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Abonner Austrian Airlines

Austrian Airlines

euro adhoc: Austrian Airlines AG
quarterly or semiannual financial statement / Positive Ebit confirms upward trend

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Adjusted EBIT for financial year 2007 not negative
Financial result of the Austrian Airlines Group, January to September
"After achieving a balanced  EBIT  the  previous  year,  we  have  
succeeded  in improving the EBIT in the first nine months of 2007 to 
EUR 33.3m.  The  adjusted EBIT, which stood at EUR -9.1m last year, 
has also improved  significantly  this year, to EUR 32.2m. This 
demonstrates that we are very much on  the  right  path with our 
restructuring measures. Despite high level of the oil  price,  we  
have also been able to slightly increase the adjusted result for the 
third  quarter. In light of the continuing positive trend, we assume 
that the adjusted EBIT  for 2007 as a whole will not  turn  out  
negative  despite  the  high  average  fuel price," commented 
Austrian CEO Alfred Ötsch today. Mr. Ötsch continued: "In  our 
quality offensive, we have continued to create a wide  range  of  
incentives  to fly Austrian, including our DO&CO catering, new  
interactive  services,  greater legroom on our Fokker fleet and the 
new HON Lounge. In  strategically  expanding our network, we are 
concentrating on our successful target  markets  in  Central and 
Eastern Europe, where we will also be introducing more  frequency  
increases in the winter schedule. We are well on our  way,  and  from
the  way  it  looks
today, striving to generate a profit that will justify our paying a dividend  by
Overview of Financial Result January to September 2007
|Key Figures           |      |1-9 / 2007  |+/- % py  |7-9 / 2007  |+/- % py
|Revenue               |EURm.   |1,891.7    |-4.1       |687.6      |-8.2
|EBITDAR1              |EURm.   |295.7      |10.5       |123.3      |-4.3
|EBITDAR1 adjusted2    |EURm.   |294.6      |16.2       |130.0      |2.7
|Result from operating
|activities (EBIT)     |EURm.   |33.3       |-          |36.2       |-11.7
|Result from operating
|activities (EBIT)
|adjusted2             |EURm.   |32.2       |-          |42.9       |10.9
|Net result for the
|period                |EURm.   |20.6       |-          |29.2       |-17.0
|Cash flow from
|operating activities  |EURm.   |252.5      |-4.5       |61.0       |-11.8
|Net Gearing             |%     |117.7      |-          |117.7      |-
|Earnings per share    |EUR     |0.26       |-          |0.35       |-67.6
|CVA                   |EURm.   |-50.0      |41.8       |20.1       |1.0
|Passengers carried
|(total)               |        |8,348,412  |-0.7       |3,252,901  |-4.8
|Passenger load factor
|(scheduled service)   |%       |75.5       |1.2P.      |78.0       |0.0P.
|Employees (end of
|period)               |        |7,980      |-7.8       |7,980      |-7.8
1 Result  from  operating   activities   (EBIT)   before   
associates,   before depreciation and rentals 2 Adjusted by the 
result from  the  disposal  of  assets,  other  costs  of  the 
transfer of aircraft, foreign currency valuations  at  the  reporting
date  and impairment of the value of aircraft
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end of announcement                               euro adhoc 24.10.2007 07:25:31

Further inquiry note:

Corporate Communications:
Livia Dandrea-Böhm
Tel.: 051766-11231

Investor Relations
Dr. Prisca Havranek-Kosicek
Tel.: 051766 - 13311

Branche: Air Transport
ISIN: AT0000620158
WKN: 875224
Index: WBI, ATX Prime, ATX
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

Plus de actualités: Austrian Airlines
Plus de actualités: Austrian Airlines