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WISeKey Announces the Signing of an Agreement (MoU) Establishing WISeKey Uruguay in Order to Establish a Regional Hub in Mercosur

04.12.2007 – 08:45

Geneva/Switzerland and MONTEVIDEO/Uruguay (ots)

The global
WISeKey affiliate network is now expanding to Mercosur. These
affiliates will use the WISeKey Electronic Security Hub to
interconnect and share common technology, products and services.
Operation of these trust infrastructures will enable intraoperative
Internet services through the agreement signed by WISeKey and the
International Telecommunications Union
WISeKey currently has affiliates in Brazil, Chile, Colombia,
Mexico, Uruguay, Venezuela, USA, Germany, Benelux, Bulgaria, Spain,
France, Hungary, Italy, Monaco, Sweden, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia,
China, UAE, Egypt, Libya and Turkey.
With this model, WISeKey delivers global solutions to local
communities, creating one of the most widely used networks on the
Internet, including: state agencies, national telecommunications
companies and e-commerce service providers. This is helping
accelerate the PKI 2 movement, which consists of using Web 2.0
transaction services for Digital Identification.
"Establishing a Hub in Uruguay to boost our activities in the
Mercosur region is a very strategic step for WISeKey, as it allows us
to unite many projects of great technological and commercial interest
in the region, while at the same time expanding into other markets.
Likewise, it will allow us to connect the Mercosur Hub to the Hub we
are currently installing in Malaga, Spain to create a link between
the European Union and Africa
(, enabling
the use of digital identification among 3 continents," said Carlos
Moreira, Chairman and CEO, WISeKey.
"In order to speed up the establishment of WISeKey Uruguay and
develop a regional Hub, WISeKey is planning on undertaking
acquisitions and strategic alliances in the region, for the purpose
of consolidating Uruguay's position as a Hub capable of supporting
the latest technological innovations.
WISeKey has reached an agreement to purchase Uruguay
in order to expand its Internet trust services in Mercosur. This
agreement also includes the launch of a new, innovative service that
associates Digital trust IDs to local press and media, advertising
and digital content in Spanish", asserted Leandro A-ón, CEO of El
WISeKey is one of the major electronic ID providers worldwide, and
as a Swiss company, it allows for a unique level of trust on the
Internet. Electronic IDs are used to protect transactions, access
physical and virtual locations and to provide non-refutable
identification (ID documents, etc.).
WISeKey has broad experience executing complex e-security


Daniel Ybarra
VP Corporate Communications
Tél.: +41-22-594-30-00

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Plus de actualités: WISeKey SA