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Jungfraubahn Holding AG

EANS-Adhoc: Jungfraubahn Holding AG
Record result for Jungfrau Railway Group

17.04.2013 – 07:01

  ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
  distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
annual result

In 2012, the Jungfrau Railway Group achieved a record profit of 26.0 million
francs, exceeding the previous year's result by 2.2 per cent. The past business
year will be commented on at today's financial statement media conference in

With an operating revenue of 157.9 million francs, the Jungfrau Railway Group
recorded the highest revenue in its history. Growth was above all reached in
business with Asian guests. 833,000 people visited the Jungfraujoch-Top of
Europe in 2012, more than at any other time in the 100-year history of the
Jungfrau Railway. The Jungfrau Railway Group's strategy of strengthening its
global marketing activities has clearly paid off. 

In the winter-sport business segment, the Jungfrau Railway Group recorded a
revenue of 23.4 million francs, equivalent to a slight reduction of 0.5 per cent
on the previous year. The winter-sport business suffered under the strong Swiss
franc, with fewer guests from European countries travelling to Switzerland and
the Jungfrau Region. In addition, more and more Swiss took their winter holidays
abroad. The 2012/2013 winter season started well. Thanks to early snowfalls, it
was possible to open the facilities on 1 December 2012 - three weeks earlier
than the previous year.

The Jungfrau Railway Group recorded varying results in the experience mountains
business segment, which comprises excursion traffic to the Harder Kulm, First
and Winteregg-Mürren. With a total traffic income of 8.5 million francs (-2.3%)
it achieved a pleasing result in 2012.

The Jungfrau Railway Group can look back on a very successful centenary year.
This was celebrated with over 80 special activities. In January 2012 the
Jungfrau was illuminated as a prelude to the celebrations. Another highlight was
the opening on 30 March 2012 of the Alpine Sensation - a 250-metre-long
experience tunnel on the Jungfraujoch. With this investment of CHF 18.4 million,
the Jungfraujoch excursion destination has been given considerable added value. 

Group result           2012        2011        Change
                       TCHF        TCHF        in per cent

Operating revenue      157,949     147,841      6.8
Traffic income         115,125     110,228      4.4
EBIT                    34,081      30,989     10.0
Annual profit           25,998      25,433      2.2
Free cash flow          19,357      10,563     83.3
Number of staff         513         493         4,1 
(full time)
                       2012        2011        Change 
                       CHF         CHF         in per cent

Dividend               1.80        1.80         0.0

The Annual General Meeting of the Jungfrau Railway Group will be held in
Interlaken on 13 May 2013. The Executive Board are recommending an unchanged
dividend of 1.80 francs.

The group profit & loss account, group balance and business report for 2012 are
published under the link

Further inquiry note:
Urs Kessler, CEO / +41 (0)79 407 90 52

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

issuer:      Jungfraubahn Holding AG
             Harderstrasse 14
             CH-3800 Interlaken
phone:       +41 (0)33 828 71 11
FAX:         +41 (0)33 828 72 64
sector:      Railway
ISIN:        CH0017875789
indexes:     SPI
stockmarkets: Domestic Standard: SIX Swiss Exchange 
language:   English

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Plus de actualités: Jungfraubahn Holding AG