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Abonner Superlift Holding S.à.r.l., Luxembourg

Superlift Holding S.à.r.l., Luxembourg

Superlift Holding sells 10.7m shares of KION GROUP AG

City (ots)

Goldman Sachs Capital Partners funds ("GS Capital Partners") and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. (together with its affiliates, "KKR") announce that Superlift Holding S.à.r.l., Luxembourg ("Superlift Holding"), the holding company held jointly by GS Capital Partners and KKR, is intending to sell in the market a total of 10.7 million shares of KION GROUP AG ("KION"), by way of an accelerated book building to institutional investors.

"KION has developed excellently since our investment in 2006. Weichai Power's investment and the IPO were essential milestones on the company's further growth path. The current share price speaks for itself. We benefit from this attractive market environment by selling a proportion of our stocks. KION has immense potential and we look forward to accompanying the company as major shareholders further on", said Alexander Dibelius, Head of Goldman Sachs Germany, Austria and Central and Eastern Europe, and Johannes Huth, KKR's Head of Europe.

Subject to customary exceptions and the agreed transfer of 3.3% to Weichai, Superlift Holding will not make additional sales of shares for the next three months without the consent of Goldman Sachs International. Following the transaction, Superlift will remain the largest shareholder in KION.

Book building will start immediately. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell and the sale of KION's shares by the Superlift Holding does not constitute a public offering.


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About Goldman Sachs Capital Partners

Goldman Sachs Capital Partners comprises the funds for direct private equity investments of Goldman Sachs. GSCP is looking to achieve long-term value creation by providing equity capital for high quality companies with strong management teams. The current GS Capital Partners VI fund was raised in 2007 and is the sixth global private equity fund of Goldman Sachs with a total volume of $20.3 billion. The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm that provides a wide range of financial services to a substantial and diversified client base that includes corporations, financial institutions, governments and high-net-worth individuals. Founded in 1869, the firm is headquartered in New York and maintains offices in all major financial centers around the world.

About KKR

Founded in 1976 and led by Henry Kravis and George Roberts, KKR is a leading global investment firm with $90.2 billion in assets under management as of September 30, 2013. With offices around the world, KKR manages assets through a variety of investment funds and accounts covering multiple asset classes. KKR seeks to create value by bringing operational expertise to its portfolio companies and through active oversight and monitoring of its investments. KKR complements its investment expertise and strengthens interactions with fund investors through its client relationships and capital markets platform. KKR & Co. L.P. is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: KKR) and "KKR", as used in this release, includes its subsidiaries, their managed investment funds and accounts, and/or their affiliated investment vehicles, as appropriate. For additional information, please visit KKR's website at


Anna Sperber
Hering Schuppener Consulting
Tel.: +49 (0)69 9218-7478

Goldman Sachs:
Monika Schaller
Leiterin Unternehmenskommunikation Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz,
Osteuropa und Russland
Tel.: +49 (0)69 7532-2644