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Palfinger AG

euro adhoc: Palfinger AG
Annual Reports
PALFINGER AG increases revenues and earnings

08.08.2007 – 08:04

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
6-month report
PALFINGER even more dynamical in the first half 2007
o High order intake led to further increase in revenues and earnings
 o All segments recorded positive results
 o Record results for the entire year 2007 expected
|in EUR million           |HY1 2007    |%       |HY1 2006     |HY1 2005    |
|                         |            |        |             |            |
|Revenue                  |340.6       |+ 17.9% |289.0        |253.9       |
|EBITDA                   |58.0        |+ 26.6% |45.8         |42.5        |
|EBIT                     |51.0        |+ 30.7% |39.0         |37.2        |
|EBIT margin              |15.0%       |-       |13.5%        |14.7%       |
|Consolidated net profit  |39.2        |+37.9%  |28.5         |27.5        |
|for the period           |            |        |             |            |
The first half of the 2007 financial year  at  PALFINGER  was  characterised  by
continued growth and was the best half-year in the history of the  Company  both
in terms of revenues and earnings. As order intake grew significantly more  than
expected, PALFINGER succeeded in further expanding its market position.
Revenues increased by 17.9 percent to EUR 340.6 million compared  to  the  first
half 2006. EBIT amounted to EUR 51.0 million, which is  30.7 percent  above  the
figure for the same period of the previous year  and  the  EBIT  margin  reached
15.0 percent, up from 13.5 percent in the previous  year.  For  the  first  time
since the restructuring of the primary and secondary segments in 2004,  positive
results were achieved in all segments in the first half-year 2007.
The operating cash flow amounted  to  EUR  33.0  million  in  the  period  under
review, up from EUR 33.3 million in the same period of the  previous  year.  Due
to the high investment volume, the  free  cash  flow  decreased  from  EUR  28.3
million in the first half 2006 to EUR 1.5 million in the first  half  2007.  The
gearing ratio increased slightly to 13.8 percent, the equity  ratio  during  the
period under review amounted to 56.1 percent compared  to  54.3 percent  in  the
same period of the previous year.
On the basis of the continuous positive development  in  terms  of  new  orders,
management again expects record revenues and  earnings  in  the  2007  financial
year although the growth rates in the next months will have a  flatter  tendency
as compared to the already very strong second half 2006.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 08.08.2007 07:26:50

Further inquiry note:

Hannes Roither, PALFINGER AG
Head of Public Relations & Investor Relations, Business and Financial Media
Tel.: +43 662 46 84-2260

Branche: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: AT0000758305
WKN: 919964
Index: ATX Prime
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

Plus de actualités: Palfinger AG
Plus de actualités: Palfinger AG
  • 22.06.2007 – 08:05

    euro adhoc: other / PALFINGER AG - Stock Split

    Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement. Company Information 22.06.2007 PALFINGER to effect stock split as of 29 June 2007 • Four-for-one stock split, increasing the number of PALFINGER shares to 37,135,000 • Issued share capital raised to EUR 37,135,000 The 4-for-1 stock split of the PALFINGER share will be implemented as of 29 June ...