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University of Oxford Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit

Independent Analyses of the SEAS, SHARP and IMPROVE-IT Studies of Ezetimibe

London (ots/PRNewswire)

The University of Oxford Clinical
Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit (CTSU) proposed
that the hypothesis-generating results of the SEAS trial of ezetimibe
should be tested by reviewing the combined cancer results from the
SHARP and IMPROVE-IT trials of ezetimibe, and reporting on the
overall findings to the relevant regulatory authorities,
independently of the drug manufacturers.
The two hypothesis-testing trials (SHARP and IMPROVE-IT) contain
about four times as many cancers as the SEAS trial. They do not
confirm the hypothesis raised by the SEAS trial that treatment
increases the overall risk of developing cancer. In addition, there
is no increase with time in the relative risk (active vs placebo)
suggested by the cancer incidence and mortality from all 3 trials
together (or just from the pair of hypothesis-testing trials).
Consequently, the SEAS, SHARP and IMPROVE-IT trials do not provide
credible evidence of any adverse effect on cancer.
Allocation to 5 years of substantial LDL-cholesterol lowering by
a statin has been shown previously to have no apparent effect on
cancer. The Cholesterol Treatment Trialists' collaboration has
published results (Lancet 2005;366: 1267-78) based on 90,000 patients
randomised evenly between statin and control. Based on 5530 patients
with cancer onset after randomisation, the statin vs control relative
risk was 0.997 (with 95% confidence interval 0.95-1.05; not
significant). Of these patients, 2163 died of their cancer during the
scheduled follow-up period; the relative risk for cancer death was
1.01 (with 95% confidence interval 0.91-1.12; not significant).
In the final results from the SEAS trial, there appears to be a
small increase in total cancer incidence in the group allocated
ezetimibe + statin, but this is based on only 102 vs 67 cancer cases
(including 39 vs 23 fatal cases) and there is no significant increase
in any particular type of cancer.
Two other large trials of ezetimibe + statin are still in
progress: (i) SHARP (ezetimibe + simvastatin vs placebo in 9,000
patients; recruitment completed, but treatment and follow-up
continuing) and (ii) IMPROVE-IT (ezetimibe + simvastatin vs placebo +
simvastatin in 11,000 patients; recruitment continues towards an
eventual target of 18,000 patients). Together, they have already
accumulated about four times as many cancers as SEAS (see table). If
treatment really did increase total cancer by 50% then this would
have been clearly apparent in the hypothesis testing SHARP &
IMPROVE-IT trials. Instead, there was no evidence of any increase in
cancer (see table).
    Cancer events                         Active   Control
    Hypothesis generator: SEAS              102       67
    Hypothesis test: SHARP & IMPROVE-IT*    313      326
    * 216 active vs 254 control non-fatal cases and 97 vs 72 fatal cases.
If there were a real adverse effect on cancer incidence or cancer
mortality then previous experience with the epidemiology of cancer
(ie, with other causes of the disease in humans) strongly suggests
that the relative risk (active versus control) should grow bigger
with time, but it does not, whether the hypothesis-testing trials are
considered separately or all 3 trials are considered together.
Note: The University of Oxford Clinical Trial Service Unit and
Epidemiological Studies Unit (CTSU) has decades of experience in
cancer epidemiology, in vascular and other trials, and in
collaborative meta-analyses of trials. Although CTSU is conducting
the SHARP trial, it is doing so independently of the source of
funding, and has a policy of not accepting honoraria or consultancy
fees. This report to regulatory authorities on the analyses of SEAS,
SHARP and IMPROVE-IT was initiated, conducted and interpreted by the
CTSU independently of any source of funding.
For more information, please, refer to the press release issued
by the SEAS investigators today.
Contact: Andrew Trehearne, CTSU, +44(0)1865-743960,
Co-directors: Rory Collins FMed Sci FRCP BHF Professor of
Medicine and Epidemiology Sir Richard Peto FRS Hon FRCP Professor of
Medical Statistics and Epidemiology
    Jane         Colin        Jillian   John Cairns Zhengming    Michael
    Armitage     Baigent FFPH Boreham   FRS         Chen MBBS    Clarke DPhil
    FFPH FRCP    FRCP         PhD                   DPhil
                                        Emeritus                 Professor of
    Reader in    Professor of Senior    Professor   Professor of Clinical
    Clinical     Epidemiology Research  of Cancer   Epidemiology Epidemiology
    Epidemiology              Fellow
    Robert       Sarah Darby  Christina Alison      Martin       Christine
    Clarke FFPH  PhD          Davies    Halliday    Landray PhD  Marsden PhD
    FRCP                      BMBCh MSc FRCS        MRCP
                 Professor of                                    Unit
    Reader in    Medical      Senior    Consultant  Reader in    Administra-
    Epidemiology Statistics   Research  in Vascular Epidemiology tor
                              Fellow    Surgery
    Sarah Parish Max Parkin   Susan     David       Alan Young   Sarah Clark,
    DPhil        MD           Richards  Simpson OBE DPhil        Karen
                              DPhil     Hon MFPH                 Kourellias &
    Senior       Honorary                           Head of
    Research     Senior       Senior    Director,   Systems      Martin
    Fellow       Research     Research  IATH        Development  Radley: Lab
                 Fellow       Fellow                             Management


Contact: Andrew Trehearne, CTSU, +44(0)1865-743960,