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PrimaCom AG

euro adhoc: PrimaCom AG
Korrektur: Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 WpHG Abs. 1 Satz 1 mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung

31.08.2007 – 14:57

  Stimmrechtsmitteilung übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel einer
  europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent verantwortlich.
Angaben zum Mitteilungspflichtigen:
Name:    Siehe Meldungstext unten
Sitz:    Siehe Meldungstext unten
Staat:   Siehe Meldungstext unten
Angaben zum Emittenten:
Name:    PrimaCom AG
Adresse: An der Ochsenwiese 3, 55124 Mainz
Sitz:    Mainz
Staat:   Deutschland
Korrektur der Meldungen über die Stimmrechtsanteile gemäß §§ 21, 22 
WpHG an der PrimaCom AG vom 2. August 2007 und 9. Mai 2007.
Hiermit geben wir bekannt, dass uns folgende Meldung der Orion Cable 
GmbH, Augsburg, Deutschland, zugegangen ist:
Amendment to Notification of voting rights in PrimaCom AG, Sec. 21 
WpHG dated August 2, 2007
We hereby give notice according to Secs. 21 subs.1, 22 of the German 
Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz - "WpHG") that on 
July 31, 2007, the holding of voting rights in PrimaCom AG by Orion 
Cable GmbH has fallen below the threshold of 25 percent and on that 
date amounted to approximately 24.52 percent (this corresponds to 
5,287,300 voting rights out of an aggregate of 21,559,395 voting 
rights). Of these voting rights approximately 0.00046 percent (equals
100 voting rights) is attributable to Orion Cable GmbH according to 
Sec. 22 subsec. 1 sentence 1 no. 1, sentence 3 WpHG.
Darüber hinaus geben wir bekannt, dass uns folgende Meldung der
Escaline II S. à r. l., Luxemburg, Luxemburg, zugegangen ist:
Amendment to Notification of voting rights in PrimaCom AG, Sec. 21 
WpHG dated May 9, 2007
We hereby give notice according to Secs. 21 subs. 1, 22  of the 
German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz - "WpHG") that
on 16 April 2007, the holding of voting rights in PrimaCom AG by 
Escaline II S. à r. l. exceeded the threshold of 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 and
25 percent and amounted to 25.84 percent (5,287,300 voting rights out
of an aggregate of 20,458,552 voting rights). Such 25.84 percent of 
the voting rights is attributable to Escaline II S. à r. l. according
to Sec 22 subsec. 1 sentence 1 no. 1 WpHG. The voting rights are 
attributable to Escaline II S. à r. l. through its controlled entity 
Orion Cable GmbH, Augsburg.
Amendment to Notification of voting rights in PrimaCom AG, Sec. 21 
WpHG dated August 2, 2007
We hereby give notice according to Secs. 21 subs. 1, 22  of the 
German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz - "WpHG") that
on July 31, 2007, the holding of voting rights in PrimaCom AG by 
Escaline II S. à r. l. has fallen below the threshold of 25 percent 
and on that date amounted to approximately 24.52 percent (this 
corresponds to 5,287,300 voting rights out of an aggregate of 
21,559,395 voting rights). Such approximately 24.52 percent of the 
voting rights is attributable to Escaline II S. à r. l. according to 
Sec 22 subsec. 1 sentence 1 no. 1, sentence 3 WpHG. The voting rights
are attributable to Escaline II S. à r. l. through its controlled 
entity Orion Cable GmbH, Augsburg, holding 3 % or more of the voting 
rights in PrimaCom AG.
Zudem geben wir bekannt, dass uns folgende Meldung der Escaline S. à 
r. l., Luxemburg, Luxemburg, zugegangen ist:
Amendment to Notification of voting rights in PrimaCom AG, Sec. 21 
WpHG dated August 2, 2007
We hereby give notice according to Secs. 21 subs.1, 22 of the German 
Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz - "WpHG") that on 
July 31, 2007, the holding of voting rights in PrimaCom AG by 
Escaline S. à r. l. has fallen below the threshold of 25 percent and 
on that date amounted to approximately 24.52 percent (this 
corresponds to 5,287,300 voting rights out of an aggregate of 
21,559,395 voting rights). Such approximately 24.52 percent of the 
voting rights is attributable to Escaline S. à r. l. according to 
Sec. 22 subsec. 1 sentence 1 no. 1, sentence 3 WpHG. The voting 
rights are attributable to Escaline S. à r. l. through ist controlled
entities Escaline II S. à r. l, Luxemburg, and Orion Cable GmbH, 
Augsburg, each holding 3 % or more of the voting rights in PrimaCom 


Branche: Telekommunikation
ISIN: DE0006259104
WKN: 625910
Börsen: Börse Berlin / Freiverkehr
Börse Hamburg / Freiverkehr
Börse Stuttgart / Freiverkehr
Börse Düsseldorf / Freiverkehr
Börse Hannover / Freiverkehr
Börse München / Freiverkehr
Börse Frankfurt / Geregelter Markt/General Standard

Plus de actualités: PrimaCom AG
Plus de actualités: PrimaCom AG