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Wyeth Pharmaceuticals

New Data Support Routine Childhood Vaccination With PREVENAR in Europe

14.05.2008 – 09:33

Maidenhead, England (ots/PRNewswire)

- PREVENAR Shown to Reduce Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Young
Data presented at the 26th annual meeting of the European Society
for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID) in Graz, Austria, provide
additional evidence of the public health impact of the routine use of
Prevenar* (Pneumococcal Saccharide Conjugated Vaccine, Adsorbed),
which helps protect against the seven pneumococcal serotypes causing
the majority of disease worldwide.(1)
Specifically, since the introduction of Prevenar, also referred
to as PCV7, into Germany's pediatric immunization schedule in 2006,
there has been a 50 percent reduction in vaccine-type invasive
pneumococcal disease (IPD) in children younger than 2 years old
compared with a pre-vaccine baseline.(2) In addition, a slight
reduction in vaccine-type IPD among children aged 2-5 years old, an
unvaccinated group, also was documented, suggesting a potential
"indirect" effect among older children who were not immunized.(2)
"These data are compelling and demonstrate the rapid reduction of
IPD in German children following the inclusion of Prevenar in
Germany's national childhood immunization schedule," says Dr. Mark
van der Linden, Head of the National Reference Center for
Streptococci at the Institute of Medical Microbiology, RWTH-Aachen,
Germany. "Importantly, the results are consistent with the disease
reduction documented in France and the United Kingdom, where young
children are routinely immunized with Prevenar, highlighting the
impact of the vaccine in countries where it is used across Europe."
"Since pneumococcal disease is the number one vaccine-preventable
cause of death in children younger than five years of age, we are
incredibly proud of the growing body of evidence supporting universal
childhood vaccination with Prevenar and are committed in our mission
to help save children's lives," says Bernard Fritzell, Vice
President, International Scientific & Clinical Affairs, Wyeth.(5)
In view of the demonstrated vaccine efficacy and high disease
burden in young children, WHO recommends the priority inclusion of
PCV7 in national immunization programs worldwide.(6) Further, in
January 2008, the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) to WHO
issued a preliminary recommendation that pneumococcal disease
prevention be ranked as a very high priority on a global basis.(7)
Prevenar, the only licensed pneumococcal conjugate vaccine,  is
available in 88 countries worldwide and is part of the routine
national childhood immunization schedule in more than 20 of these
countries, 12 of which are in Europe.(8)
Pneumococcal Disease
Pneumococcal disease affects both children and adults and is a
leading cause of illness and death worldwide.(9) Pneumococcal disease
is caused by  the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae and describes a
group of illnesses, including invasive infections, such as
bacteremia/sepsis and meningitis, as well as pneumonia and upper
respiratory tract infections, including otitis media and sinusitis.
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, a division of Wyeth, has leading products
in the areas of women's health care, infectious disease,
gastrointestinal health, central nervous system, inflammation,
transplantation, hemophilia, oncology, vaccines and nutritional
Wyeth is one of the world's largest research-driven
pharmaceutical and health care products companies. It is a leader in
the discovery, development, manufacturing and marketing of
pharmaceuticals, vaccines, biotechnology products, nutritionals and
non-prescription medicines that improve the quality of life for
people worldwide. The Company's major divisions include Wyeth
Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth Consumer Healthcare and Fort Dodge Animal
(1). Hausdorff WP, Bryant J, Paradiso PR. Which pneumococcal
serogroups cause the most invasive disease: implications for
conjugate vaccine formulation and use, part I. CID 2000; 30:100-21.
(2). van der Linden M, Reinert R. Effects of the national
immunization program for PCV7 on IPD in children in Germany. Poster
presented at the 26th annual meeting of the European Society for
Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID).
(3). Lepoutre A, Varon E, Georges S, et al. Impact des
recommandations de vaccination antipneumococcique par le vaccin
conjugé heptavalent sur l'incidence des infections invasives à
pneumocoque chez les enfants de moins de deux ans. Institut de Veille
Sanitaire. 2006.
(4). Health Protection Agency (HPA): Centre for Infections.
Cumulative weekly number of reports of invasive pneumococcal disease
due to any of the seven serotypes present in PCV-7: children <2 years
in England and Wales by epidemiological year: July - June (2003 to
date). Cumulative Weekly Report IPD. February 2008.
(5). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Vaccine
preventable  deaths and the global immunization vision and strategy,
2006-2015. MMWR. 2006;55(18)511-515.
(6). World Health Organization. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
for childhood immunization, March 2007- WHO position paper. Wkly
Epidemiol Record 2007;12: 93-104.
(7). World Health Organization. Meeting of the Immunization
Strategic Advisory Group of Experts, November 2007 - conclusions and
recommendations. Wkly Epidemiol Record 2008; (83):1-16.
(8). Data on file, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc.
(9). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevention of
pneumococcal disease: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR. 1997;46(RR-8):1-24. Available
at: Accessed September 5,
* Trademark.


Media Contacts: Gill Markham, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals,
+44-1628-692-536; Investor Contact: Justin Victoria, Wyeth,
+1-973-660-5340; Lili Gordon, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, +1-484-865-6671

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