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MEDIA! AG für innovative Medientechnologie

euro adhoc: MEDIA! AG für innovative Medientechnologie
Annual Reports
MEDIA! AG shows first remarkable results of restructuring after closing most difficult year in company’s history (E)

26.09.2002 – 08:34

Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Negative EBIT of EURO - 23,3 million in the financial statement of
2001/2002 / Contribution of the companies AVT GmbH and PROTEC GmbH by
increase of ordinary share capital / In current fiscal year again a
positive cash flow is targeted
In the fiscal year 2001/2002 MEDIA! AG (WKN 663 330) achieved a total
turnover of EUR 27,9 million (prev. year EUR 51,5 million).Due to
concentration on core business, reduction of projects with high risk
and low margin in new business segments and a weak economic situation
have led to a reduction of turnover declined to a level far below
previous fiscal year. An EBITDA of EUR -13,8 million (prev. year EUR
-1,6 million) and an EBIT of EUR -23,3 million was realized. The
costs related to the restructuring process amount EUR 10,1 million.
As a result of the ongoing restructuring MEDIA! AG improved cash flow
explicitly and reached EURO - 0,03 million (prev. year EUR - 20,9
The executive board of MEDIA! AG announces furthermore, that the two
companies AVT GmbH und PROTEC GmbH have been merged into MEDIA! AG by
the FGS Alpha 131 GmbH, future signing with M.K.B. Media
Kommunikationsberatungs GmbH. The transaction has been executed under
suspense conditions by using the existing authorized capital
according to § 4 Abs. 4 of the articles of the association. The
occurrence of the suspense conditions is expected shortly by all
parties involved. As a result of the transaction, the ordinary share
capital of MEDIA! AG has been increased by EUR 1,931.000 to EUR
7,650.000. The share of M.K.B. Media Kommunikationsberatungs GmbH
increases from 44,78% to 58,72%. To the June 30, 2002 both companies,
AVT and PROTEC, had no significant liabilities to banks but cash at
bank of total EUR 1.5 million.
AVT is a provider of professional broadcast- and media technology
based in Hamburg and Kiel. PROTEC has been founded in 1983 and has it
main focus on mobile broadcast technology (outside broadcast van)
with settlements in Bingen and Hürth near Cologne. Both companies add
to and strengthen the business segments of MEDIA! AG and mean an
expansion of location in North and West of Germany. As a result of
consistant organisational integration in the area of  purchasing,
logistic, use of resources in the rental business additional sales
potential and of cost savings should be achieved.
By a further enhancement of the management competence in the
executive board, the stabilisation and enlargement of the customer
relationship, the active assistance of the new capital partner M.K.B.
by partly renouncement respectively conversion of shareholder’s loan
to  equity, full effectiveness of the cost reduction measures as well
as the concentration to the core business from now on important
requirements are created, that MEDIA! AG will in the current fiscal
year overall with a positive operative Cash Flow to tie in with
former company prosperities.
end of announcement        euro adhoc 26.09.2002

Further inquiry note:

MEDIA! AG Investor Relations Tel.: +49(0)89620111155 E-Mail:

Branche: Media
ISIN: DE0006633308
WKN: 663330
Index: Nemax All Share
Börsen: Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade
Berliner Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Bremer Wertpapierbörse (BWB) / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade
Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / Neuer Markt

Plus de actualités: MEDIA! AG für innovative Medientechnologie
Plus de actualités: MEDIA! AG für innovative Medientechnologie