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Von Roll Holding AG

DGAP-Adhoc: Von Roll Holding AG: order intake increased in the first half of 2014

21.08.2014 – 07:16

Von Roll Holding AG  / Key word(s): Half Year Results

21.08.2014 07:00

Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR

Von Roll Holding AG: order intake increased in the first half of 2014

  - Sales: CHF 246.1 million

  - Order intake: CHF 243.3 million

  - EBIT: CHF 1.9 million

Au/Wädenswil, 21 August 2014 - In the first half of 2014, the order intake
of the Von Roll Group increased by 6.4 % to CHF 243.3 million and the order
bank rose by 8.4 % to CHF 129.8 million compared with the same period in
the previous year. Sales increased slightly by 0.1 % to CHF 246.1 million.
Adjusted for exchange rate and copper price effects, sales would have
totalled CHF 256.9 million, 4.5 % more than in the corresponding period
last year.

EBIT amounted to CHF 1.9 million as against CHF 2.1 million in the first
half of 2013, with restructuring costs and start-up expenses for the growth
strategy continuing to have a negative effect. Earnings before interest,
tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) grew by 11.5 % to CHF 10.2
million. Net income stood at CHF -3.6 million compared with CHF -3.9
million in the first half of 2013. Cash flow from operating activities
totalled CHF -9.2 million as against CHF -2.8 million in the corresponding
period last year. The number of employees fell by 8.4 % to 2,521 fulltime

The Insulation division achieved a recovery, particularly in the EMEA
region, leading to an increase in its order intake worldwide of 6.4 % and a
growth in sales of 2.6 % compared with the first half of 2013. In EMEA, the
new strategy is already beginning to deliver results: greater proximity to
customers, a stronger focus on new products and the successful acquisition
of Albesiano Sisa Vernici S.r.l. confirm that the path chosen is the right
one. Order intake increased in all three regions - America, Asia and EMEA -
and was up on the previous year.

Sales in the Composites division fell by 7.6 %. All three regions were
equally affected by the sluggish demand. Unlike last year, there were no
sizeable one-off projects received from the thermal insulation sector.
Reduced defence budgets also had a negative impact on the ballistics

The Technologies division, particularly the Transformers business unit,
enjoyed a slight upturn.

The "Delta Integrale" transformation process begun in 2013 is continuing to
be implemented at high speed. The first phase, which involves creating a
lean, market-driven and customer-centred organisational structure, is
largely completed. The second phase, the consolidation of the global
production units, has begun and is currently being put into practice.

The third phase, which focuses on growth, has also been initiated and is
currently being implemented. The primary focus of this phase is to identify
attractive market segments and launch corresponding activities in all
regions. Appropriate new development activities have begun in the
Composites division, e.g. electromobility. In the Insulation division
groundwork for expansion in the liquids market segment is being laid in all

More detailed information can be found in the Semi-Annual Report 2014. This
is available in digital form at

Key figures

in CHF 1 000                           1H 2014            1H 2013    Change
Order intake                           243'264            228'632      6,4%
Net sales                              246'138            245'943      0,1%
Thereof Insulation                     145'888            142'196      2,6%
Thereof Composites                      62'741             67'881     -7,6%
Thereof Technologies                    37'509             35'866      4,6%
EBIT                                     1'862              2'060     -9,6%
Net income                              -3'595             -3'923      8,4%
Cash flow from operating                -9'203             -2'817  ->100.0%
Equity ratio                               36%                44%    -8 ppt
Number of employees (FTE)                2'521              2'751     -8,4%

About Von Roll Holding AG:
As a Swiss industrial company Von Roll Holding AG focuses on products and
systems for power generation, transmission and distribution. Von Roll is a
global market leader for insulation products, systems and services and has
a presence in 20 countries with about 2,520 employees at over 30 sites.

Claudia Guentert, Corporate Communications
T: +41 44 204 3529, F: +41 44 204 3007, E:

This press release is based on information currently available.
Unforeseeable risks and influences may lead to discrepancies with the
statements made here. Furthermore, rounding differences may lead to
discrepancies in the reported figures. For more information on the company
and its business performance, please refer to the Annual and Semi-Annual
Report of Von Roll Holding AG which is available in digital form at

21.08.2014 News transmitted by EQS Schweiz AG.
The issuer is responsible for the contents of the release.

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Language:               English
Company:                Von Roll Holding AG
                        Steinacherstr. 101
                        8804 Au
Phone:                  +41 44 204 3500
Fax:                    +41 44 204 3010
ISIN:                   CH0003245351
Listed:                 Freiverkehr in Berlin, Düsseldorf, München,
                        Stuttgart; Frankfurt in Open Market ; SIX

End of Announcement                             EQS Group News-Service


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