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Intercell AG

EANS-Adhoc: Intercell AG Announces Q3 2009 Results and Updates on R&D Progress and Management:

09.11.2009 – 07:29

  ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
  distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
9-month report
» Progress on Japanese Encephalitis vaccine (IXIARO®/JESPECT®) 
business and   global reach - approval in Canada obtained - Phase III
study start in   India for JE-vaccine for endemic countries imminent 
» Start of the Phase III study for Travelers' Diarrhea Vaccine Patch 
in   October » Phase II data for single-dose Pandemic Influenza 
vaccine with Vaccine   Enhancement Patch expected before end 2009 » 
First interim data from Phase II for Pseudomonas vaccine expected 
before   end of 2009 » Net loss for the first nine months increased 
to EUR 25.9m - Revenues   increased by 16.6% in the same period - 
Lower than anticipated sales   increase for IXIARO® with Q3 sales 
revenues of EUR 2.7m » Strong Q4 revenues anticipated from expected 
partnering of future   commercialization of Travelers' Diarrhea 
Vaccine and of certain aspects   of Patch Technology » Lower than 
anticipated IXIARO® sales revenues and significant investments   in 
strongly progressing late-stage development programs likely to result
in full year net loss » Management Board appointed for the next three
years; Alexander von Gabain   to transition from Management Board 
(Chief Scientific Officer) into a new   strategic role within the 
Vienna (Austria), November 9, 2009 - Today, Intercell AG (VSE: ICLL) 
announced its financial results for the third quarter of 2009 and 
presented an update on the Company's key R&D programs as well as 
changes to the Management Board.
Japanese Encephalitis vaccine: Progress on IXIARO®/JESPECT® business 
and global reach
The market preparation and launch activities in the 30 countries 
where IXIARO®/JESPECT® is approved have been slower than anticipated,
with more than 50% of the countries still awaiting product launch. 
Significant efforts are needed to create national recommendations for
JE-vaccination, to build awareness and hence optimize product uptake 
in the markets. Some countries have successfully reached vaccination 
rates that are already now in reach of the anticipated business 
opportunity and hence we are optimistic that others can achieve 
similarly over time. First deliveries of IXIARO® to the U.S. military
were concluded in September under the exclusive Supply Agreement 
signed earlier this year. As sole supplier for the U.S. military, 
Intercell is working closely with the Army's health representatives 
on recommendations towards an increased use of the novel, 
cell-culture vaccine to prevent Japanese Encephalitis (JE). Recently 
Intercell reported that Health Canada granted product approval for 
IXIARO®. This decision of the Canadian authorities represents another
important milestone for the product's global reach. Intercell's 
vaccine has already been successfully approved and launched in the 
USA, Europe, and Australia. The vaccine will be available for the 
Canadian market by the end of the year and will be distributed and 
marketed to travelers by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. and to 
the military personnel by Intercell.
Additionally Intercell has initiated regulatory licensure processes 
in other, small territories where there is an attractive market 
segment for a product already approved in highly regulated 
environments. Intercell AG and its partner Biological E. Ltd. are 
expecting an imminent start of a pivotal Phase III study for the 
investigational vaccine to protect children and adults from JE. The 
investigational vaccine is manufactured in India by Biological E. and
is based on Intercell's technology, which was successfully used to 
gain product licensure of the adult vaccine in Europe, the United 
States, and Canada (IXIARO®) as well as in Australia (JESPECT®). The 
randomized and controlled study will be the key pivotal Phase III 
trial in an endemic region towards licensure of the JE vaccine. The 
planned Phase III trial will investigate safety and immunogenicity 
compared to JenceVacTM, the locally licensed, Korean-made, 
inactivated, mouse brain-derived JE vaccine. The approval of the 
vaccine in India is expected by the end of 2010 with WHO 
pre-qualification planned to follow in 2011.
Strong performance on late-stage patch-based vaccine pipeline
In October, Intercell's investigational Travelers' Diarrhea (TD) 
Vaccine Patch entered clinical Phase III development. This pivotal 
efficacy field study started with the first subjects vaccinated in 
the United Kingdom. The randomized and placebo-controlled study with 
1,800 travelers from Europe to Mexico and Guatemala will evaluate the
efficacy of the TD Vaccine Patch to actively immunize against 
moderate to severe enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) disease in a field 
setting. The investigational TD vaccine system consists of a 
self-adhesive patch containing the vaccine antigen, the heat-labile 
toxin (LT) from E. coli, and a single-use device used to prepare the 
skin at the site of patch administration, the Skin Preparation System
(SPS). Intercell combines the classical toxin approach to vaccination
with its innovative patch-based, needle-free delivery system. The SPS
partially disrupts the stratum corneum of the skin. The dry patch 
contains the antigen in a stabilizing excipient formulation and 
delivers the antigen through the skin.
Phase II data for an investigational Vaccine Enhancement Patch to 
potentially enable single application for Pandemic Influenza 
prevention is expected before the end of 2009.
The clinical trial is investigating Intercell's Vaccine Enhancement 
(VE) Patch in combination with an injectable H5N1 Pandemic Influenza 
vaccine (manufactured by Solvay Biologicals, B.V., The Netherlands) 
and enrolled 500 subjects in the USA with serological analysis under 
way. The study, as part of Intercell`s overall PanFlu program, is 
fully funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 
(HHS). In 2008, Intercell announced the results of a Phase I clinical
trial in a similar setting with the VE Patch combined with an 
injectable H5N1 Influenza vaccine. The data revealed that a single 
45-microgram dose of the H5N1 Influenza vaccine, when administered 
with the Intercell VE Patch containing 50-microgram LT adjuvant, was 
sufficient to provide an immune response seen to be protective in 73%
of the vaccinees. This was the first time that a single dose of H5N1 
Pandemic Influenza vaccine met the level of protection suggested in 
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidance. The U.S. Food and 
Drug Administration considers a pandemic vaccine to be protective if 
it achieves immune response levels in at least 70% of the vaccine 
Excellent progress for all other clinical programs
Staphylococcus aureus vaccine (V710) clinical program: First critical
interim analysis (surpassing futility) from the ongoing Phase II/III 
trial in cardiothoracic surgery patients is expected in 2010. The 
Phase II/III trial is designed to evaluate investigational vaccine 
efficacy/safety in patients undergoing cardiothoracic surgery. To 
date, the trial has experienced slower than anticipated enrollment 
and accrual of individuals with S. aureus infections. The 
double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial utilizes an 
adaptive (group-sequential) design incorporating several interim 
analyses to evaluate accrued data and allow for objective assessment 
of study progress. The study involves more than 90 centers in 18 
countries, including the USA, Europe, South America, and Japan. 
Collaborator Merck & Co., Inc. is responsible for clinical 
development, manufacturing, and marketing.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa vaccine: First interim data on the Phase II 
study are expected by the end of 2009. Intercell's investigational 
prophylactic Pseudomonas aeruginosa vaccine aims to protect Intensive
Care Unit (ICU) patients against Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia 
(VAP) and Bacteremia. For the current Phase II clinical trial, about 
400 patients are enrolled in more than 50 ICUs in 11 countries in 
Europe and Latin America.
Streptococcus pneumoniae vaccine: Initial results of the clinical 
Phase I trial with the Company's protein-based vaccine are expected 
at the beginning of 2010. The program is financially supported by 
Therapeutic Hepatitis C vaccine: the strategic partnering process is 
progressing well and it is expected that a partnership will be closed
in the first half of 2010. The strategic aim is to combine 
Intercell´s vaccine approach, which in a previous Phase II trial 
showed a significant virus decline in chronic Hepatitis C patients, 
with a small molecule treatment scheme of the potential partner.
Tuberculosis vaccine: Phase I/II clinical programs are proceeding 
according to plan. These programs are based on a partnership between 
Intercell, Statens Serum Institut, Sanofi Pasteur, and the AERAS 
Global Tuberculosis Foundation. Further clinical data is expected for
Management Board
Intercell's Supervisory Board confirmed the existing Management Board
members Gerd Zettlmeissl as Chief Executive Officer and Thomas 
Lingelbach as Chief Operating Officer for the next three years.
Reinhard Kandera, Chief Financial Officer since March 2009, has been 
appointed for a term of three years as a new member of Intercell's 
Management Board. Kandera, who joined Intercell in 2001, has served 
the Company in different areas of responsibility - most recently as 
Global Head of Investor Relations and Chief Financial Officer of 
Intercell USA, Inc. He played a pivotal role in the Company's 
multiple financing events, including the IPO in 2005, and contributed
significantly to the successful integration of Intercell's 
subsidiaries in Scotland and the USA. Before joining Intercell, 
Reinhard Kandera held various positions at the Deutsche Bank.
Alexander von Gabain, Intercell's Chief Scientific Officer, 
co-founder and former Chief Executive Officer, has decided to 
transition from his current Management Board role into a less 
operational one. He commits himself for a three-year period and will 
support the Company as Strategic Advisor to both the Management Board
and the Supervisory Board. In this role, he will continue to be fully
employed by Intercell. Alexander von Gabain will be strongly involved
in key research and development topics and will substantially 
contribute to the Company by leveraging his excellent network in the 
arena of academia, biotech and the pharmaceutical industry.
Eszter Nagy, Ph.D., M.D, who has been with Intercell since 1999, will
continue to be in charge of Intercell's pre-clinical research 
activities and to lead Intercell's Research function as Senior Vice 
President & Head Pre-clinical Research.
Corporate / Other
In September, Intercell was awarded the prestigious Triple-A Award 
for outstanding annual reports and was named "Newcomer of the Year" 
by the Austrian business magazine "Trend".
Key Financial Figures
EUR in thousands    3 months ended       9 months ended      Year ended
                   Sept 30,  Sept 30,  Sept 30,   Sept 30,     Dec 31,
                    2009      2008       2009      2008         2008
Revenues            9,159     7,641    29,480    25,283       55,763
Net profit/(loss) (14,671)   (5,140)  (25,925)  (13,789)      17,175
Net operating
 cash flow        (14,753)   24,956   (43,322)     (430)     (10,186)
Cash and available-
for-sale financial
assets, end of
period            139,746   208,952   139,746   208,952      190,865
The report can be downloaded at
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Intercell AG
Lucia Malfent
Head of Corporate Communications
Tel. +43 1 20620-1303

Branche: Biotechnology
ISIN: AT0000612601
Index: ATX Prime, ATX
Börsen: Wien / official market

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