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LHS Aktiengesellschaft

LHS Aktiengesellschaft continues heading for success

Frankfurt am Main (euro adhoc) -

Revenue growth of 35.5 percent in the third quarter 2007 - full-year 
revenue target for 2007 raised to EUR 97 to 98 million -  new jobs 
created worldwide
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October 25th 2007 - LHS, a leading
provider of telecom billing and customer care systems across the  
wireless,  wireline,  and IP telecom markets worldwide today 
announced its third quarter results for the period ended on 30 
September 2007.
The results have been established  in  accordance  with  the  
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which are 
mandatory for all companies borrowing on the capital market. The key 
figures and ratios for  the  ended business quarter are as follows:
* In the third quarter 2007, LHS revenues increased to EUR 25.3  
million. This corresponds to a rise by 35.5 percent  compared  to  
the  relevant quarter of the previous fiscal year. Total revenues  
generated  in  the first nine months of 2007  even  rose  by  48.8  
percent  to  EUR  71.1 million. Considering this figure, LHS almost  
generated  -  already  in three quarters of 2007 - the total revenue 
achieved  in  the  previous business year. * The  adjusted  earnings 
before  interest,  taxes,  depreciation   and amortization and 
expenses related to stock  options  (adjusted  EBITDA) increased by 
approximately 82.1 percent from EUR 3.2 million to EUR 5.7 million in
the third quarter. On aggregate, adjusted  EBITDA  that  was achieved
in the first nine months of 2007 rose by 120.1 percent to  EUR 14.7 
million. * The resulting rise in  the  adjusted  EBITDA  margin  to  
22.7  percent reflects the consistent cost management of LHS. Based 
on the first nine months of the 2007 business year, accumulated  
adjusted  EBITDA  margin also improved and now amount to 20.6 
percent. * Adjusted profit for the third quarter 2007 rose by  121.7 
percent  and amount to EUR 3.7 million. Based on the first nine 
months of  the  2007 business year, the accumulated adjusted profit 
rose  by  177.7  percent and amount to EUR 10.9 million. * In the 
third quarter 2007, adjusted basic earnings per  share  amounted to  
EUR  0.26  (undiluted)  and  EUR   0.25   (diluted)   respectively. 
Accordingly, accumulated adjusted earnings per share  amounted  to  
EUR 0.77 (undiluted) and EUR 0.74 (diluted) for the first  nine  
months  of 2007. * In the third quarter 2007, the company managed to 
realize a  free  cash flow of EUR 5.5 million.  LHS  realized  an  
increase  of  232  percent compared to the third quarter 2006.
Highlights of the Operational Business Besides  the  encouraging  
financial  data  described  above,  the  dynamic development of the 
operational business also testifies  to  the  successful 
implementation of LHS growth strategy.  Important milestones in  the 
third quarter 2007 were: * Altogether two project contracts with new 
customers  were  signed.  The number of projects realized with the 
only  in  October  2006  presented BSCS iX Release 2 version now 
already amount to thirteen. * At the end of the first quarter 2007 
LHS had 123 installations compared to 119 at the end of 2006. * In 
the third quarter 2007, LHS created 36 new jobs: for example 13 jobs 
in the Frankfurt headquarters, two jobs in  the  new  sales  office  
in Madrid, four jobs in Sao Paulo, and  14  jobs  in  Kuala  Lumpur. 
This corresponds to an increase of altogether 123 jobs  in  the  
first  nine months of the 2007 business year. On  30  September  
2007,  LHS  had  a permanent staff of 626 employees all over the 
Successful Business Activities For the last quarter  2007  LHS  
expects  this  positive  development  with ongoing growth to 
continue. Wolfgang Kroh, chairman of the  board  of  LHS, commented 
on the third quarter results as follows: "Our investments made in our
software for billing and customer care systems continue to pay off. 
The results achieved for the third  quarter  2007,  once  again,  
exceeded  our expectations published in July 2007 for the third  
quarter.  The  excellent results are, once again, the outcome of our 
teams´  effort  all  over  the world. On behalf of the entire board, 
I would like to thank  all  employees of our international locations 
and the  Frankfurt  headquarters  for  their commitment and 
dedication. Together with our partners, we will  dedicatedly work on 
realizing our targets. I would also like to thank our customers for 
their trust to our company."
Guidance increased Based on the achieved results, LHS has adjusted 
the annual forecast for the entire business year 2007. Compared to 
the EUR 95 million announced at  the end of the first half-year of 
2007, the company now expects higher revenues amounting to EUR 97 to 
98 millions. The adjusted EBITDA margin should reach a figure of 
about 21 percent. Concerning the fourth quarter 2007, LHS plans to 
generate revenues of EUR 26 to 27  million  and  to  reach  an  
adjusted EBITDA margin of around 22 percent.
The quarterly report is available on the LHS website: http://www.lhsg
5,085 characters (with 55 characters per line on the average)
About LHS LHS is a leading provider of telecom  billing  and  
customer  care  systems across the wireless, wireline, and IP telecom
markets worldwide. LHS Business Support Systems offer  full  
convergence  on  various  levels, supporting the complete range of 
business models both  across  the  mix  of fixed and mobile services,
as well as prepaid and postpaid services. LHS builds innovative 
systems that enable our customers  to  introduce  new services fast, 
helping drive revenues up, while keeping  operational  costs to a 
minimum. LHS was awarded "Best Billing or Customer Care  Solution"  
by the GSM Association in Cannes in 2005, won the IIR World Billing 
Awards for its "Overall Best Contribution to Billing" in London in 
2005  and  2006  as well as the "Stratecast Global Investment of R&D 
Resources to Address  Core Billing Needs Award" by Frost & Sullivan 
in 2007. LHS is an independent software vendor (ISV) with 
headquarters  in  Germany, and offices in Brazil, Czech Republic, 
France, Malaysia, Turkey, and United Arab Emirates. LHS is part of 
the LHS Group, and LHS Aktiengesellschaft  as the Group's Holding 
company is a public company listed on  the  Frankfurter Stock 
Exchange (LHS400).
For more information, please visit
Disclaimer This press release contains certain forward-looking 
statements relating to the business, financial performance and 
results of the Company and/or the industry in which the Company 
operates. Forward-looking statements concern future circumstances and
results and other statements that are not historical facts. The 
forward-looking statements, including assumptions, opinions and views
of the Company contained in this press release are solely opinions 
and forecasts which are uncertain and subject to risks. A multitude 
of factors can cause actual events to differ significantly from any 
anticipated development. The Company is under no obligation to update
or keep current the information contained in this press release to 
which they relate and any opinions expressed in them are subject to 
change without notice.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 25.10.2007 07:00:00

Further inquiry note:

Press contact:

Oliver Madsen
Investor Relations Officer
Herriotstrasse 1
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 (0)69-2383 3264
Fax: +49 (0)69-2383 5710

Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Frankfurt/Main - Registration Number HRA 42727
Personally Liable Partner: LHS Management GmbH - Registration Number HRB 77913
Amtsgericht Frankfurt/Main
Management Board: Wolfgang Kroh, Axel Barta, Dr. Jens Troetscher

Fink & Fuchs Public Relations AG
Stefanie Wegner
Senior Consultant
Berliner Strasse 164
65205 Wiesbaden
Phone.: +49 (0)611-74 131-66
Fax: +49 (0)611-74 131-22

Branche: Software
ISIN: DE000LHS4000
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / official dealing/prime standard
Börse Berlin / free trade
Börse Stuttgart / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Börse München / free trade

Plus de actualités: LHS Aktiengesellschaft
Plus de actualités: LHS Aktiengesellschaft