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Pieris AG

Pieris demonstrates potent anti-tumor activity of a VEGF-specific Anticalin® in preclinical studies

29.03.2007 – 12:10

Freising-Weihenstephan (ots)

Pieris AG, a bio-pharmaceutical
company developing therapeutic products comprising of Anticalins®,
a novel proprietary class of human binding proteins, announced today
it has demonstrated potent anti-tumor activity of PRS-050. The
positive results with PRS-050, a VEGF-specific Anticalin® with
extended serum half life, were achieved in a tumor xenograft model,
thereby supporting the development of a superior biotherapeutic for a
range of cancer indications.
PRS-050 targets VEGF, a key positive regulator of angiogenesis
important in several diseases including cancer and neovascular eye
disorders. PRS-050 exhibits a favorable binding and functional in
vitro activity profile in direct comparison to all currently approved
VEGF antagonists. Strong reduction of VEGF-induced enhanced vascular
permeability after systemic administration of PRS-050 was also
demonstrated in a second preclinical model. In both in vivo models
PRS-050 was at least as efficacious as Avastin® (bevacizumab;
Genentech / Roche). The data will be presented at CHI's forthcoming
Protein Engineering Summit in Boston, USA.
"This example highlights perfectly how Pieris is able to adapt
pharmacokinetic properties of Anticalins® depending on the intended
therapeutic use. It took less than three months after identification
of an optimized Anticalin® to validate the approach in vivo,"
comments Dr Andreas Hohlbaum, Director of Science and Preclinical
Development of Pieris.
"We have unequivocally demonstrated the drug development potential
of Anticalins® using well-accepted disease relevant preclinical
models," says Evert Küppers, Chief Executive Officer of Pieris. "With
our PRS-050 we have now established a solid fundament for developing
the next generation of anti-angiogenesis inhibitors with a favorable
product profile."
For further information, please contact:
Pieris AG
Dr Andreas Hohlbaum, Dir. of Science & Preclin. Dev., 
Phone +49 (0) 8161 1411 400
Notes to editors
About Pieris AG
Pieris is a biopharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery and
development of Anticalins®, human non-antibody binding proteins,
for the diagnosis and treatment of life-threatening human disorders.
Exploiting extensive know-how in protein engineering as part of a
broad intellectual property portfolio, the Company applies a balanced
risk business model to the development of its Anticalin®
candidates. To date, Pieris has reached all development milestones on
time under the agreements with its industry partners. Recognizing the
enormous market potential of protein-based drugs, Pieris is committed
to becoming an integrated drug discovery and development company.
About the Anticalin® technology
Anticalins® are derived from the lipocalin scaffold, originally
developed by Prof. Dr. Arne Skerra, a leading expert in the field and
Head of the Department of Biological Chemistry at the Technical
University of Munich, Germany. As engineered human proteins,
Anticalins® have prescribed binding properties and have fundamental
similarities with fully human antibodies e.g. picomolar potency and
expected low immunogenicity. Anticalins® have several additional
advantages over conventional antibodies due to their small size (20
kDa), robust tertiary structure and straight composition that confer
high solubility, predictable stability and bacterial
manufacturability. Fast pharmaco-kinetics and favorable tissue
penetration of Anticalins® can be balanced through adjustable
modulation of serum half-life and valency by established
By developing Anticalin® based products, Pieris and its
collaborators are not only able to develop superior biotherapeutics,
but they also have the ability to overcome the encumbering patent
landscape as currently present for developing conventional
About VEGF and PRS-050
Angiogenesis - the development of new blood vessels from
pre-existing vasculature - plays an important role in several
diseases. Although various pro- and anti-angiogenic factors have been
identified, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) has been
implicated as the key angiogenic factor in cancer and neovascular eye
The PRS-050 program has been designed to develop Anticalins®
that specifically bind and block the signalling activity of VEGF.
PRS-050 exhibits a favourable binding and functional in vitro
activity profile in direct comparison to all currently approved
VEGF antagonists. Strong inhibition of VEGF-induced enhanced
vascular permeability and strong anti-tumor activity could be
demonstrated in vivo.
Pieris will exploit in the PRS-050 program the compact structure,
intrinsic stability, broad formulation flexibility and small
molecular size of Anticalins® to develop products with enhanced
penetration into neovascularized tissues for indications such as
age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or diabetic retinopathy.
Anticalins® with extended serum half life will be employed for the
treatment of solid tumors.
Further information is available at
Anticalin®, Anticalins® are registered trademarks of Pieris


Pieris AG
Dr Andreas Hohlbaum
Dir. of Science & Preclin. Dev.
Tel.: +49(0)/8161'1411'400

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Plus de actualités: Pieris AG