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centrotherm photovoltaics AG

centrotherm photovoltaics confirms "First Silicon Out" in Asia

Blaubeuren (euro adhoc) -

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Blaubeuren, March, 3rd, 2009 - centrotherm
photovoltaics AG has achieved a further milestone in silicon 
production and confirms the performance capacity of its silicon 
reactors with "First Silicon Out". At the production site of Asia 
Silicon (Qinghai) Co., Ltd.  the company has successfully started its
first poly silicon production equipment.
Asia Silicon´s first production phase is designed for a capacity of 
2,000 tons per year with part of the key equipment being supplied by 
centrotherm photovoltaics. At this stage centrotherm photovoltaics is
responsible for project planning, key equipment and process 
"The successful start up of centrotherm´s reactors in our silicon 
production facility is key for us and confirms that with centrotherm 
photovoltaics we have chosen the right partner", said Dr. Tihu Wang, 
CEO of Asia Silicon. "Very impressive to me was the teamwork of 
centrotherm´s and Asia Silicon´s engineers."
centrotherm photovoltaics silicon production technology is based on 
the well-known industrial-proven CVD  process.
"With `First Silicon Out´ we confirm our strong position in planning,
designing, equipment construction and process technology", said Dr. 
Albrecht Mozer, managing director of centrotherm SiTec GmbH, a 100% 
subsidiary in which centrotherm photovoltaics concentrates its solar 
silicon expertise. "We are glad that we achieved this very important 
milestone in close collaboration with our customer Asia Silicon."
About centrotherm photovoltaics AG centrotherm photovoltaics AG, 
which is based at Blaubeuren, is one of the world's leading 
technology and service-providers for the manufacturing of solar cells
and solar silicon. The broad product spectrum comprises key equipment
and turnkey production lines for crystalline and thin-film solar 
cells. The product range is supplemented by reactors and converters 
for the manufacturing of solar silicon. centrotherm photovoltaics 
guarantees its customers important performance parameters such as 
production capacity, degree of efficacy, and completion deadlines for
turnkey lines. The Group employs over 1,100 staff members, and 
operates in Europe, Asia and the USA. centrotherm photovoltaics 
achieved revenue in the 2008 financial year of EUR 375 million, EBIT 
of EUR 56 million*, and is listed in the TecDax of the Frankfurt 
Securities Exchange. (*preliminary figures before purchase price 
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Company contact:
Saskia Schultz-Ebert
Senior Manager Investor Relations
Tel: +49 7344 918-8890

Press contact:
Christina Siebels, Grit Pauli
HOSCHKE & CONSORTEN Public Relations GmbH
Tel: +49 40 3690 50-58 /-31

Branche: Energy
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard

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Plus de actualités: centrotherm photovoltaics AG