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Abonner Semperit AG Holding

Semperit AG Holding

EANS-Adhoc: Semperit AG Holding
Semperit introduces sustainable restructuring and transformation, expected pass of dividend

  Disclosed inside information pursuant to article 17 Market Abuse Regulation
  (MAR) transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution.
  The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.

Company Information

Vienna, Austria -

* Restructuring and transformation phase until 2020
* Negative earnings after taxes expected for 2017
* Expected pass of dividend for 2017
* Portfolio decisions and further modifications in the production footprint
  possible throughout 2018

Based on the results of the ongoing analysis and transformation process which
have been obtained so far as well as discussion of the outcome with the
Supervisory Board, the Management Board of Semperit AG Holding emphatically
introduces a phase of sustainable restructuring. The necessity of this decision
is underlined by the fact that from today's point of view a single-digit
negative EBIT will be reported for the last quarter of 2017. In addition to the
current optimisation measures in the Sempermed segment, Semperit now starts
further implementation steps for Sempertrans and Semperform. In the Semperflex
segment and in Mixing, the focus will be on accelerating the profitable
implementation of the still necessary investment projects and of the related
organic growth course.

Due to the expected negative earnings after tax in 2017 and the ongoing
restructuring and transformation phase, the Management Board will from today's
perspective not be able to propose a dividend (0.70 EUR per share in previous

The focus in the restructuring phase will be particularly on the following

* Optimisation of operational production and acquisition processes
* Improvement of pricing and price setting processes
* Review and, if necessary, adaptation of the current production footprint
* Stabilisation and sustainable improvement of operational earnings

Throughout 2018, the Management Board will decide step by step whether there
will be modifications in the portfolio of existing segments as well as further
adaptations in the production footprint after the shut-down of the loss-making
Sempertrans plant in France in 2017. The termination of the transformation of
the Semperit Group is scheduled for the end of 2020. From this point of time,
the Semperit Group aims to achieve an EBITDA margin of approximately 10% as a
key controlling figure.

The Management Board also expects continuous one-off effects and restructuring
costs in the upcoming quarters that might cause additional volatility in
results. For the financial year 2018, increased consulting costs for the support
of the implementation are expected assumed. Therefore, the year 2018 will be
considered as a year of transition.

Because of the hybrid capital line agreed in December 2017, financing of the
necessary investments as well as of the restructuring and transformation phase
will be secured, emphasising the long-term commitment of the core shareholder.

Further inquiry note:
Monika Riedel
Director Group Communications & Sustainability
+43 676 8715 8620	

Stefan Marin
Head of Investor Relations
Tel.: +43 676 8715 8210

end of announcement                         euro adhoc

issuer:       Semperit AG Holding
              Modecenterstrasse 22
              A-1030 Wien
phone:        +43 1 79 777-210
FAX:          +43 1 79 777-602
ISIN:         AT0000785555
indexes:      WBI, ATX PRIME, ATX GP
stockmarkets: Wien
language:     English

Plus de actualités: Semperit AG Holding
Plus de actualités: Semperit AG Holding