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euro adhoc: SYNAXON AG
Joint Ventures/Cooperation/Collaboration
SYNAXON AG discloses name of potential strategic investor

06.04.2006 – 11:47

  Disclosure update announcement transmitted by euro adhoc.
  The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
Bielefeld, April 6, 2006: In its announcement of the company’s
preliminary results for 2005, SYNAXON AG informed the market that a
strategic investor was in negotiations with the Management Board of
SYNAXON AG regarding the submission of a takeover offer. The
potential investor in question is ElectronicPartner, Düsseldorf.  The
management of both companies are currently in close contact.
Presumably, preparations are to be concluded in August. The
submission of a takeover offer will depend, among other things, on
whether a joint business model can be found for the purposes of
integration. ElectronicPartner has assured to conduct a possible
takeover only in consultation with the management of SYNAXON AG.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 06.04.2006 11:13:10
original announcement:
keywords: Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
euro adhoc: SYNAXON AG / Financial Figures/Balance Sheet / SYNAXON AG provides
preliminary figures for the 2005 financial year / Strategic investor
announces preparations for public takeover offer 23.02.2006
Bielefeld, February 23, 2006: Based on preliminary calculations, net
profit for the SYNAXON Group amounted to approx. EUR 0.2 million at
Dec. 31, 2005 (Dec. 31, 2004: EUR 2.7 million). This corresponds to
earnings per share of approx. 5 cents (FY 2004: 76 cents). The
management had originally anticipated a reduction in earnings to 40
cent per share as a result of a far-reaching investment programme.
These planned expenses coincided with exceptional charges. First,
expenses associated with legal action taken following the contract
terminations by 19 PC-SPEZIALIST franchisees were considerably higher
than originally budgeted. Legal fees and provisions for legal
proceedings amounted to more than EUR 0.6 million. In addition,
valuation allowances had to be made in the amount of EUR 0.2 million
for receivables from the above-mentioned franchisees in order to
account for potential defaults. The second major factor was the loss
incurred by the pilot store DIGITAL INC., Vienna, in 2005, which at
around EUR 0.9 million was much more sizeable than originally
forecast in mid-2005.  At around EUR 21 million, sales generated by
the SYNAXON Group were higher than a year ago (FY 2004: EUR 17.2
In view of the company's capital base, the Management Board has
proposed a dividend of EUR 0.40 per share, despite the failure to
meet corporate targets in 2005. The dividend payment is to be made
from revenue reserves. Operating business will not be adversely
affected by the dividend payment.
The full 2005 annual report for the Group will be presented at the
Analysts' Meeting/Annual Results Press Conference to be held in
Bielefeld on March 30, 2006.
Further information is available from the Corporate News Release,
which can also be accessed via the company's website at, Investor Relations / IR Publications.
In addition, a strategic investor notified the company of its
intention to put forward a public takeover offer. The Management
Board of SYNAXON AG is currently not in a position to assess whether
a potential takeover by the investor would be in the interests of the
company and its shareholders.
further inquiry note:
SYNAXON AG, Investor Relations
Karen Müller
Telefon: +49(0)521-9696-292
end of announcement                               euro adhoc
23.02.2006 13:59:13
sector publicity:
2006-02-23 14:31:59 - Bloomberg- sent

Further inquiry note:

Karen Müller
Investor Relations
Telefon: +49(0)521-9696-292

Branche: Hardware
ISIN: DE0006873805
WKN: 687380
Index: CDAX
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing/prime
Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade

Plus de actualités: SYNAXON AG
Plus de actualités: SYNAXON AG