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conwert Immobilien Invest AG

euro adhoc: conwert Immobilien Invest AG
quarterly or semiannual financial statement
conwert Immobilien Invest AG with excellent revenue and earnings growth in the first three quarters of 2007

29.11.2007 – 08:10

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
conwert Immobilien Invest AG with excellent revenue and earnings 
growth in the first three quarters of 2007
Vienna, 29 November 2007. conwert Immobilien Invest AG (Vienna Stock 
Exchange: CWI, Reuters: CONW.VI, Bloomberg: CWI AV) continued its 
excellent development during the third quarter of 2007, and recorded 
a further improvement in revenues and earnings. All financial 
indicators reached new record levels for the first nine months: 
earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) increased 87% to EUR 137.70 
million, funds from operations (FFO) rose 134% to EUR 60.33 million. 
FFO per share reached EUR 0.79, after EUR 0.50 in the comparable 
prior year period. The conwert property indicators also showed a 
significant improvement: property assets rose to EUR 2.15 billion and
the book value (NAV) per share increased 9% to EUR 15.52. During the 
fourth quarter of 2007 conwert will continue to expand its market 
position not only in Austria and Germany, but also through selective 
acquisitions in the CEE region. These projects are expected to 
increase the property portfolio to EUR 2.2 - 2.4 billion.
The excellent results recorded for the first three months of 2007 
confirm that the operating activities of conwert have not been 
directly affected by the worldwide turbulence on financial and 
capital markets in the wake of the US mortgage crisis. With its 
business model, conwert will be able to continue its growth course 
and realise an above-average increase in cash inflows - funds from 
Expansion of the property portfolio to EUR 2.15 billion During the 
first nine months of 2007, conwert increased its property portfolio 
through acquisitions and the development of new locations in Germany.
The property portfolio now includes 1,387 objects with a total value 
of EUR 2.15 billion, which represents an increase of EUR 473 million 
within the first 9 months. A total of 159 properties with a combined 
value of EUR 104 million were acquired during the third quarter. The 
usable space in the property portfolio totalled approx. 1,661,000 m² 
as of 30 September 2007.
The company increased its focus on sales activities during the 
reporting period, and marketed 37 individual objects as well as 
numerous condominium apartments. The proceeds on sale equalled EUR 
171.22 million, or roughly 20% more than the IFRS carrying values of 
EUR 142.25 million.
New records for revenues and earnings Revenues for the first three 
quarters of 2007 rose to EUR 248.40 million, which represents a 
year-on-year increase of 89%. This growth was supported by higher 
rental income (+41% to EUR 77.18 mill.) following the expansion of 
usable space as well as an increase in prices on new rentals and a 
significant rise in the proceeds generated by the ongoing sale of 
properties (+124% to EUR 171.22 mill.). The profit margin on the IFRS
carrying values of the properties sold reached 20%, in comparison 
with the 2006 value of 18%, and the gain on sale totalled EUR 28.97 
million. On a cash basis, the gain on sale exceeded the acquisition 
cost of these objects by 23.5%.
The conwert earnings indicators set new records during the first nine
months of 2007. Funds from operations rose from EUR 25.80 million to 
EUR 60.33 million, for an increase of 134%. Earnings before interest 
and tax (EBIT) reached EUR 137.70 million, exceeding the first three 
quarters of 2006 by 87% and the entire prior year value of EUR 104.42
million by 32%. This development was also supported by the company´s 
strategy to increase the value of the property portfolio through the 
development of older buildings. The revaluation of properties by 
independent experts led to a net gain of EUR 80.98 million from the 
adjustment of fair value (3.8% of the property portfolio, or 58% of 
EBIT). Financial results of EUR -21.09 million nearly matched the 
prior year level of EUR -19.18 million, despite a significant rise in
the volume of financing. Decisive factors for this improvement were 
the proportional share of earnings from the partial consolidation of 
ECO Business-Immobilien AG totalling EUR 1.87 million and a 
non-recurring effect of EUR 1.77 million from the initial 
consolidation as well as a substantial increase in finance income to 
EUR 15.2 million. Earnings before tax (EBT) increased 115% to EUR 
116.61 million.
Earnings per share for the first three quarters of 2007 rose by 58% 
to EUR 1.15, in spite of an increase in the number of shares 
outstanding. Adjusted earnings per share based on actual income taxes
paid equalled EUR 1.53, compared with EUR 1.05 for the first three 
quarters of 2006.
Excellent financial position and increase in substance value Equity 
rose to EUR 1,352 million as of the balance sheet date on 30 
September 2007, resulting in an equity ratio of 54%. conwert has a 
sound financial basis to support its future expansion, which was 
further improved by the placement of EUR 196.40 million in 
convertible bonds in November of this year.
The inherent value (NAV) of the conwert share also showed sound 
development, rising by 9% to EUR 15.52 over the past 12 months. 
Adjusted NAV per share, which also includes undisclosed reserves in 
the property portfolio and deferred taxes, increased from EUR 17.81 
to EUR 19.89. This represents an improvement of 12%.
Positive outlook on 2007 conwert readied a number of property 
acquisitions during the third quarter of 2007 that have since been 
closed. The company will utilise further opportunities for 
acquisitions during the last three months of this year, and expand 
the property portfolio to approx. EUR 2.2 - 2.4 billion. In addition,
the active management of investment properties is expected to 
generate higher rental income.
For the full reporting year, conwert expects revenues of EUR 329 - 
370 million. Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) should reach EUR
178 - 190 million, net profit EUR 105 - 115 million and earnings per 
share EUR 1.32 - 1.44 (diluted earnings per share, including the 
convertible bonds issued in November 2007).
Selected Key Data
Key company figures in EUR m
                                  1-9/2007      1-9/2006    Change         2006
Rental income                        77.18         54.73       41%        79.54
Proceeds from the
   sale of properties               171.22         76.57      124%       185.46
Revenues                            248.40        131.30       89%       265.00
Earnings before interest
   and tax (EBIT)                   137.70         73.45       87%       104.42
Financial results                   -21.09        -19.18        -        -27.39
Earnings before tax (EBT)           116.61         54.27      115%        77.03
Profit for the period                88.81         37.48      137%        51.67
Profit for the period after
   minority interest                 87.34         37.51      133%        51.82
Balance sheet total               2,516.06      1,848.18       36%     1,921.85
Equity                            1,351.48        843.39       60%       857.99
Equity ratio in % *                  53.71         45.60        -          44.6
Adjusted equity ratio in % **        54.18         46.27        -          45.3
Funds from operations (FFO)***       60.33         25.80      134%        64.62
*    Equity including minority interest
**   Equity including financing contributions from tenants
***  Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) - net gain on the adjustment of
fair value + cash gains on the sale of properties in relation to IFRS gains on
Key property figures
                                30.09.2007      30.09.2006   Change  31.12.2006
Number of objects                    1,387             963      44%         981
Rental units                        19,964          14,993      33%      15,376
Total usable space in sqm        1,661,015       1,262,827      32%   1,322,412
Parking spaces-/
garage spaces                        5,508           3,416      61%       4,298
Property assets in EUR m          2,146.69        1,598.52      34%    1,673.37
Key stock exchange figures
                                30.09.2007      30.09.2006   Change  31.12.2006
Earnings per share in EUR             1.15            0.73      58%        0.97
Adjusted earnings per
  share in EUR                        1.53            1.05      46%        1.44
Share price in EUR
  at end of period                   12.96           15.90    - 19%       16.40
Book value/share in EUR              15.52           14.24       9%       14.49
Adjusted NAV/share in EUR            19.89           17.81      12%       19.19
Number of shares
  at end of period              85,359,273      58,684,500      45%  58,684,500
Market capitalisation EUR m       1,106.26          933.08      19%      962.43
Price/earnings ratio                 11.27           21.86       -        16.91
Price/adjusted earnings ratio         8.47           15.09       -        11.39
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 29.11.2007 07:30:00

Further inquiry note:

For additional information contact:

conwert Immobilien Invest AG, Johann Kowar, Chairman of the Management Board,
T +43 / 1 / 521 45-0, E

Hochegger|Financials, Roland Mayrl, T +43 / 1 / 504 69 87-31,

Branche: Real Estate
ISIN: AT0000697750
WKN: 069775
Index: WBI
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official dealing

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Plus de actualités: conwert Immobilien Invest AG