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St. Moritz Polo AG

Perfect start to the 24th Cartier Polo World Cup on Snow in St. Moritz: Spectators in raptures - ideal conditions

St. Moritz (ots)

The first two days of the 24th Cartier Polo
World Cup on Snow have given us a series of action-packed games and
some world-class polo. The biggest and most prestigious event on the
winter polo circuit expects some 20,000 spectators and over 200 media
representatives from all over the globe for the tournament on the
ice-covered surface of Lake St. Moritz. Sixteen of the world's top
players form four teams and will be battling it out until Sunday for
the coveted Cartier Trophy.
The four teams at this year's Cartier Polo World Cup on Snow bring
a potent mix of experienced and up-and coming polo players to the
Engadine. Apart from the seasoned professionals, there is no shortage
of young talent who love the game on snow. In Bartolomé Castagnola, a
ten-goal player - and one of Argentina's and the world's very best -
does us the honour of being in St. Moritz. Results for the first two
days, however, have shown that all four teams are very balanced.
Urs E. Schwarzenbach, President of St. Moritz Polo Club said, "We
are all doing our very best to ensure that polo continues to go from
strength to strength. I'm delighted that we've been able to welcome
our top players and the many spectators in ideal conditions."
In order to play polo on a surface as unusual - not to say
spectacular - as the frozen surface of the Lake of St. Moritz, the
players and organizers are very much at Nature's mercy. This year,
conditions are virtually perfect. The ice is rarely as thick at it is
right now and there's plenty of snow on the lake.
Around 6000 fans have already packed into the spectators' viewing
area for the first two days' play and the organizers are expecting a
new record of over 20,000 spectators by the end of the week. The
infrastructure for VIP guests alone has been increased by 600 square
Thursday, 24 January 2008
Dr. Berry Memorial Trophy:    Cartier -  Maybach 3 : 2 1/2
   Niarchos Trophy:              Brioni - Bank Julius Baer4 : 1
Friday, 25 January 2007
SWISS International Air 
   Lines Trophy:                Cartier - Brioni 3 : 3 1/2
   Strellson Trophy:            Maybach - Bank Julius Baer5 : 6
Rankings after two days
Team Brioni           4   points    
   Team Julius Baer      2    
   Team Cartier          2    
   Team Maybach          0
The 24th Cartier Polo World Cup on Snow is held from Thursday, 24
to Sunday, 27 January 2008 on the frozen surface of the lake in St.
Moritz. Stand tickets are available at the offices of St. Moritz Polo
AG, Via Maistra 24, 7500 St. Moritz, Tel. +41 (0)81 839 92 92, Fax
+41 (0)81 839 92 00, E-mail Thanks to the
generosity of our sponsors, admission to the standing areas is free
of charge. For further information about the St. Moritz Polo Club and
the Cartier Polo World Cup on Snow please visit


St. Moritz Polo AG
Siro Barino
Head Corporate Communications
Stefan Mathys
Public Relations Manager
Via Maistra 24
7500 St. Moritz
Tel.: +41/81/839'92'92
Mobile: +41/79/227'98'31

Plus de actualités: St. Moritz Polo AG
Plus de actualités: St. Moritz Polo AG