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betbull - The European Betting Exchange Plc.

euro adhoc: betbull - The European Betting Exchange Plc.
Quartals- und Halbjahresbilanz
Betbull - The European Betting Exchange Plc announces its 3rd Quarter Results and the completion of it’s acquisition of the Leip Group, one of Germany’s leading r

30.11.2005 – 17:09

  Ad hoc-Mitteilung übermittelt durch euro adhoc. Für den Inhalt ist der
  Emittent verantwortlich.
Betbull plc announces its 3rd quarter results for the period 1st July
through 30th September 2005:
During the period:
·       Betbull moved its exchange platform onto a new technology platform,
sharing markets and liquidity with other exchanges.
·       Betbull saw revenues from its betting exchange grow in line with
·       Betbull maintains a healthy cash balance as at 30th September 2005 of
£6.9 m or EUR9.5 m.
On the 31st October, after the completion of the reporting period,
Betbull announced the completion of it’s acquisition of the Leip
Group, one of Germany’s leading retail bookmakers as well as the
successful completion of it’s recent EUR7.5 million fund raising.
Following the acquisition Betbull also intends to shift parts of its
operational base to Primebet’s operational base (a Malta based
company owned 100% by Betbull), realizing significant cost savings.
Commenting on today’s results Günter Schmid, CEO of Betbull said:
"The successful technology migration is of key importance for the
exchange business as recent press reports would indicate that
significant UK retail bookmakers will also be contributing to the
liquidity of the shared platform.  However the most significant
achievement since 1st July has been the acquisition of the Leip Group
and the successful fund raising."
"The acquisition of the Leip Group Betbull signals the end of our
start up phase. The Leip Group is a profitable and cash generative
business in a European key market with significant growth potential.
Our vision is to grow the business organically and through
acquisitions building upon the lead in the rapidly expanding, yet
still immature retail betting sector."
Simon Bold, COO of Betbull, further added: "We now have a fantastic
opportunity for Betbull to be a part of the retail business in
Germany in the World Cup year 2006.  The German retail sector is
ready for the changes that we can bring about in terms of new
products, better technology and improving the customer experience.
With the collective retail bookmaking skills betbull now possesses, I
am confident that we can create substantial value here.  This
acquisition is only the start of our Continental European retail
growth strategy."
This ad hoc release plus 2005 Quarter Three consolidated balance
sheet and the profit and loss account are available on
- ENDS -
Press Contact
Alex Mackey, Catullus Consulting (+44 7773 787 458)
Catriona MacNiven, Investor Relations
Günter Schmid, CEO (upon request)
Simon Bold, COO (upon request)
Phone +350 52561
Fax +350 44554
betbull - The European Betting Exchange Plc ("betbull")
1 London Wall
London EC2Y5EB
This communication can be downloaded from the website
About betbull Betbull has the goal to establish itself as one of the
leading Continental European retail betting players.
The high caliber management team (Simon Bold, Alexander Leip, and
Günter Schmid) can resort not only to state of the art bookmaking and
operating know how but also relevant M&A expertise and track record.
Betbull was started in 2004 as a joint venture of
Interactive Entertainment AG (stock quoted on the Viennese stock
exchange) and Fun Technologies Plc (formerly traded as CES-Software
Plc, stock quoted on the Alternative Investment Market in London) and
is stock quoted since October 2004 on the Viennese stock exchange
("BETB", "BETB.VI").
For further details please refer to the company website
This communication contains statements about the future (prognoses).
Those statements are based on the Directors’s opinion, assumptions
made by the Directors, and information available to the Directors.
One or several factors that the Directors cannot foresee with
certainty could result in outcomes and events that deviate from the
prognoses.  All prognoses are valid only on the date of their
announcement.  Betbull has no intentions to and is not obliged to
update prognoses or to adapt prognoses to future events or


betbull - The European Betting Exchange Plc.
Catriona Macniven
Investor Relations
Tel.: +350 77331

Branche: Glücksspiele
ISIN: AT0000615331
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / Börse

Plus de actualités: betbull - The European Betting Exchange Plc.
Plus de actualités: betbull - The European Betting Exchange Plc.