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Atomic Energy of Canada Limited

AECL Provides Status Report on Cernavoda Unit 2 Project

10.10.2004 – 16:00

Cernavoda, Romania (ots/PRNewswire)

- Initiates Commissioning Process on Second CANDU(R)
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) announced today that it has
initiated the commissioning process on the second CANDU(R) 6 unit at
Cernavoda, located near the Black Sea, approximately 180 kilometres
from Bucharest, Romania.
The commissioning milestone was celebrated with the energising of
the main service transformer and associated switchgear. A ceremony,
commemorating the event, was attended by Senator Peter Stollery,
Chairman of the Senate of Canada's Foreign Affairs committee and Dr.
Ken Petrunik, Chief Operating Officer of AECL.
"We are extremely pleased with the work and the progress that has
been made in such a short period of time," stated Dr. Ken Petrunik,
Chief Operating Officer of AECL. "This is another solid example how
AECL is able to consistently manage new-build projects on schedule
and within budget."
    Project Highlights:
    -  As of October 1, 2004, Cernavoda II project is 74% complete
    -  The current work schedule began in March 2003
    -  Project completion is scheduled for March 2007
    -  Gross Output of the CANDU 6 Reactor is designed at 710 Megawatts
    -  AECL and its partner, ANSALDO Energie of Italy, are managing the
       engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning processes
    -  More than 1,500 workers are employed during the construction of which
       110 are AECL experts from Canada and 80 ANSALDO employees from Italy
    -  Over the next two years, construction and commission will be completed
       on numerous plant systems including fuel loading, initial start up and
       connection to the grid for an in-service target of early 2007.
The Cernavoda NPP Unit 2 project is the second in a series of five
CANDU 6 Power Plants that began construction in the early 1980's.
Cernavoda Unit I nuclear power plant has been successfully operating
since 1996. Completion of the second CANDU 6 unit will bring
Romania's reliance on cleanly produced nuclear power to 15 percent.
In addition, AECL and the Romanian Nuclear Agency signed a
Memorandum of Intention to extend a Memorandum of Understanding for
cooperation in the research and development of nuclear energy and
AECL's CANDU 6 is one of the world's most successful power reactor
designs. AECL delivers R&D support, nuclear services, design and
engineering, construction management, specialist technology, and
waste management and decommissioning in support of CANDU reactor


For further information: Contact: Ian Dovey, AECL Media Relations,
+1-905-823-9040 ext. 4641, +1-905-302-6535 (cell),