made 
on  properties  in  the  fourth  quarter  of 2008. Impairments on 
goodwill in the amount of EUR 19.8 million were  recognized because 
an external opinion showed a lower recoverable amount than the  
carrying value on the reporting date. Taking into account the  
scheduled  write-downs  of EUR 13 million, EBIT came in at -EUR 3.4 
million. The financial result  amounted to -EUR 26 million, bringing 
the overall  result  for  the  year  to  -EUR  29.4 million.
Real estate assets Warimpex Group's real estate portfolio comprised 
twenty-four properties  at  the end of December 2008, of which 
eighteen were hotels with  over  3,800  rooms  in total (2,699 when 
adjusted for the proportionate share  of  ownership)  and  six office
buildings with a total of 32,000 square metres of  utilisable  area. 
The Group also holds a large number of properties and development 
projects in  eight countries in Central and especially Eastern 
Europe, with  a  focus  on  Hungary, Germany, the Czech Republic, 
Poland and Russia.
The NNNAV shows the net value  of  the  Group.  CB  Richard  Ellis'  
semi-annual valuation as of 31 December 2008 showed a 22 per cent 
decrease in the NNNAV  per share in year-on-year comparison because  
of  significantly  higher  yields  and lower estimated  free  cash  
flows  from  hotel  operations.  This  value  is  a snapshot, 
however, and at EUR 8.4 per share is roughly 85 per cent  higher  
than the current share price. Outlook The opening of the angelo in 
Plzen and the expansion of the angelo in  Bucharest at the end of the
third quarter of 2008, the opening of the  andel's  in  Berlin in the
first quarter of 2009 and the upcoming opening of  the  andel's  in  
Lodz and the angelo in Ekaterinburg is expected to boost the 
operating cash  flow  in Warimpex's Hotels & Resorts segment. The 
number  of  rooms  held  by  the  Group (when adjusted  for  the  
proportionate  share  of  ownership)  is  expected  to increase by 
683 to roughly 3,400 in 2009 as a  result  of  the  opening  of  new 
Warimpex still sees great potential  in  the  hotel  sector  above  
all  in  the secondary cities in CEE, SEE and Russia,  both  for  the
tourism  and  business travel segments,  and  expects  that  
occupancy  rates  will  be  constant.  The successful joint ventures 
with Vienna International are also being continued.
"More restrictive criteria in the award of financing in the  sector  
will  cause delays in hotel  projects  that  are  not  fully  
financed  in  2009,  and  will considerably slow the growth of the 
number of beds in CEE. However,  demand  for high-quality hotels is 
as high as ever. This creates  very  positive  conditions for  our  
existing  hotels  and  the  hotels  that  we  currently   have   
under construction. The hotel industry is also generally early 
cyclical. While  office properties are let out over the long term, 
and react  more  slowly  to  economic downturns and upswings, hotel 
rooms are let out anew every day. This means  that hotels are hit 
more quickly during a downturn, but  that  they  can  also  react 
immediately when the trend turns  and  that  room  rates  can  be  
raised  again immediately when demand increases. Higher room  rates  
combined  with  increased occupancy can  bring  massive  revenue  
growth,"  concluded  Franz  Jurkowitsch, chairman of Warimpex's 
Management Board.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG
Phone: +43 1 310 55 00
Christoph Salzer
Daniel Folian,

Branche: Real Estate
ISIN: AT0000827209
Index: ATX Prime
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

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Plus de actualités: Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG