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OnVista AG

euro adhoc: OnVista AG
Successful financial year 2004 for the OnVista Group: Group sales + 53%
All key performance figures positive
50% increase in performance predicted for 2005

07.03.2005 – 09:53

Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc.
  The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
7 March 2005 - In 2004, OnVista AG (DE0005461602) was able to exceed
its sales forecast, which was raised a number of times in the course
of the year, and to generate a substantial profit, as predicted.
According to the figures presented today, group sales for 2004
totalled Euro 6.95 mill. (after the merger related deconsolidation of
OnVista Technologies GmbH, now only sales from the Media business
segment). This represents an increase of 53% compared to the
corresponding figures for the previous year (group sales less
Technologies segment: Euro 4.56 mill.). Compared to group sales
presented in the annual report for 2003 (incl. Technologies sement:
Euro 10.84 mill.), this translates into a paper decrease of 36%.
In the year under review, the group result, which showed a profit in
the previous year only due to a high non-liquidity related income,
was distinctly positive - excluding special accounting items. The
pre-tax group result amounted to Euro 0.92 mill. (prev. year: Euro
7.50 mill., incl. special earnings in the amount of Euro 12.06
mill.). This works out at a pre-tax yield of 13%. After tax, the
group net income totalled Euro 0.42 mill. (prev. year: Euro 5.73
mill., incl. special earnings in the amount of Euro 12.06 mill.). The
earnings per share stood at Euro 0.06 (prev. year: Euro 0.86). In the
operating business the improvement was especially distinct. After
three years of at times heavy operating losses, the OnVista Group
generated EBIT totalling '000 Euro 17 (prev. year: Euro -5.07 mill.)
and EBITDA amounting to Euro 0.54 mill. (prev. year: Euro -1.31
mill.). The proposal on the appropriation of profits by the Executive
Board calls for the retained earnings of OnVista AG (individual
accounts under the German Commercial Code - HGB), to be carried
forward to the new accounting period.
In the Media business segment (own internet portals), OnVista
increased the segment performance by 41% to Euro 0.84 mill. (prev.
year: Euro 0.60 mill.). After recording a sizeable operating deficit
in the previous year (EBIT 2003: Euro -2.64 mill.) and showing a
positive segment result below the line only due to the special
earnings (segment result 2003: Euro 9.47 mill.), the Technologies
business segment (36% participating interest in IS.Teledata AG;
internet based financial market information systems for financial
service providers), achieved a turnaround in the year under review.
The segment result in the OnVista Technologies segment amounted to
'000 Euro -4. Because of taxes and write-downs, the result was only
neutral, although IS.Teledata AG generated a very positive pre-tax
result of Euro 1.95 mill.
As at 31.12.2004, the cash funds of the OnVista Group amounted to
Euro 22.61 mill. (prev. year: Euro 24.99 mill.). The decrease is
attributable to investments in fixed assets (in particular the
increase of the stake in IS.Teledata AG from 31.5% to 36.0% and the
acquisition of A Med-World AG). The cash value per share stood at
Euro 3.38 (31.12.2003: Euro 3.73). The operating cash flow rose to
Euro 2.05 mill. (prev. year: Euro 1.22 mill.), while the group cash
flow stood at Euro -2.08 mill. (prev. year: Euro -1.87 mill.).
For the financial year 2005, OnVista AG envisages group sales in
excess of Euro 8 mill. This would correspond to an increase of around
15% compared to 2004. The pre-tax group result is predicted to grow
even more distinctly, namely by around 50% (2004: Euro 0.92 mill.).
Both operating business segments - Media and Technologies - are to
make a substantial positive contribution to the group result.
Consolidated financial statements under IFRS; the full annual report
will be published on 31.3.2005 (German language version) or
respectively by the end of April (English language version) at:, section 'Investor Relations':
Contact: Anja Seipp, Tel. +49 2203/9146-306, e-mail:
end of announcement                    euro adhoc 07.03.2005 09:10:05 

Further inquiry note:

Anja Seipp
Head of Public and Investor Relations
Tel. +49(0)2203 9146 306

Branche: Computing & Information Technology
ISIN: DE0005461602
WKN: 546160
Index: Prime Standard, CDAX, Prime All Share, Technologie All Share
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing
Berliner Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade
Bremer Wertpapierbörse (BWB) / free trade

Plus de actualités: OnVista AG
Plus de actualités: OnVista AG