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Procter & Gamble

Pan-European Research Reveals Majority of Osteoporosis Patients not Receiving Recommended Combination of Calcium and Vitamin D With Treatment

15.09.2008 – 10:35

Geneva (ots/PRNewswire)

- Study Highlights Underlying Reasons for why Patients are
Missing Their Supplementation
GENEVA, September 15 /PRNewswire/ --
New research published today at the annual meeting of the
American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR), Montréal,
Canada, reveals that less than half (43%) of patients in Europe with
osteoporosis are claiming to take both calcium and vitamin D
supplementation with their osteoporosis treatment.(i) Maximum benefit
in managing osteoporosis can be achieved with combination therapy of
an osteoporosis treatment (such as a bisphosphonate) with calcium and
vitamin D supplementation, (ii) yet the majority of patients in this
research claim they do not follow this approach.
"Patients with a low intake of calcium and vitamin D may not be
receiving the full benefit of their osteoporosis treatment if they do
not take enough supplementation", said Professor Steven Boonen MD,
PhD, of Leuven University in Belgium and lead author of the abstract
reporting the research results. "It is important that patients not
only take both their calcium and vitamin D supplements, but also to
ensure that they take them regularly".
The patient research was conducted amongst 383 women aged 50
years and older who had been diagnosed and treated for
post-menopausal osteoporosis in France (n=97), Germany (n=98), Spain
(n=94) and the UK (n=94). The aim of the study was to evaluate
treatment knowledge and behaviour in women receiving treatment for
their osteoporosis with regard to their calcium and vitamin D
Patients need help to take supplementation regularly
Even when patients do take some form of supplementation, up to
30% claim they regularly miss a dose. An analysis of those patients
who declared they were regularly missing a supplement dose revealed
this was due either to the fact that they were not convinced of the
importance of supplementation, or that they did not receive a
detailed explanation from their treating physician.(i) Patient
responses also showed that there is a need for some sort of aid, for
example, a tool or packaging that would help them take their
osteoporosis medication and supplementation.(i) This need for help is
supported by patient preference data, which shows that over 70% of
patients believe that providing a bisphosphonate with calcium and
vitamin D in one box can help them take their supplements regularly
and correctly.(iii)
Some European countries are performing better than others
The research highlights interesting differences in attitudes to
supplementation across the four European countries. These study
results showed that Spain generally proved to be a leader in terms of
patient behaviour and knowledge about supplementation. For example,
when looking at supplement use, 90% of patients in Spain claimed that
they were taking some form of supplementation (calcium alone, vitamin
D alone or calcium and vitamin D) with their osteoporosis treatment,
compared to as few as 61% in the UK and 69% in France.(i) Similarly,
patients in Spain claimed to discuss supplementation with their
physician more regularly than in other countries - 51% compared to
36% in Germany, 24% in France and 9% in the UK. (iv)
Patient trends in the UK highlighted areas for improvement. As
well as being the lowest users of supplements and one of the least
likely to recognise the importance of calcium and vitamin D
supplementation, almost a third of UK patients claimed to have never
discussed supplementation with their physician.(iv)
When it came to adhering to supplements, women in France appeared
to be the most disciplined out of the four countries, with only 13%
claiming to regularly miss a dose of any supplement. This was in
contrast to the UK, where almost one in three patients reported
regularly missing a supplement dose. (i)
"The disparities between countries in attitudes to
supplementation may be due to differences in cultures, national
health policies or local disease awareness initiatives" said Doctor
Patrice Fardellone, of CHU Amiens Hospital in France. "Whilst this
research has shown some positive results, there is still room for
improvement. It is vital that clinicians continue to educate their
patients on the importance of supplements and encourage them to see
supplementation as part of complete osteoporosis treatment."
About the research
The aim of the patient research was to gain an understanding, on
a pan-European basis, of the habits and attitudes of osteoporosis
patients regarding supplementation with calcium or vitamin D or
calcium plus vitamin D with their osteoporosis treatment
(bisphosphonate). The research was conducted by IPSOS Suisse SA.(i) A
total of 383 women across four countries (France, Germany, Spain and
the UK) currently taking bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis
were interviewed. A mixed data collection methodology was used to
survey the patients, including online panels (UK, Spain), face to
face interviews (Germany) and mail panel (France).
Patients in Europe with osteoporosis claiming to take both
calcium and vitamin D supplementation with their osteoporosis
treatment were split across the four countries as follows:
- Spain - 43%
    - UK - 37%
    - Germany - 49%
    - France - 46%
Even when patients do take some form of supplementation, up to
30% claim they regularly miss a dose (13% in France, 19% in Germany,
30% in the U.K. and 27% in Spain).
    - Claimed data: All data from the market research is 'claimed
      data' i.e. based on patient's testimonials on their habits and beliefs
      regarding supplementation and their consultation experience
    - Data collection: Different methodology was used to collect
      the data across the four countries (as shown above). This could cause
      some bias when comparing countries
    - Selected statements: European averages provided are based on
      results of selected statements from market research. Comparisons have
      been made using the general ranking, which provides an indication of
      which country is leading and require further refinement. The full
      results of the market research are available from Procter & Gamble
    - Cultural bias: There may be cultural differences in patient
      reporting, with some countries over-claiming and others under-claiming
      about their experiences
    - The total figures for all countries: These are based on a
      simple average of the various countries under study. This average is
      not weighted by country population or by other relevant factors
About osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease that increases bone fragility
and susceptibility to fracture. Fracture is a devastating consequence
of osteoporosis and can occur at any site of the body. A 50-year-old
woman has around a 40% lifetime risk of suffering a fracture from
Currently, osteoporosis accounts for 1.6 million hip fractures
worldwide per year.(vi) Amongst those patients who suffer a hip
fracture, approximately one in five will die within the following
year,(vii),(viii) and 40 percent will be unable to walk independently
one year later.(ix)
About Procter & Gamble (NYSE:PG)
Three billion times a day, P&G brands touch the lives of people
around the world. The company has one of the strongest portfolios of
trusted, quality, leadership brands, including Pampers(R), Tide(R),
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Crest(R), Oral-B(R), Actonel(R), Duracell(R), Intrinsa(R) Olay(R),
Head & Shoulders(R), Wella, Gillette(R), and Braun. The P&G community
consists of over 135,000 employees working in over 80 countries
worldwide. Please visit for the latest news and
in-depth information about P&G and its brands.
(i) Boonen S, Fardellone P, Quesada J, et al. OP patients'
behaviours and understanding of the importance of calcium and vitamin
D supplementation. ASBMR (abstract) September 2008
(ii) Boonen, S et al. The need for clinical guidance in the use
of calcium and vitamin D in the management of osteoporosis: a
consensus report. Osteoporosis International, 2004; 15:511-519
(iii) Fardellone P, et al. A new combination packaging for
osteoporosis treatment; patient preference and expected adherence to
the therapy. Calcified Tissue International, 2007;80(supp 1):s143
(iv) Osteoporosis supplement co-prescribing versus recommendation
compliance study. IPSOS Suisse. December 2007. P&G data on file
(v) Melton LJ, et al. Perspective. How many women have
osteoporosis? J Bone Miner Res 1992; 7: 1005-1010
(vi) International Osteoporosis Foundation. Facts and statistics
about osteoporosis and its impact.
(vii) Cooper C, Atkinson EJ, Jacobsen SJ, et al. Population-based
study of survival after osteoporotic fractures. Am J Epidemiol 1993;
(viii) Leibson CL, Tosteson AN, Gabriel SE, et al. Mortality,
disability, and nursing home use for persons with and without hip
fracture: a population-based study. J Am Geriatr Soc 2002; 50:
(ix) Magaziner J, Simonsick EM, Kashner TM, et al. Predictors of
functional recovery one year following hospital discharge for hip
fracture: a prospective study. J Gerontol 1990; 45: M101-M107
Julia O'Brien,
    P: +44(0)78907-11-037,
    julia.o' .


Julia O'Brien, Ketchum, P: +44(0)78907-11-037,
julia.o' .

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