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Consortium with Expomobilia wins contract for the Dubai EXPO 2020 Dutch Pavilion

Consortium with Expomobilia wins contract for the Dubai EXPO 2020 Dutch Pavilion
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Rotterdam (ots)

A consortium comprising Expomobilia, V8 Architects, Kossmann.dejong and Witteveen+Bos has been selected to design and construct the Dutch Pavilion at EXPO 2020 in Dubai. The award was made following a European tender procedure with a total of eleven consortiums participating.

Circular climate control

The winning bid will give the Netherlands a Pavilion that stands out when it comes to circulation and the use of innovative, sustainable technologies. The Pavilion is to feature a circular climate control system, seamlessly integrating it with the Netherlands' chosen theme: 'Uniting water, energy & food'. Visitors from both the private and business spheres will be treated to an intense sensory experience of natural phenomena, while the overall architectural appearance is to be a statement in the Dubai surroundings. In addition to designing and constructing the pavilion, the consortium will also be responsible for circular maintenance and dismantling. The design will be presented in December 2018.


The consortium brings together the necessary expertise for the project, with experience in pavilion construction (Expomobilia), architecture (V8 Architects), interactive visitor experiences (Kossmann.dejong) and integral installation and construction engineering (Witteveen+Bos). The team can also boast a strong network in Dubai and close collaborations with Dutch start-ups and innovations.

Dubai EXPO 2020

The 35th universal exposition will take place in Dubai from 20 October 2020 until 10 April 2021. This will be the first time an international exposition is held in the Middle East. Some 170 participating countries will present ideas, innovations and technologies inspired by the Expo theme 'Connecting minds, creating the future'. The Dutch participation aims to offer a platform to Dutch stakeholders from both public and private sectors, helping them to strengthen their networks and positioning in the Gulf region - not just during the Dubai EXPO but also during the lead-up to the event. and

Press Contact:

Expomobilia AG
Im Langhag 2
CH-8307 Effretikon-Zürich

Franziska Engeli

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