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Axiom Systems

Axiom Systems stellt zukunftssichere Versorgungsplattform für Telekom Austria bereit

21.09.2005 – 09:04

Reading, England (ots/PRNewswire)

Axiom Systems Ltd,
renommierter Anbieter von Service-Design- und -Delivery-Software, gab
heute bekannt, dass die Telekom Austria ihre Breitband
DSL-Dienstleistungen unter Verwendung der AXiOSS(R)-Produkte in
Partnerschaft mit Alcatel bereitstellt.
Einer der innovativsten Telekommunikationsbetreiber Europas, die
Telekom Austria, wird die Produkte als Basis einer
Versorgungsplattform für alle zukünftigen Dienstleistungen nutzen.
Ein Ziel ist die Konsolidierung der verschiedenen existierenden
Versorgungssysteme in einer einzigen Lösung mit stromlinienförmigen
Utilizing the unique componentised functionality of AXiOSS, this
technology is crucial in tackling the changing resources, protocols,
delivery chains and business processes involved in the delivery of
global, multi-media communications services.
The introduction of AXiOSS will enable the following benefits:
  • Fewer manual processes which may lead to errors.
  • Shorter provisioning times through improved automation.
  • Increased scalability to be able to deal with increasing numbers of customers.
  • Improved customer service.
Gareth Senior, Chief Executive Officer, Axiom Systems, said, "The
ability to quickly configure the series of tasks necessary for
provisioning IP services is critical to an operators' ability to
drive revenues from these service offerings. Our service design and
delivery solutions are helping operators worldwide to achieve
business results in short time periods."
Alcatel and Axiom Systems have a long history of working with
cutting-edge service providers such as Telekom Austria. The AXiOSS
Suite of products employ the latest advances in OSS technology which
are based around components.
About Axiom Systems
Axiom Systems Ltd, enables telecommunications
companies to design and deliver broadband and IP services. An
advocate of Service Creation Environments, Axiom Systems also offers
pre-packaged service solutions called AXiOSS Faststream(TM) and the
point products, Order-to-Service (O2S), Inventory Management (IMS)
and Service Activation (SAFE).
Privately held, Axiom Systems is headquartered in Reading, United
Kingdom with regional presence in Milan, Vienna, Brussels, Munich,
Paris, Madrid and Sydney.


Martine Parsons, Marketing Director, Axiom Systems, Tel:
+44-1189-294-133, Email:

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