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Alea Group Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd.

Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2003 - Part 6 of 7

15.03.2004 – 10:45

London (ots)

 Consolidated cash flow statement
                                       Year ended    Year ended
                              Notes     31 Dec 03     31 Dec 02
                                            $'000         $'000
 Net cash inflow 
 from operating activities       6        250,979        99,394
Servicing of finance
 Interest paid                            (4,718)       (6,530)
 Taxation (paid)/refunded                 (1,674)        1,222
Capital expenditure
 Purchase of tangible assets             (10,266)       (9,237)
 Proceeds on disposal of tangible assets   5,977
 Issue of common share capital           291,968         7,092
 Purchase of subordinated 
 preferred shares
 issued by subsidiaries                  (42,500)
 Receipt of cash from Capital 
 Enhancement Program                                    30,000
 Capital raising expenses                (23,723)         (172)
                                        ---------     ---------
                                         466,043       121,769
                                        =========     =========
Cash flows were invested as follows:
 Increase/(decrease) in cash holdings     13,752        (3,243)
Net portfolio investments
 Shares and other variable 
 yield securities                           (331)         (704)
 Debt securities 
 - unit trusts - Listed                     6,973         6,978
 Debt securities and other fixed income
 securities                               453,123       414,079
 Deposits with credit institutions         (7,474)     (295,341)
---------     ---------
                                          452,291       125,012
                                         ---------     ---------
Net investment of cash flows              466,043       121,769
=========     =========
Notes to the Financial Statements
Basis of preparation
The financial information is prepared in accordance with
applicable United  Kingdom accounting standards and under the
historical cost accounting rules  as modified by the revaluation of
investments. The principal accounting  policies, which have all been
applied consistently throughout the periods  covered by this report
with the exception of the policy for the recognition of equalisation
provision explained below, and which comply with the recommendations
of the United Kingdom Statement of Recommended Practice on 
Accounting for Insurance Business issued by the Association of
British Insurers in December 1998 (the ''ABI SORP'') are set out
The Company is a registered Bermuda company. As such it is obliged
to prepare its financial information in accordance with the Bermuda
Companies Act 1981,  which permits the Company to prepare its
financial information under generally accepted accounting principles
of the United Kingdom (''UK GAAP'').  Accordingly, the financial
information has been prepared in accordance with  Bermuda Law and
under the historical cost accounting rules as modified by the
revaluation of investments.
This preliminary announcement does not constitute statutory
accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 2003. The auditors
have not reported on these  accounts.
This preliminary announcement uses the accounting policies set out
in the Group's Listing Particulars except for the policy in respect
of employing the  longer term rate of return for investments as
recommended for UK listed  companies by the ABI SORP. This policy has
changed since the publication of the Listing Particulars and details
of the change are disclosed further below.
The financial information in this preliminary announcement for the
year ended 31 December 2003 does not constitute statutory accounts
for that period but is  derived from those accounts, which are
currently unaudited, and have been  restated for the effects of the
change in accounting policy.
Basis of consolidation
The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial
statements of the Company and all its subsidiary undertakings.
From 1 January 2001 to 26 February 2002 the parent company of the
Group was Alea Group Holdings AG, a company incorporated in
Switzerland. On 7 December 2001 the Company was incorporated in
Bermuda to become the new ultimate parent company of the Group. As at
31 December 2001 following a series of capital injections from
existing shareholders and share for share exchanges, certain 
subsidiaries of Alea Group Holdings AG were partially owned by both
the Company and Alea Group Holdings AG, in varying percentages. Alea
Group Holdings AG remained the controlling entity as at 31 December
As at 26 February 2002 following completion of regulatory
approvals, Alea Group Holdings AG became a 94.49% subsidiary of the
Company by way of a share for share exchange and the Company became
the new ultimate parentcompany. Following the staff equity exchange
becoming effective on 3 April 2002, and certain repurchases from
terminating employees, the Company's interest in Alea Group Holdings
AG increased to 100%.
The above share for share exchanges qualify as a Group
reorganisation as the ultimate shareholders and their rights remained
the same and no minority interests have been affected. Accordingly,
as permitted under FRS 6 ''Acquisitions and Mergers'' this Group
reconstruction has been accounted for using merger accounting.
Change in accounting policies
The Group has determined that it is appropriate to record in the
accounts of the Group the claims equalisation provision established
by Alea London Limited. This is a change in accounting policy. The
Group has opted to comply with the ABI SORP recommendation for UK
listed companies of allocating investment return to the technical
account based on the longer term rate of return, which the Group has
selected as 4.5%. This is a change in accounting policy and has no
impact on the profit on ordinary activities after tax.  The
cumulative effect of the prior year adjustments is shown in the
statement of total recognised gains and losses and detailed in note
Notes to the Financial Statements
Underwriting results by operating segment before intra-group quota
share arrangements
The Group's business is composed of four underwriting segments,
consisting of London, Alternative Risk, North America (treaty
reinsurance) and Europe.
The following tables summarise the underwriting results for the
Group's business segments as of and for the years ended 31 December
2003 and 31 December 2002.  Net premiums written and net premiums
earned are presented prior to intra-group  quota share arrangements,
the underwriting results are also stated before quota share
arrangements, and the impact of quota share arrangements on these 
pre-quota segmental results is presented separately.
Year ended 31   London        AAR      North       Europe    Total
 December 2003                        America
                  $'000      $'000     $'000        $'000     $'000
 Premiums       566,042    261,141    282,921     190,078 1,300,182
 Outwards       (78,198)  (129,172)   (33,222)   (30,879) (271,471)
 written       487,844    131,969    249,699     159,199 1,028,711
 earned        482,701    205,062    228,361     198,151 1,114,275
 earned        407,656     97,856    189,324     163,645   858,481
 return         13,995     12,681     19,022      12,113    57,811
 net of 
 reinsurance  (224,988)   (70,556)  (130,024)   (103,082)(528,650)
Total net 
 comprise :
 costs        (92,521)    (19,654)   (55,268)    (27,958)(195,401)
 expenses     (32,122)    (15,880)   (20,984)    (21,112) (90,098)
 Fee income     1,654           -        545         165    2,364
 charges       (5,611)        (24)      (700)    (12,669) (19,004)
 expenses     (128,600)   (35,558)   (76,407)    (61,574)(302,139)
 --------   ------------   --------  --------    -------- --------
 result(1)     68,063       4,423      1,915      11,102   85,503
 =========   ===========   ========  ========    ======== ========
 ended 31      London         AAR      North      Europe    Total
 December                            America 
                $'000       $'000      $'000       $'000    $'000
 Written      376,428     141,394    257,377     156,432   931,631
 premiums     (76,245)   (66,767)   (48,328)    (32,059) (223,399)
 Net premiums 300,183     74,627    209,049     124,373    708,232
 earned       278,535     54,064    176,375     165,054     674,028
 earned       220,885     22,044    142,663     132,459     518,051
 return         9,398      9,334     17,334      10,886      46,952
 net of 
 reinsurance (108,997)   (14,344)   (87,632)   (110,881)  (321,854)
Total net 
 comprise :
 costs       (49,694)    (6,851)   (44,904)    (26,070)   (127,519)
 expenses    (30,572)    (5,779)   (21,076)    (19,035)    (76,462)
 Fee income    5,807        228          -        (364)      5,671
 charges      (5,965)       (95)      (611)    (10,007)    (16,678)
 expenses    (80,424)   (12,497)   (66,591)    (55,476)   (214,988)
 --------   ---------   --------   --------    --------    --------
 result (1)   40,862      4,537      5,774     (23,012)     28,161
 =========  ==========   ========   ========    ========   ========
(1) Balance on the technical account for general business before
claims equalisation provision
Intra-group quota share arrangements
For the year ended 31 December 2002 and 31 December 2003
intra-group quota share arrangements comprise of the following: a 35%
quota share of Alea London business to Alea Europe, a 50% quota share
of certain 2000 and prior underwriting year business from Alea Europe
to Alea Bermuda, a 70% quota share of Alea North America to Alea
Bermuda and an intra-group aggregate excess contract from Alea Europe
to Alea Bermuda. The effect of all of these arrangements are detailed
below :
Year ended        London     Bermuda         US    Europe    Total
 31 December        $'000       $'000      $'000     $'000    $'000
Net premiums 
 earned           407,656       2,520    284,660   163,645 858,481
 reinsurance     (142,397)    203,005   (197,151)  36,543        -
                  -------    -------    -------   -------   -------
 Net premiums 
 earned after
 reinsurance     265,259      205,525     87,509   300,188  858,481
 reinsurance      68,063      (10,841)    17,180    11,101   85,503
 reinsurance      45,468       (5,046)    (1,168)   46,249   85,503
Year ended      London       Bermuda         US    Europe   Total
 31 December      $'000         $'000      $'000     $'000   $'000
Net premiums 
 earned         220,885       85,325     79,382   132,459   518,051
 reinsurance    (75,604)      75,030    (55,567)   56,141         -
                 -------     -------    -------   -------   -------
 Net premiums 
 earned after
 reinsurance    145,281      160,355     23,815   188,600   518,051
 reinsurance     40,862        9,143      1,168   (23,012)   28,161
 reinsurance     25,094        7,902     (2,566)   (2,269)   28,161
Year ended             Year ended
                              31 Dec 03              31 Dec 02
                                  $'000                  $'000
 Gross premiums written
    Casualty                    339,342                125,308
    Property                     92,226                 69,963
    Marine, aviation & 
    transport                        88                    (77)
    Other                           745                    215
                              ---------              ---------
    Total insurance             432,401                195,409
                              ---------              ---------
    Casualty                    584,463                365,182
    Property                    232,198                294,760
    Marine, aviation & 
    transport                    32,414                 54,709
    Other                        18,706                 21,571
                              ---------              ---------
    Total reinsurance           867,781                736,222
                              ---------              ---------
    Total                     1,300,182                931,631
                              =========              =========
Year ended             Year ended
                              31 Dec 03              31 Dec 02
                                  $'000                  $'000
Gross premiums earned
    Casualty                    243,787                 57,353
    Property                     82,466                 50,950
    Marine, aviation & 
    transport                        88                    394
    Other                           619                    665
                              ---------              ---------
    Total insurance             326,960                109,362
                              ---------              ---------
    Casualty                    481,901                285,193
    Property                    250,377                210,055
    Marine, aviation & 
    transport                    40,176                 48,853
    Other                        14,861                 20,565
                              ---------              ---------
    Total reinsurance           787,315                564,666
                              ---------              ---------
    Total                     1,114,275                674,028
                              =========              =========
Year ended            Year ended
                              31 Dec 03             31 Dec 02
                                  $'000                 $'000
 Net premiums written
      Casualty                  432,537                55,925
      Property                   64,311                59,163
      Marine, aviation & 
      transport                      88                  (67)
      Other                         649                  131
                              ---------            ---------
      Total insurance           497,585              115,152
---------            ---------
      Casualty                  288,674              305,024
      Property                  207,047              225,375
      Marine, aviation & 
      transport                  16,242               40,333
      Other                      19,163               22,348
                              ---------            ---------
      Total reinsurance         531,126              593,080
                              ---------            ---------
      Total                   1,028,711              708,232
                              =========            =========
Year ended           Year ended
                              31 Dec 03            31 Dec 02
                                  $'000                $'000
 Net premiums earned
      Casualty                  108,613               29,927
      Property                   69,703               41,777
      Marine, aviation 
      & transport                    88                  491
      Other                         523                  581
                              ---------            ---------
      Total insurance           178,927               72,776
                              ---------            ---------
      Casualty                  426,111             239,817
      Property                  213,541             150,065
      Marine, aviation & 
      transport                  24,600              34,235
      Other                      15,302              21,158
                              ---------           ---------
      Total reinsurance         679,554             445,275
                              ---------          ---------
      Total                      858,481            518,051
                               =========          =========
Basic earnings per ordinary share is based on the profits after
tax and the weighted average ordinary shares in issue as follows :
Year ended    Year ended
                                         31 Dec 03     31 Dec 02
                                            Number        Number
Weighted average ordinary 
 shares in issue                       114,269,807   105,872,303
Fully diluted number of shares        116,266,620   107,965,776
Operating earnings per ordinary share based on the investment
income are shown because it is considered to be a more appropriate
measure of operating performance than earnings per share including
short term fluctuations in investment return. Furthermore, as
detailed in the note relating to prior year adjustments, transfers to
or from claims equalisation provision are transfers to or from a
statutory reserve and not a deduction or credit in arriving at
operating profit. The gain on the purchase of subordinated preferred
shares issued by subsidiaries has also been excluded in calculating
operating profit.
The Company has re-denominated the Swiss Franc 110.79 option price
to $64.41 for all options issued at that strike price (CHF 5.54 and
$3.22, respectively after adjustment for the bonus share grant,
comparable to a 20:1 stock split). The Company reports in United
States Dollars and the original Swiss Franc price was retained only
as a result of the original status of the parent company (AGHAG)
before the establishment of the new Bermudan ultimate parent company
Alea Group Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd. The impact of converting the Swiss
Franc options to United States Dollars options does not change the
fully diluted earnings per share and reduces the fully diluted
operating earnings per share in 2003 from 55 cents to 54 cents per
The reconciliation between earnings per ordinary share and
operating earnings per ordinary share is as follows:
                                        Year ended    Year ended
                                         31 Dec 03     31 Dec 02
                                             $'000         $'000
Profit for the financial year attributable
 to equity shareholders                     48,510        54,579
                                         ---------     ---------
Less  Gain on purchase of 
       subordinated preferred                7,500             -
       shares issued by subsidiaries
       Short term fluctuations in 
       investment return                   (22,477)       33,322
       Movement in claims equalisation      (3,771)       (2,368)
       provisions                         ---------     ---------
                                           (18,748)       30,954
       Tax thereon                           4,251        (1,989)
                                          ---------     ---------
                                           (14,497)       28,965
                                          ---------     ---------
 Operating profit after tax                 63,007        25,614
Earnings per share - basic ($)               0.42          0.52 
 Earnings per share - fully diluted ($)       0.42          0.51  
 Operating earnings per share - basic ($)     0.55           0.2 
 Operating earnings per share 
 - fully diluted ($)                          0.54          0.24
Reinsurers' share of technical provisions - claims outstanding -
aggregate excess reinsurance
As part of the Listing process the Group reviewed the application
of the deficit payback provisions of each of the Inter-Ocean Adverse
Development cover, the Inter-Ocean Aggregate Excess Cover and the OPL
Adverse Development Cover and determined that the previous financial
statements made a fundamental error in that they did not fully
reflect the consequences of the deficit payback and
commutation/termination provisions of the contracts. Accordingly
reinsurance recoverables were reduced by $24 million in respect of
the 2000 annual financial result and by $6 million in respect of the
2001 annual financial result. These amounts have been accounted for
as prior year adjustments in these financial statements.
Claims equalisation provision
Also as part of the Listing process the Group has determined that
it is appropriate to record in the accounts of the Group the Claims
Equalisation Provision established by Alea London Limited. This
change in accounting policy has been accounted for as a prior year
A claims equalisation provision for the UK subsidiary has been
established in accordance with Chapter 6 of the Interim Prudential
Sourcebook for UK Insurers (prior to 1 December 2001, the
requirements of the Insurance (Reserves) Act 1995 and the Insurance
Companies (Reserves) Regulations 1996) for the purposes of mitigating
exceptionally high loss ratios in future years. The amounts provided
are not liabilities because they are in addition to the provisions
required to meet the anticipated ultimate cost of settlement of
outstanding claims at the balance sheet date.
Longer term rate of return
The Group has chosen to allocate investment income to the
technical account from the non-technical account using the
longer-term rate of return as recommended for listed companies per
the ABI SORP. As this is a reallocation of the investment return
within the Profit and Loss Account it has no impact on prior year
The impact of the change in accounting policy and the other prior
year adjustment is as follows:
Year ended Year ended
                                               31 Dec 03  31 Dec 02
                                                   $'000     $'000
Profit on ordinary activities after tax under
 previous accounting policy                       43,650    56,238
 Change in the claims equalisation provision      (3,771)   (2,368)
 Tax credit                                        1,131       709
                                                 -------- --------
                                                  (2,640)   (1,659)
                                                 -------- --------
 Restated profit on ordinary activities after      41,010   54,579
 tax                                             ======== ========
Shareholders' funds attributable to equity
 interests as previously reported                 728,042  442,198
 Net effect of the change in accounting policy
 as above                                          (2,640) (1,659)
Prior year adjustment - reinsurers' share of
 technical provisions - claims outstanding -
 aggregate excess reinsurance                           -  (30,000)
                                                  -------- --------
                                                   (2,640) (31,659)
                                                  -------- --------
 Restated shareholders' funds attributable to
 equity interests                                 725,402  410,540
                                                 ========  ========
 Profit and loss account as previously reported    17,598  (18,628)
 Net effect of the change in accounting policy
 as above                                         (2,640)  (1,659)
Prior year adjustment - reinsurers' share of
 technical provisions - claims outstanding -
 aggregate excess reinsurance                          -   (30,000)
                                                 --------  --------
                                                  (2,640)  (31,659)
                                                 --------  --------
 Restated profit and loss account                 14,958   (50,287)
                                                 ========  ========
Part 7 follows

Lieux dans ce communiqué
Plus de actualités: Alea Group Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd.
Plus de actualités: Alea Group Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd.
  • 15.03.2004 – 10:44

    Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2003 - Part 5 of 7

    London (ots) - Interest on bank borrowings under the Term "A" loan and the Revolving Credit Facility is charged at a rate per annum according to applicable currency LIBOR rates designated as the British Bankers Association interest settlement rate plus a margin of ) 0.625% (2002 0.625%). The margin charged on the Term "B" loan is 3.25% (2002 3.25%). The ...

  • 15.03.2004 – 10:43

    Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2003 - Part 4 of 7

    London (ots) - Interest on bank borrowings under the Term "A" loan and the Revolving Credit Facility is charged at a rate per annum according to applicable currency LIBOR rates designated as the British Bankers Association interest settlement rate plus a margin of ) 0.625% (2002 0.625%). The margin charged on the Term "B" loan is 3.25% (2002 3.25%). The ...

  • 15.03.2004 – 10:42

    Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2003 - Part 3 of 7

    London (ots) - FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT Performance Management The highlights of the consolidated financial statements are as follows: Summary of results 2003 2002 $ million Gross premiums written 1,300.2 931.6 Net premiums earned 858.5 518.1 Underwriting profit ...