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Bundeskanzlei BK

BK: Challenges and Consequences for Federal Policy

23.01.2003 – 18:20

Bern (ots)

Press Release
Publication of the Report by the Forward Planning Staff of the 
Federal Administration
Challenges and Consequences for Federal Policy
The Swiss Confederation faces major challenges in virtually all 
areas of policy, not least on account of globalisation. The ongoing 
process of European integration, in particular, will have clear 
repercussions. These are the findings of "Challenges 2003 - 2007: 
Trends and Possible Future Issues in Federal Policy", a report 
compiled by the Forward Planning Staff of the Federal Admini- 
stration on behalf of the Federal Council which has now been 
published. In addition to this 200-page document the Federal 
Chancellery has also published a summarised version (brochure and 
Internet) designed to be more accessible to the public.
The report concludes that the further consolidation of European 
policy and the question as to how new and urgent tasks can be 
financed in light of the strained budgetary situation are core 
issues that affect nearly all areas of policy. Indeed, Swiss insti- 
tutions will be even harder pressed to reach consensus-based 
solutions when faced with major political problems and to ensure the 
regional and social cohesion of the country.
In addition, Switzerland will have to adjust its responses to 
expected challenges to more of a long-term, generation-spanning 
approach. The three principles of precau-tion, causality (polluter- 
pays) and liability are pivotal in this respect. In terms of rela- 
tions between the state, business and society (at both national and 
international level), a long-term balance will have to be found 
between rights and obligations, between responsibility and the 
safeguarding of interests and between autonomy and cooperation. 
Overall, it will be more important for Switzerland to develop a 
vision of its future role and identity and to be actively involved 
on the international stage.
A mine of information for the Federal Council and the Cantons The 
report contains a wealth of information on the issues and challenges 
to which the Confederation will have to respond. The 200- page 
document brings together a series of sectoral studies conducted by 
the Federal Administration to present a comprehensive overview of 
the effects of globalisation on all areas of policy. It also forms 
the basis for the 2003 - 2007 legislature programme, which the 
Federal Council will be discussing for the first time in a special 
session on 29th January 2003. The report is also a useful source of 
information for members of the public wishing to form a view on 
measures and reforms of federal policy given the constantly changing 
international environment. For the cantons, the report will form a 
basis for reflection in their preparation for discussions with a 
delegation from the Federal Council set to take place in November 
Federal Administration Think Tank
The Forward Planning Staff has the task of analysing federal 
in a critical and constructive manner with regard to future 
challenges. Its work is coordinated by the Federal Chancellery in 
close cooperation with the departments. The publication of 
"Challenges 2003-2007: Trends and Possible Future Issues in Federal 
Policy" marks the completion of yet another report produced by the 
Federal Administration's think tank.
Bern, 23rd January 2003
Information und Communications
For further information:	
André Nietlisbach, Federal Chancellery, Strategy and Planning, Tel. 
031 - 322 38 90
Report and brochures (German, French, Italian and English) can be 
obtained from:
Swiss Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics (SFBL), CH - 3003 
Tel: 031 - 325 50 50;   Fax: 031 - 325 50 58;   E-Mail:
PDF format on the Internet:
Brochure on the 

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