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november Aktiengesellschaft

EANS-News: november Aktiengesellschaft
PROGEN Biotechnik and Multimetrix, two companies of the november AG, have signed a cooperation agreement with MIKROGEN

19.10.2010 – 10:32

Cologne (euro adhoc) -

Collaboration in the field of Luminex xMAP® technology
Segmentation of activities 
Exploitation of synergies 
Expansion of product range
Development of new markets
  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
  responsible for the content of this announcement.
Joint Ventures/Cooperation/Collaboration/Research & Development
Subtitle: Collaboration in the field of Luminex xMAP® technology
Segmentation of activities
Exploitation of synergies
Expansion of product range
Development of new markets
October 19, 2010: PROGEN Biotechnik
GmbH/Multimetrix GmbH and MIKROGEN GmbH, German licensees of the 
Luminex® technology, have signed a cooperation agreement in the field
of development, production and marketing of multiplex assays for the 
Luminex® platform. Furthermore, the companies bundle their activities
on equipment and application support in connection with the Luminex® 
technology. Thus, the cooperation partners combine their strengths in
a state-of-the-art technology segment and prepare themselves for 
future challenges and developments of new markets.
PROGEM/Multimetrix and MIKROGEN have a long-time experience in the 
Luminex® technology and this cooperation will provide important 
synergies in the area of development and segmentation of their 
activities. The tests will not only be developed and released much 
faster and more standardized but they will also be established in the
market more effectively. For this purpose, MIKROGEN will concentrate 
on the market of routine laboratories whereas PROGEN/Multimetrix will
focus increasingly on the research market, as well as technical 
support and customized testing service.
Routine laboratories as well as research institutes and scientific 
institutions will profit from the expanding product range, the 
standardization and the extensive expertise of the cooperation 
partners with test systems based on the Luminex® technology. 
Attractive solutions for diagnosis of infectious and autoimmune 
diseases are provided to medical laboratories. On the other hand, 
universities and the research industry can rely on customized 
products from the cooperation partners.
A number of own test systems have already been successfully 
introduced in the market. This includes assays for diagnosis of the 
tick-borne borreliosis with a market potential of more than 10 mio 
EUR in Germany alone. MIKROGEN, known as the market leader of 
borreliosis diagnostics, can also benefit in this cooperation from 
its marketing strength with highest product quality, scientific 
competence and excellent customer service.
The cooperation of the companies provides a solid basis for the 
development and successful positioning in the market of further 
multiplex assays for the Luminex® technology. Together with new 
products already under development the companies will offer an 
extensive range of products based on the Luminex® technology.
The general management of PROGEN Biotechnik GmbH is quoted saying "We
are very pleased that with MIKROGEN we have found an innovative and 
strong cooperation partner who has accumulated over the years an 
extensive know-how in the area of Luminex® technology - same as 
PROGEN has - and who will implement together with us new perspectives
and ideas!"
And the general management of MIKROGEN GmbH is quoted as saying 
"Through this cooperation we have access to PROGEN´s and Multimetrix´
profound expertise in research and development as well as technical 
service and support and we can offer our customers an extended range 
of services associated with the Luminex® technology."
About Luminex® Technology The xMAP® (Multi Analyte Profiling) 
technology developed by Luminex® is an innovative assay platform for 
a large range of applications. With this technology it is possible to
simultaneously test 100 parameters in one test run. Thus, the user 
saves time and sample material. The technology is based on 
microscopically small polystyrene beads which are coated with 
antigens e.g. against different infectious diseases. The automated 
process allows the beads to identify up to 100 different analytes 
from one sample. This very sensitive and specific detection enables 
fast screening tests of many different samples as well as a 
differential sample analysis.
About november AG / PROGEN Biotechnik GmbH / Multimetrix GmbH 
november AG, Koeln ( is an investment and holding 
company, listed in the prime standard of the regulated market of the 
German stock exchange (Deutsche Börse), with special focus on medical
technology, biotechnology, and environmental technologies and 100% 
shareholder of PROGEN Biotechnik GmbH. PROGEN Biotechnik GmbH, 
Heidelberg (, is manufacturer of in vitro diagnostics 
(borrelia, hanta virus, FSME) and research reagents (antibodies, 
polypeptides, AAV, hyperphage,, certified to DIN 
EN ISO 13485:2007, as well as for the production of multiplex assays 
for the Luminex® platform. PROGEN is member of the VDGH (German 
Association of Diagnostic Manufacturers) and major shareholder of 
Multimetrix GmbH, Regensburg (
About MIKROGEN GmbH MIKROGEN GmbH, Munich ( is 
worldwide one of the major specialists for the development of test 
systems based on recombinant antigens. Since 1989, the company 
successfully produces high-quality antigens and test systems for 
medical diagnostics. Main field of activity is the development and 
production of genetically engineered in vitro diagnostics. Special 
focus is on bacterial, viral and parasitic infectious disease 
serology as well as autoimmune diagnostics. MIKROGEN is certified to 
DIN EN ISO 13485:2003
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Dr. Dirk Zurek
Tel.: +49 (0) 221 82200 520 10

Branche: Biotechnology
ISIN: DE000A0Z24E9
Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technology All Share
Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Berlin / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
Düsseldorf / free trade
Hannover / free trade
München / free trade

Plus de actualités: november Aktiengesellschaft
Plus de actualités: november Aktiengesellschaft