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Teksid Aluminum S.A.R.L.S.C.A

TK Aluminum Ltd. Reports Financial Results for the Second Quarter Ended June 30, 2006 and for the First Six-Months Period of 2006

29.08.2006 – 18:59

Carmagnola, Italy (ots/PRNewswire)

For the first half of 2006,
Teksid Aluminum reports net revenues of EUR556.4 million and Adjusted
EBITDA of EUR24.4 million. Sales were up 7.3%, as compared to the
prior year, due to aluminum price increases and foreign exchange
movements. Adjusted EBITDA, down 36.8%, was materially impacted by
raw material price increases, cost inflation and operational
TK Aluminum Ltd., the indirect parent of Teksid Aluminum
Luxembourg S.à r.l., S.C.A., today reported its consolidated
financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2006 and for
the first six-months period of 2006.
"Despite a challenging automotive environment, Teksid Aluminum's
revenues continue to grow due to aluminum price increases," reported
Jake Hirsch, CEO. "Compared to 2005 net revenues for the first half
of 2006 grew by 7.3% while Adjusted EBITDA decreased by 36.8%. We
have, nonetheless, increased second quarter Adjusted EBITDA to
EUR17.4 million approximately EUR10 million more than Q1. Our
operating results have benefited from continued operational
restructuring and cost saving plans, which were off set by aluminum
hysterisis, reduced tooling profits and unsatisfactory efficiency
improvements from selected plants."
Consolidated financial results for the second quarter ended June
30, 2006 and for the first six-months period of 2006
The table below contains certain financial information of the
Company for the second quarter ended June 30, and the six-months
period of 2006 and 2005, respectively. All amounts included herein
for the prior year periods have been adjusted to reflect the previous
restatement of certain financial information related to the Brazilian
investigation reported in the prior year.
    EUR m  Three-Months Period Ended June 30  Six-Months Period Ended June 30
    tons)            2006          2005 (as          2006         2005 (as
                                   restated)                      restated)
    K/Tons           55.0            57.1           111.2           112.5
        Net        EUR281.8        EUR269.0        EUR556.4       EUR518.4
      EBITDA        EUR5.2          EUR31.8         EUR9.1         EUR52.6
     Adjusted       EUR17.4         EUR22.3        EUR24.4         EUR38.6
     Net Loss       EUR24.8         EUR2.4         EUR43.8         EUR10.7
       Capex        EUR11.0         EUR9.9         EUR17.8         EUR29.8
     Net Debt      EUR345.4        EUR320.3        EUR345.4       EUR320.3
(a) Net Debt at December 31, 2005 was EUR313.1 m
Net Revenues increased as a result of an increase in the price
of aluminum and a positive foreign exchange impact
Net Revenues for the second quarter of 2006 were EUR281.8 million,
an increase of 4.8% compared to the same period in 2005. Assuming
constant exchange rates, Net Revenues in the second quarter of 2006
were 2.9% higher as compared to the same period in 2005.
Net Revenues for the first six-months period of 2006 were EUR556.4
million, an increase of 7.3% compared to the same period in 2005.
Assuming constant exchange rates, Net Revenues in the first
six-months period of 2006 were 2.4% higher as compared to the same
period in 2005. Net Revenues in the current period were primarily
affected by aluminum price increases partially offset by reduced
tooling sales and contractual price give backs.
Adjusted EBITDA was positively impacted by operational
restructuring and cost savings offset by a rapid increase in aluminum
costs and operating inefficiencies
Adjusted EBITDA for the second quarter of 2006 was EUR17.4 million
or 6.2% of Net Revenues compared to Adjusted EBITDA for the same
period in 2005 of EUR22.3 million, which was 8.3% of Net Revenues.
Adjusted EBITDA for the first six-months period of 2006 was
EUR24.4 million or 4.4% of Net Revenues compared to Adjusted EBITDA
for the same period in 2005, which was EUR38.6 million or 7.4% of Net
Revenues. Adjusted EBITDA in the reported period was positively
impacted by cost saving initiatives of EUR12.6 million, by savings of
EUR4.3 million on our restructuring program, by EUR6.1 million of
other miscellaneous items and by EUR0.7 million of foreign exchange
effect. This improvement was offset by (i) the negative impact of
continued aluminum price increases and the time lag in the pass
through of such increases to customers, including the negative effect
of spot-buy vs. contractual purchases that particularly occurred in
the second quarter, in the aggregate, of EUR10.9 million, (ii)
inflation costs of EUR9.2 million, (iii) cost inefficiencies in North
America and France of approximately EUR9.1 million, (iv) decreased
tooling profit of EUR4.7 million as a result of the completion of the
ramp up of certain commercial programs and (v) OEM contractual price
give backs and less favourable product mix of approximately EUR4.0
For a definition and reconciliation of Net Loss to Adjusted EBITDA
see enclosed attachment.
Net Loss increased primarily due to lower operating performance,
higher interest costs and negative foreign exchange impact
Net Loss for the second quarter of 2006 was EUR24.8 million
compared to same period in 2005 when net loss was EUR2.4 million.
Net Loss for the first six-months period of 2006 was EUR43.8
million compared to same period in 2005 when net loss was EUR10.7
million, primarily as a result of aluminum price fluctuations,
operational inefficiencies at certain North American and French
operations, higher interest costs in the current period and negative
foreign exchange impact.
Capital expenditures
Capital expenditures for the second quarter of 2006 were EUR11.0
million compared to EUR9.9 million during the same period of 2005.
Capital expenditures for the first half of 2006 were EUR17.8
million compared to EUR29.8 million during the same period of 2005.
Such capital expenditures primarily relate to purchases of machinery
and equipment by the Company's subsidiaries in the United States,
Mexico and Europe.
Net Debt increased primarily to support working capital
requirements and as a result of reduced operating performance
Net Debt at June 30, 2006, which includes EUR70.9 million in cash,
increased by EUR32.3 million to EUR345.4 million from Net Debt of
EUR313.1 million at December 31, 2005. The increase in Net Debt was
primarily due to cash used to fund operations of EUR12.2 million, a
negative working capital change of EUR4.5 million, cash used to fund
the capital expenditure program for EUR17.4 million and debt issuance
cost paid for EUR3.8 million, partially offset by a positive foreign
exchange impact on Net Debt of EUR5.6 million.
Aluminum prices have continued to increase since December 2005. To
minimize the effect of aluminum price fluctuations on our results, we
are continuing to negotiate with our customers to amend existing
sales contracts to shorten the time lag between the change in our
cost of aluminum and the change in the price our customers pay to us
for aluminum. To date, the majority of our customers have agreed to
the proposed amendments. We are continuing to negotiate with two
other customers to further decrease the time lag. Aluminum results
have also been impacted by the negative spot-buy vs. contractual
conditions, which has affected the first part of the quarter, pending
the completion and the execution of the refinancing package
previously announced.
On April 26, 2006, the Company signed an agreement to increase its
investment in Nanjing Teksid Aluminum Foundry Co, Ltd. ("NTAF"),
which operates an aluminum foundry based in Nanjing, China. Local
government approved the investment in July 2006. Based on the
agreement, the Company will invest an additional US$3,094 thousand in
NTAF registered capital. This investment will increase the Company's
equity rights to approximately 51%. Simultaneously, Simest, an
Italian state owned agency that provides specific financial support
for direct investment abroad to Italian companies, will invest an
additional US$2,800 thousand, which represents a 19% equity share.
As part of the agreement, Simest will provide the Company with the
related voting rights, which will increase the Company's total voting
rights in NTAF to approximately 70%.
FIAT indemnification
On July 11, 2006, the Company concluded its on-going negotiations
and signed a settlement agreement with Teksid S.p.A., which is
controlled by FIAT, with respect to outstanding claims pursuant to
the original purchase agreement dated August 2, 2002. The settlement
agreement stipulates that Teksid S.p.A. will pay the Company up to
EUR30.0 million in multiple installments. As of August 29, 2006,
Teksid S.p.A. had paid the Company EUR9.5 million. Pursuant to the
terms of the settlement agreement, the Company is entitled to receive
an additional EUR1.0 million on December 31, 2006, a payment of
EUR1.5 million on December 31, 2007 (subject to substantial
completion of certain improvements to machinery and certain plants)
and a payment of EUR18.0 million upon release of FIAT S.p.A. from its
guaranty provided in favor of a subsidiary of the Company.
On August 25, 2006, the Company entered into an Account Purchase
Agreement ("APA") pursuant to which a third-party may purchase
selected receivables from one of the Company's U.S. subsidiaries,
which may factor on a recourse and non-recourse basis. The aggregate
limit under the APA is US$20 million.
Covenants Compliance
The Company was in full compliance with the financial covenants of
its Senior Credit Agreement and with its Second Lien Agreement with
respect to the period ended June 30, 2006.
Results for the six-months period ended June 30th 2006 and 2005,
included herein, are unaudited and have been presented in accordance
with U.S. GAAP.
Further comments on the second quarter and first half of 2006
earnings will be delivered by Messrs. Jake Hirsch and Jon Smith
during the bondholders and analyst conference call to be held on
August 31st, 2006, at 15:00 pm, Central European Time, 14:00 pm
London Time, 9:00 am Eastern Time. Registration of the Conference
Call will be available on September 1st, 2006 at 15:00 pm, Central
European Time, 14:30 pm London Time, 9:30 am Eastern Time.
Any interested person may join the conference call by using the
dial-in numbers set forth below.
Dial-in +39-071-2861848
About Teksid Aluminum
Teksid Aluminum is a leading independent manufacturer of aluminum
engine castings for the automotive industry. Our principal products
are cylinder heads, engine blocks, transmission housings and
suspension components. We operate 15 manufacturing facilities in
Europe, North America, South America and Asia. Information about
Teksid Aluminum is available on our website at
Until September 2002, Teksid Aluminum was a division of Teksid
S.p.A., which was owned by Fiat. Through a series of transactions
completed between September 30, 2002 and November 22, 2002, Teksid
S.p.A. sold its aluminum foundry business to a consortium of
investment funds led by equity investors that include affiliates of
each Questor Management Company, LLC, JPMorgan Partners, Private
Equity Partners SGR SpA and AIG Global Investment Corp. As a result
of the sale, Teksid Aluminum is owned by its equity investors through
TK Aluminum Ltd., a Bermuda holding company.
For further information please call
Massimiliano Chiara, Finance Director, at +39-011-979-4889
Reconciliation of Net Loss to EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA
Adjusted EBITDA is a supplemental measure of our performance that
is not required by, or presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP.
Furthermore, Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered as an
alternative to net income (loss) or any other performance measures
derived in accordance with U.S. GAAP, or to cash flows from operating
activities as a measure of liquidity.
The following is a reconciliation of Net Loss to EBITDA and to
Adjusted EBITDA:
    (in thousands of     Three-months ended June 30  Six-months ended June 30
    euro)                   2006           2005          2006        2005
                                        as restated              as restated
    Net loss              (24.487)        (2.263)      (43.770)    (10.746)
    Depreciation and       14.274         15.926        13.922      31.594
    Income tax (benefit)     737           5.602       (2.952)      7.401
    Interest expense       15.041         12.621        11.880      24.318
    (income), net
    EBITDA                  5.205         31.786        3.927       52.567
    Equity in (earnings)     144            54            70         250
    loss of affiliated
    companies, net
    Foreign exchanges       8.233        (15.140)       9.208      (19.770)
    losses (gains), net
    Other expense           (386)          1.192        (513)        431
    (income), net
    Adjustments to
    Restructuring /         3.342          2.050        4.774       3.226
    Severance / Early
    retirement expenses
    SEC Filing, SOA and      125           2.402         299        2.593
    Exchange Offer fees
    Other expenses and        -             730           -          730
    non-recurring items
    Fees payable to          625            625          1250        1250
    affiliates of the
    Change in accounting      -           (1.402)         -        (2.683)
    treatment of
    synthetic lease (a)
    Change in accounting     65              -           188          -
    principle of
    compensation (SFAS
    123R) (b)
    Adjusted EBITDA        17.353         22.297        24.408      38.594
(a) As part of the amendments in connection with the Company's
refinancing package, the change in accounting principle related to
the synthetic lease no longer applies as an adjustment to EBITDA.
(b) In association with changed accounting treatment of
stock-based compensation expense (SFAS 123R adopted January 1, 2006),
for covenant compliance purposes, the Company should apply, to the
relevant financial measures, the same accounting principles existing
at the closing date, September 30th, 2002.
Management believes Adjusted EBITDA facilitates comparisons of
operating performance from period to period and company to company by
eliminating potential differences caused by variations in capital
structures (affecting interest expense), tax positions (such as the
impact on periods or companies of changes in effective tax rates or
net operating losses) and the age and book depreciation of tangible
assets (affecting depreciation expense). The Company presents
Adjusted EBITDA as it is the basis against which certain financial
tests are measured under its senior credit facility. The Company also
presents EBITDA because management believes it is frequently used by
securities analysts, investors and other interested parties in
evaluating similar companies, the vast majority of which present
EBITDA when reporting their results. Nevertheless, both EBITDA and
Adjusted EBITDA have limitations as an analytical tool, and you
should not consider it in isolation from, or as a substitute for
analysis of, the Company's results of operations as reported under
U.S. GAAP. Some of these limitations are: such measurements do not
reflect the Company's cash expenditures or future requirements for
capital expenditures or contractual commitments; such measurements do
not reflect changes in, or cash requirements for, the Company's
working capital needs; such measurements do not reflect the
significant interest expense, or the cash requirements necessary to
service interest or principal payments, on the Company's debt;
although depreciation and amortization are non-cash charges, the
assets being depreciated and amortized will often have to be replaced
in the future, such measurements do not reflect any cash requirements
for such replacements; such measurements are not adjusted for all
non-cash income or expense items that are reflected in the Company's
statements of cash flows; and other companies in the Company's
industry may calculate such measurements differently than the
Company, limiting such measurements' usefulness as a comparative
Because of these limitations, EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA should
not be considered as a measure of discretionary cash available to the
Company to invest in the growth of its business.


For further information please call Massimiliano Chiara, Finance
Director, at +39-011-979-4889

Plus de actualités: Teksid Aluminum S.A.R.L.S.C.A
Plus de actualités: Teksid Aluminum S.A.R.L.S.C.A