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Hypoport AG

EANS-News: Hypoport AG
Extensive interest in the Europace marketplace

Berlin, (euro adhoc) -

In 2009, more than 90 partners used the Europace platform. Many other
— especially regional — players in the market showed a marked 
interest in cooperation. The relevance of some of the major players 
declined over the same period, which pushed transaction volumes down 
  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
  responsible for the content of this announcement.
Company Information/Europace-Platform
Subtitle: In 2009, more than 90 partners used the Europace platform. 
Many other — especially regional — players in the market showed a 
marked interest in cooperation. The relevance of some of the major 
players declined over the same period, which pushed transaction 
volumes down temporarily.
1 February 2010: The Europace platform
attracted extensive interest in the financial services marketplace 
last year. 31 new partners opted to use the marketplace for 
processing their future transactions. Currently, 93 partners use the 
platform, which equates to an increase of 50 percent compared with 
the previous year. The number of new product providers, especially, 
is strategically important. These increased by 65.4 percent to 43. 
According to Thilo Wiegand, Member of the Management Board at 
Hypoport AG who is in charge of platform business: "These partners 
are bringing a lot of new and competitive products to the platform, 
which not only raise the appeal of the platform; they will also help 
to balance out any fluctuations in future transaction volumes — such 
as those witnessed last year as the business of some of the major 
partners slumped. Over the long term, however, the potential offered 
by these partners on the platform will have much wider-reaching 
benefits than just balancing out volumes", according to Wiegand.  The
structure of the product providers is shifting away from the 
dominance of a few major players and towards a colourful mixture 
comprised of numerous providers, some of which operate on a regional 
basis only.
Year on year, transaction volumes dipped by 12 percent to Euro 12.9 
billion in 2009 as some of the major product providers weakened. 
Mortgage financing, which still accounts for the lion´s share of the 
platform volume, declined by 15.5 percent to Euro 11.4 billion. By 
contrast, the volume of personal loans increased by 15.8 percent to 
Euro 1.3 billion, and accounted for about 10 percent of total volume.
Moreover, the number of personal loans was higher than the number of 
mortgage financing transactions for the first time ever. Building 
society contracts — the most recent category to join the product 
range — also witnessed satisfactory development, posting an increase 
of 486 percent to their current volume of Euro 211 million.
On balance, Wiegand is very satisfied: "While the crisis may have 
affected our transaction volumes last year, it did not have any 
adverse impact on our strategic positioning nor on the level of 
interest shown in the financial marketplace. Quite the opposite: We 
have registered a marked increase in the commitment to our platform 
solutions."  This was demonstrated not just by the record number of 
participants at the Genopace conference for Cooperative banks and 
Raiffeisenbanks in September. At "Finanzmarktplatz für Sparkassen" 
(FINMAS) — an event that provides information on the financial 
marketplace for savings banks — both speakers and visitors stressed 
the strategic importance of internet-based sales solutions for 
savings banks. No doubt the sector will be avidly discussing 
corresponding strategies — and the revolutionary impact they are 
having on the markets — again at the 15th Europace Conference in 
February. According to Wiegand: "All of these developments are clear 
signals that the magnetic attraction of the platform — the so-called 
marketplace effect — is steadily growing."
About Hypoport AG Hypoport Group is an internet-based all-round 
financial services provider based in Berlin. The Group employs some 
450 people. The company has been listed in the Prime Standard on 
Deutsche Börse since the end of 2007. Its business model consists of 
two reciprocally beneficial pillars - the sale of financial products 
(Dr. Klein & Co. AG) and the provision of a platform for transacting 
financial products via the internet. Hypoport operates the EUROPACE 
B2B financial marketplace, which is the largest German online 
platform for transacting financing products. A fully integrated 
system links more than 40 product providers with several thousand 
financial advisors, thus enabling the quick and direct agreement of 
contracts. The platform's highly automated processes generate 
considerable cost benefits. Nowadays, EUROPACE processes some 400 
financing transactions every day. Hypoport AG publishes the monthly 
house price index (HPX) based on real transaction data.
A list of the banks and service providers that use the platform can 
be downloaded from, as can the Annual Report 2008.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Michaela Reimann
Group Communications Manager
Telefon: +49 (0) 30 42086 1936

Branche: Financial & Business Services
ISIN: DE0005493365
WKN: 549336
Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard

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