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Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

EANS-News: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA /

06.03.2013 – 07:37

  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
  responsible for the content of this announcement.

Financial Figures/Balance Sheet

Düsseldorf (euro adhoc) - March 6, 2013

2012 targets fully achieved

Henkel's sales and earnings reaching record levels

 - Sales rise 5.8 percent to 16,510 million euros (organic: +3.8%)
 - Adjusted* operating profit: +15.1 percent to 2,335 million euros
 - Adjusted* EBIT margin: +1.1 percentage points to 14.1%
 - Adjusted* earnings per preferred share (EPS): +17.8% to 3.70 euros
 - Strong performance in the emerging markets (organic: +7.8%)
 - Proposed dividend: +18.8 percent to 0.95 euros per preferred share
 - 2013 set to be another year of growth

* Adjusted for one-time charges/gains and restructuring charges

Düsseldorf - "2012 was the most successful year for Henkel so far:  we  achieved
excellent results in a highly volatile and competitive  market  environment  and
met or exceeded all financial targets," said Henkel CEO,  Kasper  Rorsted.  "All
three Henkel business sectors showed profitable growth with expansion of  market
shares in their relevant markets. We also delivered on the  ambitious  financial
targets we set in 2008  for  the  period  up  to  2012.  We  have  substantially
strengthened Henkel's competitiveness, establishing a strong foundation for  our
future growth."

Looking at fiscal year  2013,  Rorsted  said:  "The  strong  dynamics  and  high
volatility in our markets will persist. Although Henkel is well  positioned,  we
will continue to further simplify and improve our processes in order to  respond
to changes faster than our competition.

We expect organic sales growth for the full fiscal year to be between  3  and  5
percent. We also expect to increase our adjusted  EBIT  margin  to  around  14.5
percent, and  improve  adjusted  earnings  per  preferred  share  by  around  10

Sales and earnings 2012

In a challenging economic environment, Henkel's sales  grew  to  16,510  million
euros in fiscal year 2012, an increase of 5.8 percent  versus  the  prior  year.
Organic  sales,   which   exclude   the   impact   of   foreign   exchange   and
acquisitions/divestments, rose by 3.8 percent, driven by both price and  volume.

All three business sectors contributed  to  organic  sales  growth  and  further
expanded market shares in their relevant markets. Laundry & Home Care posted  an
increase  in  organic  sales  of  4.7  percent.  Organic  growth   in   Adhesive
Technologies was around 3.6 percent. The Beauty Care business sector  posted  an
organic sales growth of 3.1 percent.

After allowing for one-time gains, one-time charges and  restructuring  charges,
adjusted operating profit rose to 2,335  million  euros,  an  increase  of  15.1
percent over the figure of 2,029 million euros for the  prior  year.  All  three
business sectors contributed to this positive  development.  Reported  operating
profit (EBIT) amounted to 2,199 million euros compared to  1,765  million  euros
in the prior year.

Despite  higher  prices  in  procurement  markets,  adjusted  return  on   sales
(adjusted EBIT margin) increased significantly by 1.1  percentage  points,  from
13.0 percent to 14.1 percent. Reported return on sales amounted to 13.3  percent
compared to 11.3 percent in the prior year.

The financial result improved by 14 million euros to -141 million  euros,  as  a
result of the decrease in net debt and lower interest  rates.  Foreign  exchange
also had a positive effect. The tax rate  was  24.4  percent  compared  to  26.0
percent in the prior year.

Adjusted net income after deducting non-controlling interests increased year  on
year by 18.2 percent, from 1,356 million  euros  to  1,603  million  euros.  Net
income was at 1,556 million euros compared to 1,191 million euros in  the  prior
year.  After  deducting  46  million  euros  attributable   to   non-controlling
interests, net income amounted to 1,510  million  euros  (previous  year:  1,161
million euros). Adjusted earnings  per  preferred  share  (EPS)  increased  17.8
percent year on year, from 3.14 euros to 3.70 euros. Unadjusted,  EPS  was  3.49
euros versus 2.69 euros in the prior year.

The Management Board, Supervisory  Board  and  Shareholders'  Committee  propose
that the Annual General Meeting approves a  18.8  percent  higher  dividend  per
preferred share of 0.95 euros (previous year: 0.80 euros)  and  a  19.2  percent
increased dividend per  ordinary  share  of  0.93  euros  (previous  year:  0.78

The ratio of net working capital  to  sales  underwent  a  further  improvement,
ending the year at 5.2 percent, 2.1 percentage points below  the  level  at  the
end of 2011. Net debt as of December 31, 2012,  decreased  substantially  to  85
million euros (December 31, 2011: 1,392 million euros). Free cash flow was  more
than doubled to a new record high of 2,023 million euros.

Business sector performance

Laundry & Home Care reported an organic increase in sales  of  4.7  percent  for
the year under review. Growth was thus significantly above that of its  relevant
markets. Nominally, sales rose 5.9 percent to 4,556 million euros for the  year,
with all regions contributing to the positive business performance.

Western Europe posted positive organic sales  growth  despite  the  persistently
difficult market environment prevailing in its southern  countries.  The  region
profited significantly from the very solid performance  registered  in  Germany,
France and Italy. Sales growth in North America was likewise  solid,  despite  a
highly competitive and still declining market. Sales  in  the  emerging  markets
increased by a high single-digit percentage overall.

Adjusted operating profit rose significantly by  15.5  percent  to  659  million
euros. Adjusted return on sales likewise improved, by 1.3 percentage  points  to
14.5 percent. Reported operating profit stood at 621 million euros, compared  to
419 million euros in the previous year.  In  addition  to  a  positive  business
performance the improvement  was  also  attributable  to  reduced  restructuring

Continuing the trend of previous years, Beauty Care again  generated  profitable
growth in 2012. Organically, sales rose by 3.1 percent, once more  significantly
outstripping the positive growth of the relevant markets. As in previous  years,
the strong innovation program contributed to this solid performance.  Nominally,
sales rose by 4.2 percent, reaching 3,542 million euros.

Business performance was particularly successful in the emerging  markets,  with
Asia (excluding Japan) standing out through strong  double-digit  growth  thanks
to substantial expansion of business in China.  The  Africa/Middle  East  region
likewise posted double-digit sales growth, and there were also  sales  increases
in the mature markets.
Business performance in North America  was  particularly  gratifying.  Sales  in
Europe remained at the 2011 level despite the euro crisis and  adverse  economic
developments in Southern Europe.

Adjusted operating profit increased significantly  by  6.8  percent  versus  the
prior year, to 514 million euros, the business sector's highest earnings  figure
to date. As a result, adjusted return on sales rose by 0.3 percentage points  to
14.5 percent, likewise reaching a new high. Reported operating profit rose  year
on year by 2.6 percent to 483 million euros.

Adhesive Technologies likewise continued its profitable growth in 2012.  Despite
economic  activity  slowing  overall  during  the  course  of  the  year,  sales
increased above the 8 billion euro mark for the first time, reaching a new  high
of 8,256 million euros. Organic sales  growth  was  3.6  percent,  with  ongoing
portfolio alignment toward innovative customer solutions being a key  factor  in
this solid performance.

Strong sales growth was again recorded in emerging  markets,  the  Africa/Middle
East region accounting for the largest increase with sales growth in the double-
digits. Sales performance was positive  overall  in  the  mature  markets,  with
especially large contributions from  North  America.  The  strong  sales  growth
generated there more than compensated for the effects of the  negative  economic
conditions in Western Europe, particularly in the countries of Southern Europe.

Adjusted operating profit increased by 15.9 percent and reached a  new  high  of
1,246 million euros. Adjusted return on sales rose  by  1.2  percentage  points,
likewise reaching another high of 15.1 percent. Operating profit  rose  by  18.9
percent to 1,191 million euros.

Regional performance

In a highly competitive market  environment,  Western  Europe  posted  sales  of
5,610 million euros, virtually matching the prior  year.  Organic  sales  growth
was slightly negative at  -0.5  percent.  The  positive  trend  in  Germany  was
overshadowed by the recessionary trend in  Southern  Europe.  Sales  in  Eastern
Europe increased by 6.2 percent  to  2,986  million  euros.  The  organic  sales
growth of 6.0 percent was supported primarily by the businesses  in  Turkey  and
Russia. In the Africa/Middle East region, sales grew by a nominal  15.3  percent
to 1,077 million euros. Organic sales growth was 12.6 percent, driven by double-
digit growth rates in, among others,  the  United  Arab  Emirates,  Algeria  and
Egypt. Sales in the North America region registered a nominal increase  of  11.3
percent to 3,023 million euros. Despite a  reluctant  consumer  climate  in  the
USA, organic sales growth for the region came in at 4.8 percent. Sales in  Latin
America declined slightly by a nominal -0.4  percent  to  1,062  million  euros.
Organically, on the other hand, sales grew  by  3.1  percent.  This  was  mainly
thanks to business performance in Mexico, whereas  Brazil  registered  declining
sales. In the Asia-Pacific region, sales grew  by  a  nominal  13.1  percent  to
2,597 million euros. With organic growth of 7.4 percent,  the  region  continued
to show very strong performance, driven in  particular  by  double-digit  growth
rates in China and India.

Sales generated by the emerging markets of Eastern Europe,  Africa/Middle  East,
Latin America and Asia (excluding Japan) increased nominally by 9.3  percent  to
7,115 million euros in the  reporting  period.  Organic  sales  growth  was  7.8
percent, with all  business  sectors  contributing.  The  share  of  sales  from
emerging markets climbed from 42 to 43 percent.

Fourth quarter 2012

Henkel increased fourth quarter sales by 5.3 percent  year  on  year,  to  4,002
million euros. Organic sales growth was 4.0 percent. Adjusted  operating  profit
- i.e. earnings adjusted for one-time charges/gains and restructuring charges  -
rose 8.4 percent, from 502 million to  544  million  euros.  Reported  operating
profit (EBIT) reached 492 million euros  following  347  million  euros  in  the
prior year quarter. Adjusted return on sales (adjusted  EBIT  margin)  rose  0.4
percentage points, from 13.2 percent to 13.6 percent. Return on  sales  amounted
to 12.3 percent following 9.1 percent in the prior  year  period.  Adjusted  net
income for the quarter after deducting non-controlling interests  rose  year  on
year by 12.9 percent, from 334 million to 377 million euros.  Total  net  income
for the quarter was 357 million euros compared  to  212  million  euros  in  the
previous  year.  After  deducting  non-controlling  interests  amounting  to  14
million euros, net income for the quarter amounted to 343 million  euros  (prior
year quarter: 203 million euros). Adjusted earnings per  preferred  share  (EPS)
rose 13.0 percent to 0.87 euros versus 0.77 euros in  the  prior  year  quarter,
while the unadjusted figure rose from 0.47 euros to 0.79 euros.

Outlook for the Henkel Group 2013

Henkel expects to generate organic sales growth of 3  to  5  percent  in  fiscal
year 2013, and expects each business sector to  generate  organic  sales  growth
within this range. In recent years, Henkel has introduced a number  of  measures
that have had a positive effect on  its  cost  structure.  Also  in  this  year,
Henkel intends to  continue  adapting  its  structures  to  constantly  changing
market conditions and to continue its  strict  cost  discipline,  especially  in
administration. By optimizing and standardizing its processes and continuing  to
expand its shared services, Henkel can pool activities and thus further  improve
its own efficiency while at the same time enhancing the quality of its  customer
service. Moreover, the optimization of its  production  and  logistics  networks
will help to improve cost structures. These factors together with  the  expected
increase in sales will have a positive effect on earnings performance.  Compared
to the figures for 2012, Henkel expects  adjusted  return  on  sales  (EBIT)  to
increase to around 14.5 percent (2012: 14.1  percent),  and  that  all  business
sectors will contribute to this improvement.  Henkel  further  expects  adjusted
earnings per preferred share to increase by around 10 percent.

This document  contains  forward-looking  statements  which  are  based  on  the
current estimates and assumptions made by the corporate management of Henkel  AG
& Co. KGaA. Forward-looking statements are characterized by  the  use  of  words
such as expect, intend, plan, predict, assume,  believe,  estimate,  anticipate,
forecast and similar formulations. Such statements are not to be  understood  as
in any way guaranteeing that those expectations will turn out  to  be  accurate.
Future performance and the results actually achieved by Henkel  AG  &  Co.  KGaA
and its affiliated companies depend on a number of risks and  uncertainties  and
may therefore differ materially from the  forward-looking  statements.  Many  of
these factors are outside Henkel's control and cannot  be  accurately  estimated
in advance,  such  as  the  future  economic  environment  and  the  actions  of
competitors and others involved in the marketplace.  Henkel  neither  plans  nor
undertakes to update forward-looking statements.


Lars Witteck                            Wulf Klüppelholz
Phone +49 211 797 - 2606                Phone      +49 211 797 - 1875
Fax   +49 211 798 - 4040                Fax  +49 211 798 - 4040
E-Mail:         E-Mail:

Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

The 2012 Annual Report and further information with download material and the
link to the press conference live webcast can be found in our press folder at:

Up-to-date information about the financial results 2012 is also available in
our new Henkel iPad app. This app delivers you a wealth of information on
Henkel, including latest news, annual and sustainability reports, videos, and
more. In the course of 2013, Henkel will introduce an Android version, too.

Further inquiry note:
Irene Honisch
Assistent Corporate Communications
Tel.: +49 (0)211 797-5668

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

company:     Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
             Henkelstr. 67
             D-40191 Düsseldorf
phone:       +49 (0)211 797-0
FAX:         +49 (0)211 798-4008
sector:      Consumer Goods
ISIN:        DE0006048432, DE0006048408
indexes:     DAX, CDAX, HDAX, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
             regulated dealing: Berlin, regulated dealing/prime standard:
language:   English

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Plus de actualités: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
  • 16.11.2012 – 08:34

    EANS-News: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA /

    company: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Henkelstr. 67 D-40191 Düsseldorf phone: +49 (0)211 797-0 FAX: +49 (0)211 798-4008 WWW: sector: Consumer Goods ISIN: DE0006048432, DE0006048408 indexes: DAX, CDAX, HDAX, Prime All Share stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing: Berlin, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt language: English ...

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    EANS-News: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA /

    company: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Henkelstr. 67 D-40191 Düsseldorf phone: +49 (0)211 797-0 FAX: +49 (0)211 798-4008 WWW: sector: Consumer Goods ISIN: DE0006048432, DE0006048408 indexes: DAX, CDAX, HDAX, Prime All Share stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing: Berlin, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt language: English ...

  • 01.08.2012 – 07:45

    EANS-News: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA /

    company: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Henkelstr. 67 D-40191 Düsseldorf phone: +49 (0)211 797-0 FAX: +49 (0)211 798-4008 WWW: sector: Consumer Goods ISIN: DE0006048432, DE0006048408 indexes: DAX, CDAX, HDAX, Prime All Share stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing: Berlin, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt language: English ...