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Renault-Nissan Alliance

Renault-Nissan Confirms New Vehicles Specifically Tailored for Growth Markets

17.07.2013 – 09:03

India (ots/PRNewswire)

- All-new vehicles from Renault-Nissan's "Common Module Family" will reflect
  "cost-breakthrough" pricing in multiple body and powertrain configurations
- Production will begin in Chennai in 2015 for the Indian market
- Renault and Nissan continue to aggressively expand dealer network and product
  lineup in India

CEO and Chairman Carlos Ghosn confirmed today that the Renault-Nissan Alliance is developing all-new vehicles to meet the specific demands of new car buyers in the world's fastest growing economies.

(Photo: )

The announcement marks the first all-new program developed from the ground up by Renault SAS and Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., teams working side by side from inception. The program, internally named CMF-A, covers the most affordable category of cars in the Common Module Family, Renault-Nissan's unique, modular system of vehicle architecture.

The CMF approach defines vehicles as five essential modules: the engine bay, cockpit, front underbody, rear underbody and electrical/electronic architecture. The compatible parts can then be assembled into hundreds of possible configurations, for maximum efficiency and brand differentiation.

Production of vehicles within the CMF-A scope will begin in 2015 at the Renault-Nissan Alliance plant in Chennai. Renault and Nissan will reveal additional details, including pricing details and product volume, closer to the start of production.

Like all CMF categories, CMF-A offers a high degree of flexibility. Significant body style and powertrain variations can be matched to specific customer needs and preferences in India and other high-growth markets.

"We are breaking new ground with CMF-A to meet and exceed the high standards of consumers in the world's fastest growing economies - particularly people buying a new car for the first time," Ghosn said at Renault Nissan Technology Business Centre, the Chennai-based engineering facility where development work on CMF-A began last year. "These influential consumers don't want a decontented car originally intended for consumers in mature markets. They want and deserve a car that is modern, robust and stylish - at a price point that represents a 'cost breakthrough' for such a generous vehicle."

To read more about Renault-Nissan's overall CMF approach, click here [] , or watch the video [] .

For the full press release, go to:


Mia Nielsen
Renault-Nissan Alliance

Rochelle Chimenes
Renault SAS

Toshitake Inoshita
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.


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