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Syzygy AG

EANS-Adhoc: Syzygy AG announce a dividend of 20 cents per share

28.03.2011 – 12:23

  ad-hoc disclosure pursuant to section 15 of the WpHG transmitted by euro
  adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely
  responsible for the content of this announcement.

annual report


Today, the Management and Supervisory Board of Syzygy AG resolved to propose a dividend of 20 cents per share at the Annual General Meeting, the same as the previous year.

Due to a very strong Online Media business in 2010, gross sales were up 8 per cent to EUR 87.1 million. After deduction of the media turnover, net sales of EUR 27.2 million remained, representing a decrease of 6 per cent compared to 2009.

Operating income (EBIT) was down 11 per cent to EUR 3.2 million. Extraordinary tax effects had a positive impact on net income, which rose 14 per cent to EUR 3.8 million. Earnings per share were thus EUR 0.30, which is EUR 0.02 or 7 per cent above last year´s figure.

With EUR 8.2 million, operating cash flow was up significantly as against 2009 (EUR -162,000).

Liquid funds and securities amounted to EUR 23.9 million, corresponding to a cash portion of EUR 1.86 per share.

For 2011, Syzygy Group is expected to deliver significant growth with double-digit growth rates with respect to both net sales and operating income.

|               |2010 (in    |2009 (in |     |
|               |EUR`000)    |EUR`000) |Diff.|
|Gross sales    |87,096      |80,487   |+8%  |
|Net sales      |27,247      |28,833   |-6%  |
|EBIT           |3,168       |3,556    |-11% |
|EBIT margin    |12%         |12%      |-    |
|Net income     |3,796       |3,331    |+14% |
|Earnings/share |EUR 0.30    |EUR 0.28 |+7%  |

The Annual Report will be issued on March 31, 2011 and can be downloaded at in the Investor Relations section.

end of announcement                               euro adhoc


Katrin Schreyer
Telefon: +49/6172-9488251

Branche: Online
ISIN: DE0005104806
WKN: 510480
Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technology All Share
Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Berlin / free trade
Hamburg / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
Düsseldorf / free trade
München / free trade

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