EANS-Adhoc: KA Finanz AG Implementation of merger according to ad-hoc
disclosure dated 13/03/2015
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
KA Finanz AG (KF), referring to its ad-hoc disclosures dated 11/08/2014,
13/03/2015 and 26/06/2015, notifies the following:
Given that all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted, the Commercial
Court of Vienna decided today that
- the demerger of the entire business operations of KA (including all
its subsidiaries), with total assets pursuant to the Austrian Company
Code of approximately EUR 4.5 billion, by way of a proportionate
demerger into a newly incorporated company (KA New); and
- the merger of the part of KA remaining after the demerger (KA Residual),
with total assets pursuant to the Austrian Company Code of approximately
EUR 6.7 billion, into KF,
as announced by way of the ad-hoc disclosure dated 13/03/2015, are to be entered
into the Commercial Register. The above measures are expected to become legally
effective as of 26/09/2015, 00:00.
Upon entry of the merger into the Commercial Register, the compensation for the
rights of holders of special rights pursuant to section 226 (3) Austrian Stock
Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz, AktG), as specified in the merger agreement and
notified accordingly through the ad-hoc disclosure dated 26/06/2015, will take
effect simultaneously.
AT0000441209; XS0140045302; XS0144772927; XS0185015541;
XS0257275098; XS0270579856; XS0279423775; XS0286975973;
XS0354530916; XS1270771006
Further inquiry note:
KA Finanz AG
Investor Relations
Dinah Reiss
1092 Wien/Vienna, Türkenstraße/Tuerkenstrasse 9
Tel./Phone: +43/1/31 6 31-678
Fax: +43/1/31 6 31-505 oder/or 99678
Mail: d.reiss@kafinanz.at
WWW: www.kafinanz.at
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: KA Finanz AG
Türkenstraße 9
A-1092 Wien
phone: +43/1/310 06 06
FAX: +43/1/310 06 06 - 404
mail: info@kafinanz.at
WWW: www.kafinanz.at
sector: Banking
stockmarkets: stock market: Luxembourg Stock Exchange, Wien
language: English