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The Work Foundation

Muscle and Joint Pain Costs European Economies up to EUR240 Billion a Year

30.09.2009 – 00:05

Brussels (ots/PRNewswire)

- New Study Reveals Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDS) Responsible
for More Sick Days Than any Other Health Condition
A new study today finds that musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
account for nearly half (49%) of all absences from work and 60% of
permanent work incapacity in the European Union. These and other
socio-economic consequences of suffering from poor health due to
muscle and joint pain represent an estimated cost to society in
Europe of up to EUR240 billion.[1]
The groundbreaking study, conducted across 25 European countries
in Europe and beyond by UK-based research organisation The Work
Foundation, finds 100 million Europeans suffer from chronic
musculoskeletal pain - over 40 million of whom are workers - with up
to 40% having to give up work due to their condition.
"MSDs clearly have a serious, negative impact on the EU
workforce, as they were responsible for millions of lost working days
- 9.5 million were lost in one year in the UK alone," says Stephen
Bevan, managing director of The Work Foundation. "As Europe now
struggles to emerge from the global recession, one consideration
policy-makers should address is how labour productivity in businesses
is being undermined by these often very painful conditions."
Early interventions make a difference
This pan-European research suggests that early detection of, and
intervention in, MSDs ultimately reduces the burden on governments'
health and disability budgets, and measurably improves the lives of
European citizens - and employees' performance. The Fit for Work
report also recommends a new and more inclusive method to evaluate
the cost-effectiveness of treating illness in general, and MSDs in
particular: one that considers more than simply the up-front costs of
medical expenditure and incorporates wider socio-economic
considerations - such as work productivity - into the financial and
medical evaluations for treating MSDs and other chronic conditions.
Such an approach could provide a more holistic and perhaps more
realistic assessment of the overall costs and benefits of diagnosis,
prevention and treatment, the report argues.
Tatiana Quadrello, senior researcher at The Work Foundation,
adds, "The Fit for Work study clearly suggests that early
intervention is a key factor in allowing people with MSDs to remain
in work. This has provided us with the beginnings of a potential
calculation of an 'early intervention premium' which could encourage
Governments and healthcare professionals to consider this when
discussing intervention policies."
The Fit for Work research has shown that people with
musculoskeletal disorders who are able to work can experience health,
social, psychological and economic benefits. According to Maarten de
Wit, former Vice President of EULAR-PARE*, "Workers with MSDs who are
supported at work are more productive and represent a return on
investment for businesses. In addition, working and homemaking
increase people's sense of worth, making them happier and more
productive and engaged members of society."
A call for coordinated and focused action
Based on this pan-European study, the Fit for Work campaign is
being launched today at the European Parliament in Brussels by MEPs
Edite Estrela (SD, Portugal) and Antonyia Parvanova (ALDE, Bulgaria),
with a keynote address from Belgian Minister for Employment and Equal
Opportunities, Joelle Milquet, and Isabel de la Mata, Principal
Adviser with special interest in Public Health at the European
Commission Directorate General for Health and Consumers. Professor
Paul Emery, serving president of the European League against
Rheumatism (EULAR), will close the launch with a call for action from
policymakers, healthcare professionals, patients and employers. The
launch of the project in Brussels is in partnership with leading
European research organisation RAND Europe, and has been endorsed by
the Swedish Presidency of the European Union.
"Only coordinated action between governments, business, the
healthcare professional community and patients will result in
interventions that allow those living with MSDs to stay working,
contribute to society and maintain quality of life," says Edite
Estrela MEP. The co-host of the launch event, Antonyia Parvanova MEP
added, "Once governments have agreed that MSDs are a priority, they
should set out national welfare and public health plans addressing
these conditions, establishing frameworks for the delivery of care
and services for people with MSDs."
Notes to editors
About Musculoskeletal Disorders
Musculoskeletal disorders is an umbrella term covering over 200
conditions that affect the muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments,
peripheral nerves and supporting blood vessels, causing pain and
functional impairment to sufferers (Punnett et al, 2004).
About The Work Foundation
The Work Foundation is the leading independent authority on work
and its future. It aims to improve the quality of working life and
the effectiveness of organisations by equipping leaders, policymakers
and opinion-formers with evidence, advice, new thinking and networks.
About RAND Europe's health research
RAND Europe is an independent, not-for-profit research
institution with offices in Cambridge UK and Brussels. Its mission is
to help improve policy and decision making through research and
About the Fit for Work project
The Work Foundation's Fit for Work project is supported by a
research grant from Abbott, the global healthcare company, and
logistical support from Weber Shandwick. Fit for Work reports are
produced independently by The Work Foundation, with full editorial
control resting with The Work Foundation alone. For further
information please contact Amandine de Coster at Weber Shandwick:
+32-2-894-9017 or or Nasreen Memon at
The Work Foundation on +44-207-976-3507 or
For information and the opportunity to comment on making
Europe Fit for Work, go to
[1] The Fit for Work research found that MSDs cost the EU from
0.5%-2% of GDP annually. EU27 GDP in 2007 was EUR12.3 trillion. A
loss of 2 % is approximately EUR240bn. Figures calculated from Europe
in Figures - Eurostat yearbook 2009, published 18 September 2009.
* EULAR-PARE: the European League Against Rheumatism-People with
Arthritis and Rheumatism in Europe
For more information, visit or
contact Jenny Taylor on +44-20-7976-3519 or


For more information, visit or contact
Jenny Taylor on +44-20-7976-3519 or