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A-TEC Industries AG

euro adhoc: A-TEC Industries AG
Capital measures
A-TEC INDUSTRIES AG issues Convertible Bond

20.04.2007 – 08:08

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
|A-TEC INDUSTRIES AG issues Convertible Bond                         
| |                                                                  
| |Vienna, April 19, 2007. The management board of A-TEC INDUSTRIES 
AG, Vienna| |(ISIN AT00000ATEC9) resolved today, with the approval of
the supervisory   | |board, based on the authorizations of the 
general shareholders' meeting of |
|November 6, 2006, to issue up to 800,000 convertible bonds with a term of 7|
|years, convertible into up to 800,000 ordinary shares of A-TEC INDUSTRIES  |
|AG. The principal amount of each bond will equal the initial conversion    |
|price. On the fifth anniversary of the issue date of the bonds, Holders    |
|will have the right to cause the company to redeem the bonds (early        |
|redemption put).                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|The convertible bonds will be offered exclusively to existing shareholders |
|of the company in a non-public offering. There will be no subscription     |
|rights trading.                                                            |
|                                                                           |
|The subscription ratio will be 33 : 4 (i.e. for every 33 existing shares,  |
|shareholders will be entitled to subscribe for 4 convertible bonds). The   |
|subscription period will start on April 20, 2007 and end on May 4, 2007    |
|(inclusive).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|Convertible bonds not subscribed by existing shareholders will be offered  |
|to institutional investors in a bookbuilding in the course of a private    |
|placement on the same terms. The final subscription price and, therefore,  |
|the principal amount and the initial conversion price, the redemption      |
|price, the final interest rate and the final total principal amount of the |
|convertible bonds will be determined in the course of this bookbuilding    |
|process. The final terms of the convertible bonds will be published via the|
|electronic media in accordance with §48d of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act|
|(BörseG) and is expected to be published on or about May 5, 2007 in the    |
|official gazette Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung in accordance with §174/2 of |
|the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG).                                 |
|                                                                           |
|M.U.S.T. Privatstiftung has announced that it will not exercise its        |
|subscription rights.                                                       |
About A-TEC Industries
Vienna listed A-TEC Industries AG is  a  Vienna-based  international  industrial
group with successful operations in drive systems,  plant  engineering,  machine
tools and metallurgy. The Group currently employs around 11,000 people, and  the
preliminary results for 2006 show sales revenues of  EUR  1.6  bn.  For  further
information visit .
The offer relating to convertible bonds of A-TEC INDUSTRIES AG does 
not constitute a public offering.  The offer is made exclusively to 
existing shareholders of A-TEC INDUSTRIES AG. This ad hoc release is 
not being issued in the United States of America and must not be 
distributed to U.S. persons (as defined in Regulation S of the U.S. 
Securities Act of 1933, as amended ("Securities Act")) or 
publications with a general circulation in the United States. This ad
hoc release does not constitute an offer or invitation to purchase 
any securities in the United States. The securities of A-TEC 
INDUSTRIES AG have not been registered under the Securities Act and 
may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United States or to 
U.S. persons absent registration under or an applicable exemption 
from the registration requirements of the United States securities 
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 20.04.2007 07:30:00

Further inquiry note:

Pressestelle A-TEC Industries AG
Mag. Claudia Müller-Stralz
Pleon Publico Public Relations & Lobbying
Tel: +43-1-71786-107

Branche: Holding companies
Index: ATX Prime
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / regulated dealing/prime standard

Plus de actualités: A-TEC Industries AG
Plus de actualités: A-TEC Industries AG