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InfoGenie Europe AG

euro adhoc: InfoGenie Europe AG
Quarterly or Semiannual Financial Statements
InfoGenie succeeds in remaining on growth track -- Revenues and earnings boosted in 3rd quarter - additional capital increase completed (E)

28.11.2003 – 15:09

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc.
  The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
Berlin, November 28, 2003 - InfoGenie Europe AG (ISIN: DE 000
7470260) remains on a growth path. In the third quarter, revenues and
earnings improved dramatically year-on-year. A nine-month comparison
likewise shows that the restructuring measures have clearly been
Sales revenues in the third quarter rose to EUR 2,256 k (Q3/2002: EUR
661 k, equivalent to an improvement by as much as 241%). Net profit
for the period under review came to EUR 110 k (Q3 2002: loss
amounting to -EUR 598 k). These positive figures are also
substantially attributable to the inclusion of the new acquisition
InfoGenie Global GmbH. Adjusted for the new subsidiaries, a growth
rate of  52%, to EUR 1.003k (Q3 2002: EUR 661 k) was reported.
In relation to the first nine months of 2003 Group sales revenues
rose to reach approx. EUR 6.1 million,  an increase of 169% on the
same period a year earlier. Excluding the new subsidiaries, revenues,
at  EUR 2.8 million, were just under 23% higher year-on-year
(Q3/2002: EUR 2.281 k.)
Key figures Q3 2003
In EUR k           3rd Quarter
2003               3rd Quarter
2002               Change
Revenues           2,256  661     241%
EBIT               108    -599    -
EBT                110    -597    -
Net profit or loss 110    -598    -
Earnings per share 0.01 EUR -0.10 EUR -
Key figures for the first nine months of 2003:
In EUR k           January to September 2003 January to September
2002 Change
Revenues           6,138                     661                     
EBIT               -355                      -1,829                  
EBT                -346                      -1,815                  
Net profit or loss -203                      -1.831                  
Earnings per share -0.03 EUR                   -0.29 EUR             
Total assets amount to EUR 10,959 k. 
The shareholder structure as at November 28, 2003 was as follows:
	ebs Holding AG, Hallbergmoos: 64.55%
	ebs Mobil GmbH, Hallbergmoos: 12.82%
	Free float: 22.63%.
Following the recent entry in the Commercial Register of Click2Pay
GmbH and Netsales GmbH as contributions in kind, InfoGenie Europe AG
has further strengthened its position for the future. Both companies
were integrated in the form of a capital increase from authorized
capital against a non-capital contribution for a total volume of
2.225 million euros, and the registration took place on November 25,
end of announcement        euro adhoc 28.11.2003

Further inquiry note:

InfoGenie Europe AG
Investor Relations
Tel.: 030.726102-122
Fax: 030.726102-199

Branche: Telecommunications Services
ISIN: DE0007472060
WKN: 747206
Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Prime Standard, Technologie All Share
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing
Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade
Berliner Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade

Plus de actualités: InfoGenie Europe AG
Plus de actualités: InfoGenie Europe AG