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Solar-Fabrik AG

euro adhoc: Solar-Fabrik AG
Capital measures
NOT FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES Ad-hoc Announcement pursuant to Section 15 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) Solar-Fabrik AG resolves on Capital Increase

27.08.2007 – 11:24

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
Capital Increase
Freiburg, Germany, 27 August 2007
With approval from the Company´s Supervisory Board, the Management 
Board of Solar-Fabrik AG has resolved today on a capital increase 
against cash contributions from authorised capital by way of a rights
issue of up to 4,450,000 new ordinary bearer shares each representing
a notional amount of EUR1.00 of the Company´s share capital (`new 
shares´). The new shares carry dividend rights as from 1 January 2007
and may be subscribed for by shareholders in a ratio of two existing 
shares to one new share (2:1) through the exercise of an indirect 
subscription right during the subscription period beginning on 30 
August and expected to end on 13 September 2007. The subscription 
price will be determined based on the prevailing market situation 
during the subscription period and will be announced in due course. 
There will be no rights trading on the stock market. Any shares not 
subscribed for will be placed with interested investors at a price 
not being below the subscription price in a public offering in 
Germany and a private placement in Europe expected to be carried out 
from 14 to 19 September 2007. SEB AG has been appointed to manage the
rights issue, the public offering and the private placement subject 
to customary conditions. Further details on the capital increase will
be announced by way of publication of the prospectus and the rights 
offering on 29 August 2007.
Solar-Fabrik AG intends to use the net proceeds from the capital 
increase primarily to cover advance payment obligations under its 
silicon supply contract with Hoku Materials, Inc., to expand 
production capacity for solar cells, to expand assembly capacity for 
solar panels, for acquisitions and joint ventures, and for 
expenditure on research and development.
Providing the capital increase is successfully completed and all new 
shares are placed, the share capital of Solar-Fabrik AG will increase
by EUR4,450,000, from EUR8,900,000 to EUR13,350,000. The new shares 
are expected to be included in the quotation of the Company´s 
existing shares from 25 September 2007 onwards.
The Management Board
This announcement is neither an offer to purchase nor a solicitation 
to make an offer to purchase shares or other securities. The offer in
Germany will be made exclusively by means of and on the basis of the 
prospectus still to be published. The prospectus will be published on
the Solar-Fabrik AG website from 29 August 2007. Printed copies will 
be available free of charge in Germany from the Company and from SEB 
This announcement is neither an offer to purchase securities nor a 
solicitation to make an offer to purchase shares or other securities 
in the United States. Shares in Solar-Fabrik AG (the "Shares") may 
not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or for the account
of, any US person (as such term is defined in Regulation S of the US 
Securities Act of 1933 as amended (the `Securities Act´)) absent 
registration or an exemption from registration under the Securities 
Act. The Shares have not and will not be registered under the 
Securities Act.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 27.08.2007 10:48:08

Further inquiry note:

Martin Schlenk
Tel. +49(0)761 4000 207

Branche: Alternative energy
ISIN: DE0006614712
WKN: 661471
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Börse Berlin / free trade
Börse Stuttgart / free trade
Börse München / free trade

Plus de actualités: Solar-Fabrik AG
Plus de actualités: Solar-Fabrik AG