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Höft & Wessel AG

EANS-News: Hoeft & Wessel steps up sales revenues by 11 per cent in first half of 2011

04.08.2011 – 08:32

  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
  responsible for the content of this announcement.
6-month report

Subtitle: Focus on further internationalisation

Hannover / Germany, 04/08/2011. (euro adhoc) - In the first six months of 2011,
the Hoeft & Wessel Group increased its sales revenues by 11 per cent, to reach
EUR 43.4 million (2010: EUR 39.1 million). Ticketing and check-in systems as
well as mobile terminals contributed a disproportionately large 30 per cent
share of sales revenue growth.

In the first half of 2011, Hoeft & Wessel supplied ticket vending machines to
public transport operators in Geneva and in two Spanish cities. Mobile data
capturing devices were delivered to the Rewe supermarket chain and to
convenience wholesaler Lekkerland. The UK subsidiary Metric installed car
parking ticket machines in the Scottish city of Aberdeen and exported parking
machines to Malaysia.

The international business of this IT and engineering technology Group for
ticketing, parking and mobile solutions is gaining increasing importance. In
the first half of 2011, almost 60 per cent of sales revenues were generated
abroad. At present, the primary focus of international activities is on France
and South America.

The operating result (EBIT) in the first half of 2011, at -EUR 1.3 million,
turned out lower than in the previous year (2010: -EUR 0.9 million) since the
Parking division was unable to make a contribution to EBIT due to temporarily
lower sales revenues in the U.S.

In the wake of new orders placed, such as from eastern Europe for ticket
vending machines and check-in terminals, from the U.S. for car parking ticket
machines and from Switzerland for mobile terminals, the order intake in the
first half of 2011 reached a volume of EUR 32.8 million (previous year: EUR
48.1 million). The order portfolio as at 30/06/2011 stood at EUR 51.4 million
(31/12/2010: EUR 61.9 million).

For 2011 as a whole, the Hoeft & Wessel Group anticipates a slight increase in
sales revenues to more than EUR 96 million and an operating result (EBIT) of
about EUR 3 million. This presupposes that projects will be finalised on
schedule and that the partnership distribution network will continue to
successfully expand as planned.

Key Financials of Hoeft & Wessel Group

in EUR thousands        30/06/11   30/06/10   30/06/09    30/06/08    30/06/07

Sales revenues          43,358     39,124     47,104      42,502      42,536

Operating result before 
deprec./amort. (EBITDA)  1,560      1,589      3,833       3,216       2,653

Operating result (EBIT) (1,303)      (863)     1,569         941         312

 in % of sales revenues      -          -        3.3         2.2         0.7

Earnings before taxes 
(EBT)                   (1.753)    (1.315)     1.108         231        (347)

 in % of sales revenues      -          -        2.4         0.6           -

Group earnings          (1,512)    (1,544)       741         174        (511)

Earnings per share 
in EUR                   (0.18)     (0.18)      0.09        0.02       (0.06)

Dividend in EUR           0.10       0.08          -           -           -

Operating cash flow     (4,401)     3,824     (1,578)     (2,353)       (542)

Employees                  506        499        499         502         502

IR website with Half-Year Report 2011:

Press kit with photos:

The Company
Hoeft & Wessel is the leading IT and engineering technology Group for
ticketing, parking and mobile solutions in Germany and Great Britain.
Established in 1978 by the two entrepreneurs who gave the company its name and
listed on the stock market since 1998 (ISIN DE0006011000), the enterprise has
developed into a group of companies with sales revenues of nearly EUR 100
million and a workforce of 500 employees. Its main locations are Hannover,
Germany, and Swindon, UK, to the west of London.

The annual investment volume in the Research & Development division, which sets
the pace in the Group´s technological orientation and employs more than a third
of the total workforce, amounts to approximately 10 per cent in terms of
turnover. According to the EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, Hoeft &
Wessel ranks amongst the top companies in Europe.

Further inquiry note:
Arnd Fritzemeier
Tel.: +49-511-6102-300

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

company:     Höft & Wessel AG
             Rotenburger Str.  20
             D-30659 Hannover
phone:       +49-511-6102-0
FAX:         +49-511-6102-411
sector:      Technology
ISIN:        DE0006011000
indexes:     Prime All Share, Technology All Share
stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt, free trade: Berlin,
             Hamburg, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, Hannover, München 
language:   English

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