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Mühlbauer Holding AG

euro adhoc: Mühlbauer Holding AG & Co.KGaA
Quarterly or Semiannual Financial Statements
Mühlbauer with significant increased profitability in the 3rd quarter – for FY 2004 significant increase in sales and results is expected

04.11.2004 – 07:38

Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc.
  The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
Roding, November 04, 2004: Mühlbauer Technology Group, listed in the
German Prime Standard, following the positive start of its current
fiscal year, completed a significant increased profitability in the
3rd quarter. During the reporting period EBIT rose by 236.7% to 7.0 m
EUR, compared with 2.1 m EUR in the same period last year. As a
result for the first time since three years, the EBIT margin has
increased to over 20% - compared with 9.1% in the previous year. In
addition the high net cash position supported the positive
development of the interest result and presented the global acting
company an excellent EBT of 7.2 m EUR (2.3). Thus the pretax profit
margin in the 3rd quarter notes with 20.9% (9.9%). After taxes, the
Mühlbauer Group was able to add additionally 4.8 m EUR (1.7) into
retained earnings – an increase of 182.5%. This corresponds to a EPS
figure of 0.33 EUR – three times more than in the same period last
year (0.10). During the first nine months of this year Mühlbauer
increased its EBIT from 5.1 m EUR by 181.2% to 14.4 m EUR, while EPS
grew by 175.0% to 0.66 EUR (0.24). Due to the positive developments
of the first nine month the company is quite confident for the
remainder of the year. For 2004 the group expects a significant
increase in sales and results.
Furthermore, the free cashflow of the Technology Group did increase
again. With +4.1 m EUR, it is close to the level of the comparable
period last year (4.5), despite planned capital expenditures during
the reporting period of 4.7 Mio. EUR. Supported by the further
reduction of the Working Capital by 29.9% (in relation to the
previous year-end of 39.6) to a new all-time low of 27.8 m EUR in the
first nine months the free cashflow increased to 19.5 m EUR, 277.1%
higher than in the comparable period last year (5.2).
In the 3rd quarter the worldwide acting Technology Group received
additional 36.9 m  EUR order income, exceeding the previous year
(22.4) with 64.8%. Especially, the core business Smart Identification
with 18.4 m EUR gained significantly more orders  than in the
previous year (7.8) – up 137.7%. After high growth in previous
quarters order income for Semiconductor Related Products totaled 10.2
m EUR, slightly less than in the previous year (10.8). Also within
the two remaining areas order income increased significantly. While
Traceability, in the reporting period added around 205.0% to 3.3 m
EUR (1.1), the Precision Parts & Systems area reached a high of 84.7%
to 5.0 m EUR (2.7).  The strong demand for technology solutions in
the first nine months raised the incoming orders higher than in any
entire year previously. The comparable previous year level (73.3) was
exceeded by incoming orders around 86.1% and climbed on 136.5 m EUR.
Furthermore the order backlog is still on a high level. He amounts to
69.1 m EUR (31.5), that corresponds to an increase of 119.1%.
Sales increased by 48.7% in the 3rd quarter of fiscal year 2004, far
exceeding the previous year's sales (23.1), rising by 11.3 m EUR to
34.4 m EUR. In Europe sales represented 67.2% (65.0%) of the
business, followed by Asia with 16.6% (26.1%). In the NAFTA region
and South America the sales ratio remained at 7.1%. The percentage of
sales for the remaining regions, Africa and Australia, amounted to
9.1% (1.8%). In the current fiscal year, the consolidated sales
exceeded the previous years by around 29.9%, totaling 90.7 m EUR
The complete quarterly report III/2004 can be downloaded at
For further information’s please contact:: Investor Relations, Tel.:
+49 (0) 9461-952-653, Fax: +49 (0) 9461-952-8520,, Mühlbauer Holding AG & Co. KGaA,
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 3, D-93426 Roding,
end of announcement                    euro adhoc 04.11.2004 07:00:00 

Further inquiry note:

Hubert Forster

Branche: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: DE0006627201
WKN: 662720
Index: Nemax 50, Prime Standard, CDAX, Prime All Share, Technologie All Share
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing
Berliner Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade
Bremer Wertpapierbörse (BWB) / free trade

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